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I'm a daddy? <3

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Well, it's finally time, our Raccoondog gave birth. And not an ordinary one, double litter. Normally, Raccoondogs have about 6-7 pups, she had a WHOPPING 14!

Great news, However, only 10 nipples for 14 pups proves uneasy. So, one of the rare white pups did not make it.

Later, we checked to count the total number (we didn't know until we grabbed the barrel where they resided), and we found another white pup, near death. I spent the whole night caring for him, feeding milk, keeping him warm, and from a "barely breathing state" he went to a "squealing fluff of <3". And he only becomes silent when he lays on my stomach. <3 He recognizes my smell as his father/ mother, aw. <3

Btw, raccoondogs are not raccoons, www.wasbeerhonden.nl It has an english option, hasn't been updated since 2004, but the pups always look the same.

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=o Aaawwwww you saved da puppyyyy =3333

I love doggys they're so cute and that's a sad and cute story at the same time.

My puppy will be quiet when he wants to and loud and obnoxious when he wants to XD

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Thanks all, I'm really tired right now, so I was SOOOO happy to not have to work Yesterday. ^_^ Right now not even fur from her original mother calms her down, keeps squealing every time. As long as she can cuddle somewhere in my sleeves or something she's quiet. =3

Troll posts were taken notice of, did not not expect them.

*Goes back to feeding*

Also, haven't thought of a name yet, it's a she, so blablabla yaddayaddayadda, you may think of a name, since I can't think of a name.

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Have you decided on which order you'd sacrifice them to your dark God for your unholy ambition/shits and giggles yet?

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