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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 25: The Road to Jerdon


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Luc Altair

With Sadie gone and those few others loitering in the halls having departed in that time, Luc finally took it as a sign to deal with Reika. With a cautious glance around to ensure his privacy, he made his way to one of the rooms he cased as previously occupied. As he was walking, he went over his options, if the door was locked he would need to make noise, and if it was too loud he could risk alerting other people. He might be able to play it off, no, he was sure he could, but it was an unnecessary hassle. The other problem was someone else being the occupant, one he didn't desire to converse with at the time. That variable was far more undesirable, as who he could meet was a small but unpleasant at the time list. If the room was unlocked, that presented another case of problems. Noise was once again an answer with the same problems. Meanwhile slipping inside silently carried all those problems and more, as there came the chance for some form of personal embarrassment. There was still a chance whomever would be asleep, but there were also problems with that as well.

So, he would have to knock. The Count from Directus stood in front of the door and softly knocked, sure it would be loud enough for any waking occupant.

CHASE! witty

The young archer finished off the final plate of his meal and leaned back in the comfy chair. He wasn't the first to be done, or the last as that guy with a beard kept on plowing through plate after plate, but he was full and ready for whatever adventures awaited the group now.

Two Men Three Legs

"Do you have any idea where we are?" one-legged Cal cried.

"No," two-legged Frask answered.

OOC: Editing other characters in, just needed to get this up first I did. Also it is Reika's room and all assorted etc.

EDIT: And in. Actually that wasn't as long as I thought it would take, odd I say, ODD!

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A knock on the door. How odd Reika thought. Didn't think anybody would want to see me....must be Alf. What does he want? Reika thought irritably. She hadn't got much sleep last night, which she found odd since she was feeling a little happier about not having to worry about that group that was blackmailing her.

Getting out of bed she opened the door and to her surprise, found not Alf but Luc.

"...What do you want?"

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Various people were greeting her indirectly. The first was Damian, but he seemed content to talk with Charlotte. Esphyr didn't mind that at all, seeing as it satisfied both the Haltonian and the Jerdonian. She didn't have to enter into the conversation. She'd just about finished her breakfast -- she was taking her time enjoying the meal -- when she was greeted by a kid she didn't quite remember the name of but veaugely recalled had been travelling with them. Seeing as no one so much as gave the girl a nod, Esphyr decided to speak up. "Good morning." She also decided to stay put, not only out of being generally polite but also because the group seemed to be gathering -- unsurprisingly -- at the breakfast table. Things were bound to occur if she would just wait for them.

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"....Fine," Reika sighed to herself, letting him in before closing the door behind them.

"Alright, what do you need?" Reika asked, placing the same emphasis on need as Luc did.

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Luc Altair

Childish. "I need to discuss your behavior. And before you get into how you don't care what I think or you'll continue doing whatever you actions that'll enrage the rest of this group, that's not my concern. What I'm concerned about is that you're doing it stupidly. You cannot honestly believe that if you continue with such direct confrontations that they won't find some way to be rid of you. And that's not even including the end of this, where they'll have no reasons to not turn on you."

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"....Look. Those fools would try to kill me even if I didn't do anything. Have you noticed how much they fight over trivial matters, even though they supposedly like each other? Feh...I CAN admit I'm a aggressive towards those assholes, but it's not all my fault. I doubt just suddenly not arguing with them is going to make them stop trying to kill me," Reika said a little bitterly.

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The bandit's entire focuss was on Beau, not thinking to attack the monk who could no longer interfere. He hadn't been expecting Duke Bellmire's son to be proffiecient in any sort of fighting ability, not only because of Beau's age but also because the boy's father hadn't put up any significant struggle before he had been killed. Yet Beau attacked again, continuing to lead the bandit away from his fallen protector and further into the blackened clearing.

(6+1)-6 = 1 = hit!

(5+4)-0 = 9 damage!

As the light magic hit with more power this time, the man tried a more demoralizing tactic than just swinging his axe. "Don't you get it, you runt?! This is all that's left! You have no power, no influence, no estate, no title... Your parents didn't even care about you! Heck, your mother saw you as something so vile and disgusting that she wanted to kill you! Do you know what she thought of you as?! The incarnation of everything evil in the Bellmire family! You're a curse to her! A demon in child form!" He swung again.

(4+4)-6 = 2 = hit!

(5+5)-3 = 7 damage!

The tactic worked fairly well. The edge of the axe sunk into Beau's shoulder, but the young lord fell with the axe so though blood was flowing from his new wound, it didn't cleave any bones. It still hurt, though. Beau was in more pain than he had ever been in in his life. (I've never really been in danger before...) He looked up with wide, fearful, pained eyes at his attacker. (I've never even been hurt before... Not by someone else...)

Beau 3/12

Bandit 2/18

The bandit grinned. One more swing was all it would take. "What are you doing?!" The shout caused both Beau and the bandit to look back to Raemond who seemed somewhat beside himself whith what he was witnessing. "Get up, Beau! And don't listen to him! What does he know about your mother anyway?! And of all the ridiculous things to think! You're not a demon, Beau! I'd know! Don't just give up now! You're the last! If you die, the Bellmire name will be lost! Doesn't that matter to you?! I know it did on the way here!"

"But Raemond, it hurts so much!" Beau cried, "I can't do it!"

"You're going to do it, Beau! If you don't survive, Raechel's going to kill me!"

"I got you good. You won't live long enough for anyone else to kill you," the bandit mentioned to the monk.

"She'll find a way," Raemond dismally stated, fully convinced of this.

"Heh. Well, that's your problem," the bandit returned his attention to Beau, smiling wickedly, "My problem...is about to end!"

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Luc Altair

"Indeed, there is a lack of discipline, of cohesion, of harmony, but one issue that so many agree on is the issue of you. Give them reason to unite and they will. I mediate as I dare, but I cannot call off everyone if they all turn against you," Luc lectured. He didn't want this to be such, no, he just wanted to offer advice, but halfway through he realized what he was doing. So, he would have to go all in. "I do not know your reasons, I do not know theirs, but both sides going at each other like this is too damaging. Yes, even if you suddenly drop all hostility, it won't solve the problem, but it also won't increase it. Keep your barbs small and short, and if they confront you of your words apologize, even if you don't mean it--especially if you don't. You confuse them, break their conceptions, frustrate them in new ways they can't react to without being on the weaker side of the argument. If the known antagonism is kept minimal things will flow better."

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Conversation buzzed around her, but she didn't care. It felt awkward to sit at a nice table, eating very good food, and hearing others enjoy themselves. . .almost as if she shouldn't be there. Midori did her best to brush her unease aside. Good food should never be wasted!

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"Feh. If it'll make you shut up, I'll give your counsel SOME thought. Of course you're ignoring the fact they attack me sometimes even when I don't provoke them and then everyone gets all pissy and self righteous when I fight back. It makes me sick," Reika snarled, though she couldn't help but think that Luc's advice was....surprisingly not that bad. In fact, she was surprised somebody who wasn't Alf was attempting to make sure she wouldn't get hurt.

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Aerial Search

The two took off into the sky from the clearing. Jasmine's thoughts were racing, but she kept calm and composed long enough to spot the mansion ruins as they flew.

Jasmine: There it is ...

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Luc Altair

"We'll see, it seems," Luc responded. "Hmph, that issue with the clown's accomplice. Taking him alive we could have dragged useful information out of him, but I suppose I could see your position for such a thing." Luc kept his head from shaking as he recalled the events of that day. "All I can do is offer suggestions about what you should say if anyone confronts you about that "he was asking for death" and "Dani-Elle probably would have killed him if you hadn't."" Poor choices at best, but the best of what was available.

The Fargo

Fargo had lost count of his plates. But seeing as he couldn't count very high in the first place it wasn't that impressive. The food was just so good and tasty. He hadn't had anything this good since, well he couldn't remember!

EDIT: Finishing posts is good yes?

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Before the bandit could act, however, a burst of light smashed into his face.

(6+5)-6 = 5 = hit!

(5+1)-0 = 6 damage!

Beau 3/12

Bandit 0/18

The bandit fell backwards, not having anticiapated Beau's attack, which had hit with enough force to knock him unconcious. The young lord let his raised hand fall. He was exhausted, but he knew Raemond needed help more than he did. He put his tome back into his bag and pulled out his physic staff, letting light he gathered through himself and the staff to heal Raemond. Though he couldn't heal the monk completely, the monk wasn't going to die from bloodloss. The monk hurried over to his sister's old student. "Are you alright? Of course you're not. Can you use your staff on yourself?" he hurriedly asked.

"I'm...tired..." the teenager panted, an obvious "no."

"That's from the bloodloss. Drat... I wish I had a vulnerary..." Raemond responded, cursing himself for not having brought one with him.

"I have one. It's right here..." Beau responded, taking out the vulnerary from his bag.

"Oh thank Ziatani... Alright, just drink it. You'll feel better."

He didn't see any reason not to comply, so Beau downed most of the vulnerary, his wounds healing quickly, but still leaving him a bit dizzy from the blood he'd lost from his shoulder and from his efforts in both combat and healing Raemond. Even so, he exchanged his physic staff for an easier-to-use heal staff and finished healing the monk. Both were a mess from their fight with the bandit, but they were fine now.

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"Indeed, that should prove useful. We do regenerate naturally, but not quickly enough to be useful in combat. Let us proceed to the massacre," Petros said to Talos, New Breed in tow.


Tristan eventually rolled out of bed and walked downstairs for breakfast. He was rather pleased this morning, all things considered. Traveling with this group had a sort of freedom to it he hadn't felt in well, ever pretty much.

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"Fine. Now go away. I want you out of my sight and you want me out of your sight definitely? Ok? Now go before someone sees you," Reika said impatiently, gesturing Luc out the door.

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The light users had begun to recover...but time was not on their side as the bandit's allies caught up with him. "What?! I knew he ran ahead but... He was taken down already?!" the second leader exclaimed, shocked at the sight of his friend on the ground. "More bandits..." Raemond muttered, not exactly pleased to see the other man with the axe and his three bow-users in tow.

"Are you his allies? Are you also guilty of destroying all of this?" Beau questioned the bandits.

"Yeah. Sounds like he told you everything, huh? I don't get what you have to live for, though, if you're the heir. Everything's been bunrt down. No will, no signet, no estate... You don't even have any servants or family. You might as well let us put you out of your misery. At least that's what I would say, but since you killed my friend, here..." answered the remaining leader, unaware that his accomplise was actually alive as his calm voice shifted to cold malice, "You're going to die slowly and painfully. You're a Bellmire, so that's reason enough, but you killed my friend, too. Don't think your escort will save you either. He'll die, too."

"Don't worry, Beau. It looks a bit hopeless, but we'll survive. The most important thing to do right now, though, is not to think about what they're telling you. It'll only distract you. I'm not about to let you die. Just focuss on that if it's the only light you have," Raemond quietly encouraged as he stood up and readied his tome.

"Okay," the thirteen-year-old agreed, also rising, also holding his tome, "...But I didn't kill that bandit."

It took a moment for Raemond to register what Beau had just said. "... Wait, what?"

Sniper x1

HP 4 Str 5 Mag 0 Skl 6 Spd 5 Lck 2 Def 0 Res 3

Skills: Deadeye (Multiply Hit Die by 1.5)

Simplified stats: HP: 12 STR: 5 Hit: 6 Evade: 6 DEF/RES: 0/4

Archer x2

HP 3 Str 4 Mag 0 Skl 5 Spd 4 Lck 2 Def 0 Res 2

Simplified stats: HP: 9 STR: 4 Hit: 5 Evade: 5 DEF/RES: 0/2

Berserker x1

Stats: HP 6 Str 5 Mag 0 Skl 4 Spd 5, Lck 2, Def 3 Res 0

Skills: Rage

Simplified stats: HP: 18 STR: 5 (+2 during Rage) Hit: 4 (-1 if Rage) Evade: 6 DEF/RES: 4/0 (-1 if Rage)

Objective: Kill the berserker. The others will flee if you do this, but killing the others first may reap better rewards.

Aggression: All combatants will only attack when attacked. They do not attack on enemy phase unless stated otherwise.

Player Phase!

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"Ah yes, that should prove useful indeed. We have natural regeneration of course, but that is not fast enough to be especially useful in combat. Let us be on our way, we have a massacre to attend," Petros said to Talos, making more tunnel.

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It only took a few hours to remove the possessions of the rooms' former tenant. What took longer, however, was actually getting rid of the items. The two or three weapons in the room were sent to the armory, their sheathes burnt, and the clothes were discarded similarly, but then there were the journals. Initially, the excuse was that they might contain some hints as to the demon's plans, so Duke Munktan took them and an old locket, and retreated to his father's old study. His study, now...

Derek lit the stone fireplace with a torch borrowed from the main hall, and settled into the polished oak chair that the old duke was fond of. For a few moments, he glared at the first of the journals. Then, with a sigh, he opened it and began to read.

The first few pages were messy, and mostly just writing practice. Gradually, as the writing became more clear and refined, it turned into an actual diary, detailing daily activities, mishaps, and impressions of the writer. A run-in with a tomcat, the stress of training sessions with the Duke, even the occasional venture from the manor with Danielle were listed. Nothing about how foolish they were for trusting him, no schemes to end them all, no plots for anarchy. It was just a boy enjoying his youth, as if some other writer had replaced the fiend.

As the journals went on, the content shifted towards stories rather than daily logs. There were tales of heroes, tales of villains, and tales of ordinary people. Some were well-written, and others were hastily jotted down with an author's note to fix later. Most of them dealt with issues of trust, which was ironic, considering the circumstances.

When the duke finished the last of the traitor's journals, he was at a loss for words. The person who wrote these, and the person who attacked the group in the forest... How could they be one in the same? There was no evidence in the journals of a betrayal, but yet it happened... It was too late to think of matters such as those. Derek doused the fireplace, and retreated to his private chambers. There would be more time to think about this in the morning.

Impale Fail

Jace sent a courier over to the inn to pay for the injured hostler and to fetch Daneka, but before the messenger could return, a commotion arose near the stables. This was not what he needed right now. With a sigh, the troubled conqueror marched over to the scene of the accident, to see... that Nyx had broken her horn.Well.

"... There you are, Daneka," Jace said as the colonel witnessed her pegasus. "... It would be preferable if you could take care of Nyx as fast as you can. I have a... private matter to discuss."

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People were gathering around the breakfast table...but not the people she most wanted to talk to. "Excuse me," she said to the table, before heading upstairs to the duke's private chambers. She knocked on the door.

"Sir Derek? I've decided our next destination. I'd like to get on the road as soon as we can..." she said, assuming he wasn't asleep this late.

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Next... Destination?

The next morning, the Duke rose late as a result of the examination of the journals. As he donned a fresh robe, there was a knock at the door.

"Sir Derek? I've decided our next destination. I'd like to get on the road as soon as we can..." the Princess said, from the other side of the door. Oh dear.

"... We are departing already, Princess?" Duke Munktan asked, as he opened the door and stepped in front of the journals hastily. "We just arrived to safety last night. Do you not think that leaving this security so swiftly is a bit rash?"

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"I don't think there is much to be accomplished by staying in Jerdon any longer. We can go to province after province but my claims to the throne are too...questionable. I'm going to ask the local bishop to warp us to the summit, there I can reveal my identity in front of the world. It should be safe enough I think, Jace might be there, but there will be a lot of guards from the various nations, not to mention you and all the others," Charlotte responded.

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