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Duel Terminal Mafia


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My spirit lives on~

Also eclipse did you send in that action I asked you to send in to the host?

You're dead. STFU, or I start modkilling random people.

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ho shit, that sounds incredibly fun.

I got a better idea, but it will have to wait until day. For now, please remember this rule:

13. If you end up dead, you get one last non-informative post. What you say is up to you.

EDIT: That, and Obviam couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut in chat.

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The deadtalking in this game is rather ridiculous.

Seriously. It makes it so hard to get into the spirit of the game when people keep talking after they die. Its just not realistic.

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Seriously. It makes it so hard to get into the spirit of the game when people keep talking after they die. Its just not realistic.

But nobody ever seemed to mind the people that pretend to be in the game, but aren't.

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Whoa whoa whoa, did we even have 3000 life points?

Also Ether you were totally going to pick me, right?!

So I don't want to sound dumb but I could never figure out what that was supposed to be.

I always thought it looked kinda like the Mind Flayer from Lost Kingdoms but upon closer inspection it looks more like a fancy sword or crystal.

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Could I have played those cards otherwise? Obviously we had more than 3000 LP left.

You have none, you're dead lol. And you can't played cards when you're dead either. Or not in the game, for that matter (Ether).

/insert some counter card here

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(if you're not playing, you're confusing the crap out of those that are. . .)


Night ends in six and a half hours, give or take.

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A solitary beam of light shone down on the Allies of Justice, as they were transporsted away, never to be seen again. Judgment rained down from the sky onto the world. The rest of the cast was killed in the destruction of the world.


Rain poured down from above. Instead of meeting in the forest clearing, everyone gathered in a large cave. Along the way, StSS yelped. Something more solid than a rain drop had hit him on the head. The yelp turned into a scream as StSS realized what had hit him on the head - a severed hand. Someone's body was trussed up in the trees. The group paused its journey to cut it down. Several more people screamed as the body came down, piece by piece. Anouleth retrieved a rain-soaked role PM from the body, whose head hung at an impossible angle. The rain became heavier. Catastor read off the unfortunate victim's role PM from its memory banks.

Dear Sho.M.the.Money,


You are General Raiho of the Ice Barrier. The fan you hold is a weapon in your hands. Your effect is meant to be a detriment, but that's not always the case.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Throw fan at <USER>". You will knock out <USER>, which will protect them from all other night actions. However, they'll be so confused that they won't be able to take part in the next day's lynch. Hitting yourself over the head is silly, so don't do it.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Something that was between a laugh and a scream echoed through the forest. Without a word, the body was buried, and the group continued to the cave.

As Catastor finished giving out night results, WoMC felt he had to say something. A single flash of light answered him. When the flash faded, WoMC's mouth had been taped shut.

Once under cover, Catastor printed out a copy of Sho's role PM for the archive. Proto noticed something different about another role PM as he filed Sho's PM away. Someone had added something to Obviam's role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you are the last one standing.

I may have screwed up in Death Note mafia, but it takes a special kind of stupid to be posthumously modkilled. Signed, Excellen Browning

WoMC has been silenced for the day. He may not post in the game thread or vote for this day, but he can be lynched.


EDIT: One more rule, and I WILL enforce this one stringently.

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