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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 90

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Best: Sonia. She was one of the few villains that I enjoyed killing because she was that much of a bitch.

Worst: Micaiah and her incredible array of Sue powers.

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Best: Leaf - An underlying theme of FE5 was him maturing

Worst: Lance - He's the green cavalier, yay?

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Micaiah is an actual name mister I spell everything correctly all of the time. >_>

Male Biblical prophets do not count. Besides, lol@expecting someone who lives in Australia to have an all-encompassing knowledge of Biblical first names.

And hey, flaunt not my title as an idle boast! It is a slap to the face of my honour I bear as a reminder of my faleures.



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WORST Miciaihai...Micaiah. Given that even I think that's a random clusterfuck of vowels, IS really needed to think a little more on her name. And...the plot powers. Oh, gods, the plot powers.

Actually, Micaiah is a name taken from the bible.

Male Biblical prophets do not count. Besides, lol@expecting someone who lives in Australia to have an all-encompassing knowledge of Biblical first names.

You can take the five seconds necessary to type Micaiah into Google in order to check whether it's a mythological reference. I don't think that Wikipedia is banned yet in Australia, although it's only a matter of time. In addition, it's ridiculous to complain that there are 'too many vowels' in a name that IS didn't even come up with.

Least well-written: Micaiah. Oh how much have the writers screwed up her characterization. Blatant Mary Sue is just summarizing how she is. She knows how to speak what is considered as a dead language fluently.

She can't.

Nailah: What is it, Volug?

Volug: ...

Nailah: I see. That is a good idea.

Rafiel: Oh, yes. I agree. That's a wonderful idea.

Micaiah: Yes? Volug? What's going on?

Nailah: Micaiah, it will not seem so strange if you travel into the desert with this dog at your side, will it?

Micaiah: What?!

While she does use the ancient language in some incantations, it's established that all magic users have some rudimentary knowledge of the ancient language even if they can't speak it fluently... just as Micaiah can't understand Nailah and Volug speaking to each other.

With the way Sothe behaves around her, she might as well have him on a leash.

The same could be said for Ike and Soren.

She leads a revolutionary group with absolutely no prior warfare experience.

Not particularly well. She makes mistakes (such as letting Jarod escape at the end of 1-9), and generally when she does succeed it's because of her foresight, not because of any talent for warfare.

The Daeinese treat her like she's their Messiah.

The same could be said for Ike and Crimea.

She is perfectly able to sing the Galdrar of Release just by hearing how the tune goes. And after singing said Galdrar, she becomes a conduit and vessel for a goddess.

This is covered:


...I can hear the voice. Finally, we get to meet. I have been guided by this voice for so long... I have finally found my purpose. Galdrar consist of melody and lyrics. Without both in harmony, the songs have a mere fraction of their power.


Maiden of Daein, the only part I was taught was the melody. I do not know the lyrics.


The words. They are passed down through the ages like a bloodline. Though time may pass, their meaning is never lost. When I heard you sing the melody, the words came to me.

It's all part and parcel of being the Apostle. Being the Apostle means hearing the voice of the goddess, and being able to sing the Galdr of Release. It's not taken to be something 'exceptional' that she sings it perfectly - any first-born daughter of Altina's lineage can do it.

Plus not to mention she becomes much of the focus later on in the game and every single bad thing she does in Part 3 is basically forgotten by the time Part 4 rolls over. For example, she orders Sanaki's escort to be SHOT DOWN without as so much as thinking of the consequences, and everyone acts like stuff like that didn't happen.

Micaiah was probably thinking of the consequences that would ensue from *not* killing Sanaki: the complete destruction of Daein.

I don't care if she was acting like that because of the Blood Contract. I would never let Micaiah hear the end of it if I were Sanaki. Too much breaking willing suspension of disbelief over here. What compelled I.S. to give her that sort of characterization is beyond me.

It's well established that Sanaki is a peaceful person. Towards the end of Part 3, she is continually trying to hold peace talks with Daein, even after they try to kill her. It is perfectly in her character that, given the kind of extreme circumstances they are in at the beginning of Part 4, she doesn't have 'revenge' as her highest priority.

Furthermore, it should be noted that Sanaki shouldn't be acting in character at the beginning of Part 4 anyway. She has been raised her entire life to believe that she is the Apostle, it is the greatest part of her identity. Yet when push came to shove, she could not sing the Galdr of Release. She is probably not going to be her normal self.

Edited by Black★Star
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Best: FE9 Largo has the best supports in any FE game ever. Honorable mentions to Sigurd, Levin, Devdan/Danved/Nadved, Hector, and Legault.

Worst: Eirika. Dishonorable mentions to Eliwood, Roy, and all the people in earlier FEs with no lines at all but deathquotes.

Nominate: uh... best/worst verbal tic. :awesome:

Edited by Queen
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Best: Sigurd, honorable mention goes to Fin

Worst: Roy, dis-honarable mention goes to Mary-Sue and Lyn.

Edited by 3-13Archer
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Best: I'm going to go with Hector. Avoids the FE-lord trap of being the standard hero archetype and displays a wide range of emotions, and even some changes over the journey.

Honorable mentions to L'Arachel and Kierann for being highly amusing and honorable at the same time.

Worst: Neimi. When she's not crying, she's being sickeningly sweet. No crybabies on the battlefield girl, or I'll feed you to a zombie.

Dishonorable mention to Florina for being similar to Neimi and to Lowen for being incredibly boring.

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I would love to vote for all Jugdral characters, but alas...

Best: Manfloy /shotSigurd

Worst: Lyn >_>

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BEST: Oh yeah, Kieran! Amusing lines, all the bucket o' craziness you just need, his lines, his support conversations and all sorts of wacky shenanigans! I'll go with what Cynthia stated too.

Honorable mention to L'Arachel for being a divine incarnate of entertainment! Serra also bites a bit of the honorable mention due to being hilarious despite of being irritating. Another honorable mention for these guys who are namely, Hector, Sigurd, Renault, Trabant and Percival.

WORST: Roy, you only seize thrones and castles just for getting a divine weapon and ending evil... WHAT.... THE.... FUCK?

Dishonorable mention for Makalov for being flat out nitpicking and Astrid for having a 360 degree turn on her personality.

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A full 360 means that Astrid never changed.

Uh, I think that's his point. Astrid was a sheltered, naive girl with poor judgment in PoR, but after joining Ike's army and eventually the Crimean Royal Knights and experiencing the world outside Begnion, she eventually blossomed into a sheltered, naive girl with poor judgment.

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Best: Trabant

Honorable mentions: Sigurd, Renault, Levin, Haar, Dheggy (hey best written, not best ACTED >__>)

Worst: Micaiah

Dishonorable: Roy, Eliwood, 90% FE8 characters...

DAYS LATER EDIT: Decided to help Team Trabant!

Edited by El Rey León
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You may as well throw in the FE6 and Shadow Dragon cast in there.

True with the former, but I don't think the latter counts since they didn't really "try."

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Don't they first need to qualify as "written?"

Well yeah. Doesn't mean they should be excused from this.

True with the former, but I don't think the latter counts since they didn't really "try."

"Try" being the key word...

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Just throwin' this out here, Round 90: Best Written Character, so yes, yes they should be excused, or at least in my mind.

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