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Boredom for everything :newyears:

Up for grabs:

32 skills for First Gen, 12 for the fixed characters in Second Gen

Everyone's Classes and Promotions

Holy Weapon Allocations (EG: Alvis with Holsety [Only thing is no Player Loputousu, Yurius has to have it, and Narga stays Narga])

13 Minor Bloods for people

7 Major Bloods and Holy Weapons


Noish    Prince       Emperor       Baldo       Charge, Continue
Alec     Bard         Sage          Narga       Pursuit, Charisma 
Ardan    SwordFighter Swordmaster   Odo         Pursuit
Cuan     Great Knight                           Pursuit, Continue
Ethlin   Pegasus      Falcon Knight BLAGGI      Nihil
Fin      Fire Mage    MageFighterM  FALA        Ambush, Prayer
Azel     BowFighter   Sniper        ULIR        Astra, Ambush, Wrath    
Lex      Pirate       Warrior       Neir, Ulir  Elite, Pursuit, Prayer
Midir    Free Knight  Forrest      
Aideen   Wind Mage    Sage          Narga       Continue, Critical
Dew      SwordArmour  MageKnight    Dain        Awareness, Critical
Ayra     Thief        ThiefFighter  ODO         Bargain, Pursuit, Luna
Jamka    Priest       Dark Bishop   Fala        Awareness, Ambush
Holyn    Arch Knight  Bow Knight                Wrath
Lachesis Priest       Sage          Holsety     Wrath, Ambush
Beowulf  SwordFighter Dragon Master             Charge, Elite
Levin    Cavalier     Master Knight HEZUL       Wrath
Sylvia   Mage         MageFighter   TORDO       Pursuit, Awareness, Critical
Fury     Paladin F                  Dain, Noba  Pursuit
Claude   ForrestKnight              Hezul       Astra, Prayer
Tiltyu   Troubadour   Paladin F     Lopt        Sol, Charge
Briggid  Dancer                                 Nihil

Oifey    MasterKnight                           Luna, Sol, Astra
Lakche   SwordFighter Dragon Master
Shak     BowFighter   Bishop
Fee      Dragon Rider Dragon Master
Arthur   Arch Knight  Bow Knight
Leaf     Priest       High Priest
Nanna    Dancer
Shanan   Axe Fighter  Great Knight
Patty    Pegasus      Falcon Knight
Aless    Fire Mage    Mage Fighter  Fala        Luna, Ambush
Tinny    Princess     Foresst
Faval    Pirate       Warrior
Sety     Paladin
Corple   Priest       Baron
Hannibal Emperor                    DAIN        Pursuit, Continue
Altenna  Pegasus      Falcon Knight

0 skills left. 0 Major Holy Bloods, 0 Minor Holy Bloods.

Briggid Inheritance reversed.

Edited by Psychology
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Uh... what? Is this like I Eat Tables' create me a hack run?

Note: Sigurd and Celice shouldnt class change. Only Junior Lords and Lord Knights can seize.

Edited by Hawk King Tibarn
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You might want to be careful with holy weapons/holy blood for two reasons: Firstly, most are given out in events, and it's easy to change what weapon is given out but a lot harder to hack in a specific character's event if so needed. Secondly, inheritance of holy weapons is a bit borked, so you might have to expliticly hack said holy weapon into the required child's inventory (this is easier than it sounds though).

Also make sure male character's don't get put into female only classes and vice versa. They don't have battle sprites in most cases, which is bad.

Finally not sure if you realise, but Gen 1 has 32 personal skills normally, Gen 2 fixed has 12 (if I counted correctly). You're gonna have a pretty tough time with that allocation, but I guess that might be what you want and I can't blame you. Same with Holy Blood, 13 minor blood and 7 Major blood is normal.

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You might want to be careful with holy weapons/holy blood for two reasons: Firstly, most are given out in events, and it's easy to change what weapon is given out but a lot harder to hack in a specific character's event if so needed. Secondly, inheritance of holy weapons is a bit borked, so you might have to expliticly hack said holy weapon into the required child's inventory (this is easier than it sounds though).

Also make sure male character's don't get put into female only classes and vice versa. They don't have battle sprites in most cases, which is bad.

Finally not sure if you realise, but Gen 1 has 32 personal skills normally, Gen 2 fixed has 12 (if I counted correctly). You're gonna have a pretty tough time with that allocation, but I guess that might be what you want and I can't blame you. Same with Holy Blood, 13 minor blood and 7 Major blood is normal.

I planned on hacking the available weapon list too. So if Aideen becomes a Sword Fighter, when she gets the Warp staff it'd be like the Fire Sword instead. I've changed things like that several times. I gave Lachesis the Swanchika once and I gave Tiltyu the Valkyrie staff too. :/ I thought Holy Weapons always showed up in inventories anyway?

I miscounted skills and blood. :/

Like you can make the Earth Sword a Holy Weapon for Lachesis or something, or things for Aideen or Ethlin or Ayra or Aideen's lover. The others can just start with it, but it might be a bit early for them. I can just make Holsety like Tornado when Levin gets it.

Edited by Psychology
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Yeah, I guess it should work out okay, as you say, worst case scenario is a character has to start with a holy weapon (pro tip: Don't give Major Blood/holy weapons to, say, Alec, Noish, Midir or Azel, as prologue holy weapons is silly).

I recommend having a table of what's what so people can see what to fill in.

Either way, let's get things running in full style.

Fin: A skilled Fire Mage who aspires to become a Magefighter (M). He's the successor to Falaflame due to his Major Fala blood (which I guess he's going to get given in Agusty or something). He wields nary more than the skills Ambush and Prayer.

Edited by Cylon
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I know :P. He wasn't designed to be 'I'ma screw you over now level :P'. I... actually, I'm going to make a nice fun change to it. Make sure you change that now (for reference to others reading the thread, he was originally getting Holsety and was a Wind mage)

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Lex, Pirate to Warrior. Elite, Pursuit, Prayer. Neir minor, Ulir minor.

Edited by Hawk King Tibarn
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For now guys just one person for each, but if I don't have enough then later you can go again.

Also Nightmare, Axe Fighter isn't available for Females and I'm pretty sure I can't give Big Shield as a Personal Skill.

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Obviously, Ardan should be made a speedy Swordfighter with Odo and Pursuit as a personal skill (disregarding that Swordfighters already have it).

The Pursuit Ring scene becomes even more hilarious that way.

Well that or a Dragon Knight.

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Obviously, Ardan should be made a speedy Swordfighter with Odo and Pursuit as a personal skill (disregarding that Swordfighters already have it).

The Pursuit Ring scene becomes even more hilarious that way.

Well that or a Dragon Knight.

Needs a Promotion

I'm also probably going to end up applying the Sword Skill patch to it and I'll end up changing the weapon list too.

But if someone wants the patch or whatever once I make it just ask.

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