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Which character do you look like ?

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For the look.... I'd say Titania, because I tie my hair up in a long braid. It's just that my hair is of a blonde/brownish colour, not red xD

My facial features are not like the ones of Titania, anyway. My cheeks make me look childish, so my face is more like Ilyana's °°"

And my temper is a mix of Darcia's/Sierra's. Sometimes I act like Soren too ._.

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Oliver >.<

I often become obsessed with things at a drop of a hat and I look like a younger him to boot. Also becoming a state senator is a dream of mine.

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While i don't look like neither of them, I say I'm more like Ulki and Mordecai. I usually prefer quiet and peaceful places where i can think and talk to myself with nobody judging me yay summer vacations ^_^ nobody is home :awesome: and i suck at language... I can't seem to speak either spanish or english, i always get mixed up, mispronounce, and many other mistakes... sigh :unsure:

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Canas's appearance (no glasses please) and "thirst" for "magic". Also Pent's personality. I identify myself with mages. Sometimes Soren (cold-minded), Ilyana (only when starving, no sad-looking).

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I feel this should be moved into general FE...

Well I'm half native american and that usually resembles the nomads quite well. I only match Sue in skin color though. They have tinier eyes but my eyes are actually bigger.

Usually with FE females they have bangs just coming straight over their forehead, but i have mine grown out and I don't have my hair parted through the middle. It's parted to the side. FE doesn't really have anyone like that. My hair-length used to be like Micaiah's, but I got it cut since then. If I grow it back out then I'd say Micaiah with dark brown hair. But now when it comes to length I'd say it's like Mists in RD. I'm also real short so that'd probably fit Mist as well. As for bangs they're more like Ilyana's.

Being shy, I'd think that'd make me a bit like Florina, except it's not just around guys. When it comes to getting along with people I'd say it'd be equal between girls and guys.

Otherwise when I'm comfortable I feel like I'd be like Mist in personality. (I actually didn't think of this till now so maybe I'll suggest that in that topic in FFtF) Mostly cause I still feel like I'm real young.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If my hair was purplw and I had fufilled my life's dream of getting a monocle, I'd be a dead ringer for Canas.

Personality wise, Bastian. I'm the clever one in my group of friends, but I do tend to joke around alot. Plus, I like acting and have done lots of Shakespeare, and I'm on a Speech Team, so yeah :p.

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I don't think I really look like anyone from PoR.

I'm probably closer to a younger Dorcas more than anyone else. Personality is probably somewhere between Bastian and Geitz.

Edited by 1st Mate Bob
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been told by integ Kieran. He's spot on, i even have red hair. But, i think i overthink things too much.

Between Ulki and Giffca, I guess.

Sounds like you know somebody who's pretty awesome.(ulki/giffca are both bodyguards to powerful kings)

Personality wise? I'm Shinion minus racism with a touch of Zihark. Essentially, I'm friendly, but I'm a major jerkass

How do that work exactly? **** it IDK, but it does.

Squints and focuses, it seems possible. But it's definitely not logical.

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As far as Path of Radiance characters go, I'd have to say Kieran, since no one else really comes close.

Including all Fire Emblem characters, I'd say I look a lot like Artur from FE8. My curly hair is brown, though.

Personality-wise, I'm kind of a mix between Kent and Sain from FE7--I'm chivalrous and honorable, but I have a weak spot for the ladies that causes me to do and say big and drastic and (let's face it) stupid things. Alternatively, I could also be looked at as a mix of Erk (FE7) and Lugh (FE8), since I'm an English major who loves to study literature (sometimes to the exclusion of everything else) and who also loves to talk to people and share baked goods with them, even if said baked goods are stale.

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Appearance-wise I find Kyle to be a close match. Only I have brown hair

Personality's a tough one... A non-alcoholic Tauroneo.

Where do you get Tauroneo being an alcoholic from?

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Appearance wise I'm not sure since none of the FE characters that I can recall at the moment have glasses. Personality wise I think I resemble Oliver (don't run away just yet) in that I am passionate about my pursuits. Also I think I'm a bit more romantic and a lot less perverted than Oliver. I think I can also be extremely naive at times, much like Pelleas.

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