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Duel Terminal Mafia Sign-Ups


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(starting this because if I've calculated this correctly, Mitnala will end right when these sign-ups do)

WELCOME, DUELISTS! We have an exciting tournament planned for all of you! Who will walk home today with the championship? There's only one way to find out. Let's DUEL!!

Since it would be cruel to have you guys go into something without knowing what you're getting into, rules time~!

[spoiler=Rules, sorta copied from Smogon and heavily edited by me]1. Living people are free to talk to other living people. Dead people can talk to only their faction and other dead people. Information cannot be passed from the dead to the living.

2. Everyone will get a role PM with a character name, some flavor, a role, and a win condition. Text that is crossed out are my personal thoughts, and not to be taken too seriously. All of you will have italicized text in your role PM. The italicized information is not to be shared with anyone, and all italicized text will NOT be published until postgame. You may post/claim everything else in your PM, starting from D2.

3. Don't screenshot. Please.

4. This is OC, so talk! Include me in all PMs you send to someone else~! You can attempt to fake logs between yourself and Yours Truly, but you are NOT allowed to pretend to be me (so don't issue stupid post restrictions and the like).

5. This game begins on D1, and everyone's vote is defaulted to No Lynch, unless the lot of you have an extremely good reason to vote someone off. Note that voting Raymond/Psych off because it's Raymond/Psych is not a good reason, and doing so might be considered breaking the rules. Note this rule expires when D1 does.

6. Speaking of voting, a vote counts as ##Vote: (someone), with (someone) being who you want to vote for. If you want to change your vote, you must ##Unvote first. You may edit your posts, but if I missed your vote because of a ninja edit, deal with it.

7. In case of a lynch tie, one person will be randomly lynched. Maybe.

8. Each phase will be roughly 48 hours. I will post times in terms of HST and GMT. Note that Hawaii does not observe DST. Unless I say something BEFORE PHASE END, the phase will end at the scheduled time, whether I am present or not. Phases may end early if a majority is reached during the day, or if I get all night actions in at night.

9. If you have a night action, and do not want to do it, reply to your role PM with Night X - Idling.

10. If you miss a day and night, you are eligible for auto-sub-out/modkill, whichever one is deemed more appropriate. If you need a sub, say so in the main thread. I am not your mother, so stay on top of things.

11. I made a nice little priority list, and I will post it once the game is over. Save your RAEG for then.

12. I suck with IRC, so if you guys want to create a channel, let me know where it is. If I can't get into it, you can't use it. If you do make a channel, use your forum name, or something similar to it. Do NOT attempt to impersonate anyone else.

13. If you end up dead, you get one last non-informative post. What you say is up to you.

14. Punishment for breaking the rules will range from nothing to modkills. If you feel that the risk of punishment is worth it, go for it, but be warned that things will probably not turn out the way you want it to.

15. If in doubt, follow your role PM, or whatever I tell you in reply to your role PM. Pay attention, or you might miss something important~!

16. If you see your user name in the flavor, it means I randomly chose you to do something, so don't sweat it. If you see your role name in the flavor, it's for a reason.

17. If you have been modkilled, your win condition is "You win by being the last one alive". You are NOT allowed to talk with your faction if you are killed in this manner.

18. At any time, I might post something that says Role PMs updated. This means that it is vital you check your role PM BEFORE posting. If you wind up breaking the rules because of a change in your role PM which you did not see, bad things will happen.

19. If you ask a question, and I respond with "Tee-hee~!", it means you're not getting a straight answer until postgame. There is a reason for this.

Three more rules have been added along with JB and co.'s sign-ups.

I'm gonna need 18 of you wonderful suckers people to sign up. I will need subs, as well. Without any further ado. . .GO!!!!

If I somehow get more sign-ups than spots, I'll randomize the subs.


1. 13thshadow

2. Kaoz

3. Snike

4. Obviam

5. Psych

6. Radiant Dragon

7. Paperblade

8. Levity

9. WoMC

10. Haze

11. Raymond

12. Kay

13. Anouleth

14. Slayer/Ulki

15. Wen Yang

16. JB

17. Strawman

18. Sho.M

19. Balcerzak

20. Rein

21. Proto

(any others will be appended to this list)


1. Flint Echo


Edited by eclipse
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Why am I not at the top of the list sign me up

Also please please please tell me you have something in mind for fuck tiger attempts.

Edited by Iehoua
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Also please please please tell me you have something in mind for fuck tiger attempts.

Rule 14 seems to cover this quite nicely. That being said, Radiant Dragon is disappointed he wasn't auto-signed up.

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You're disappointed?! What about ME!

Also everyone use your night actions on bizzity~

you just want to be raped by me

mhmhmhm, I can see it in your eyes~

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Fine, fine, you got me there. :o:

I'll sign up.

I take it this is going to be another multi-faction game?

That's for me to know and for you to find out~!

I hope you saw yourself in the rules.

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That's for me to know and for you to find out~!

Well, the first rule says something about factions, so I'll just risk to take this as a "yes".

I hope you saw yourself in the rules.

Oh yeah, I did. I approve of that rule. :newyears:

Now I just need to get a role that cannot be nightkilled and I might actually have a shot at living past n1/d1

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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