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Mafia of the Gods - Game Over

Guest Wen Yang

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where the fuck are my claims

haze you are not a village leader you are a shitbad liar and anouleth is no longer my friend because he's yours

Obviam you are so far off it's hilarious.

Trust me, I'm the village leader!

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Why do the Doctors never last long in these games?

They don't get paid enough to keep living.

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Oh really?


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In that case I'd prefer if we all were grandmas. \o/

No! I LIKE men! How am I gonna have a threesome if we're all old ladies?

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Eclipse chews everyone out in postgame? Y/Y.

[21:40] thateclipse Yo ChanServ, gimme a lemonade!

[21:41] thateclipse Oh, hiya Haze.

[21:41] Haze Hi

[21:41] thateclipse WTF was up with that lynch yesterday?

[21:41] KaoZ sup Haze

[21:41] Haze I don't know really

[21:42] thateclipse Oh, you too.

[21:42] thateclipse WTF WAS THAT FOR?

[21:42] Haze Raymond and Anou managed to annoy me enough not to side with them, that's all really

[21:42] Anouleth haha

[21:42] Anouleth sorry

[21:42] thateclipse What did Raymond do to you? I know what he did to me last night~!

[21:42] Anouleth I didn't realise I was annoying you

[21:42] Haze Blew me off for our poker game last night

[21:43] Haze and mocked me in the thread

[21:43] thateclipse Oh, right, that's because he was with me~!

[21:43] thateclipse Dammit, I wanted a threesome with Sho tonight, and SOMEONE had to go lynch him!

[21:44] KaoZ well, he didn't really defend himself, so what did you expect

[21:44] thateclipse Lynching someone because they're suspended? That's fucking low.

[21:44] KaoZ why? not my fault he got himself suspended

[21:45] thateclipse Maybe, but that's being horribly opportunistic. Pick a target that can defend him/herself next time, for cryin' out loud! Sho made my game interesting, and now he's gone!

[21:46] KaoZ I think you said I would have made your game interesting too, but I died N1; anyway, are we supposed to just ignore inactive/suspended people? because I'll sure as hell be inactive on day phases if that's the case

[21:46] thateclipse Like anyone will notice the difference?

[21:47] thateclipse At least the stupid will die down a little!

[21:48] Haze brb~

[21:48] KaoZ is that so? without me, that lynch wouldn't have been, so yes, there would have been a difference

[21:48] thateclipse The other two lynch "targets" were around to say something about it.

[21:48] KaoZ also, you might want to complain a little bit less, you might give people the wrong idea

[21:49] KaoZ naturally, that's why they weren't lynched

[21:49] thateclipse I hate people being lynched for stupid reasons.

[21:49] KaoZ I think my reasoning was flawless

[21:49] thateclipse I think it was stupid.

[21:50] thateclipse Wait, why am I arguing with stupid?

[21:50] thateclipse Fuck this.

[21:50] |<-- thateclipse has left irc.darkmyst.org (Exit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

[21:50] KaoZ mada mada dane

[21:51] Hextator ;>

[21:51] KaoZ you want something to add Obviam?

[21:52] KaoZ to add something

I get the feeling we're never going to hear the end of this lynch.

Trust me, I'm the village leader!

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Guest Wen Yang

Three hours and fifty minutes until phase end.

I am still missing quite a few night actions (and a nightkill at that), please submit it before the deadline or you will be considered to be idle.

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Guest Wen Yang

Radiant Dragon was lying in bed, beaming and happy, when he noticed the creak of his chamber's door opening.

He was about to get up to see who the unexpected visitor was, when something latched onto his arms and legs, preventing him from moving. Before he could yell anything, something long and slimy stuffed itself into his throat, choking him and preventing him from making any noise.

What followed was a scene too disturbing to describe.

Radiant Dragon has been tentacle-raped to death.

He was:

You are Odin.

You are the chieftain of the gods. You have sacrificed an Eye to attain knowledge of the world, and you impale people you don't like on your spear, the Gungnir.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Have USER1 cause the demise of USER2." You will threaten USER1 into voting against USER2 on the next Day Phase. If USER1 does not vote according to your wish, you will impale USER1 with Gungnir, killing them.


You MAY use your power on members of your own faction.

You are allied with the Nordic Gods. You win when you have eliminated all other factions in the game.

Haze was just having his nightly stroll, when he suddenly notices that things have gotten darker around him.

He could see nothing, could feel nothing, everything around him is but enveloping darkness...

All he could do is to succumb to the sweet, final embrace of oblivion.

Haze has ceased to exist.

He was:

Dear Haze,

You are The great Cthulhu.

You are big, you are bad, you have a temper, and you are damn hungry.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM With "Night X - USER seems delectable." You will proceed to keep watch on USER throughout the Night Phase, seeing where USER goes and who they visited.


You are allied with the Old Ones. You win when you have eliminated all other factions in the game or if you have eaten four people.

It is now Day 2. This phase will end on June 1st, 12:00 PM GMT+7

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