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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 2


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Seilynda whacked Elune with the butt of her lance. "If I were in your position, I wouldn't have been stupid enough to get myself in this situation in the first place! Even if I had, I wouldn't even dream of disobeying orders, SINCE THEY WOULD HAVE MY FUCKING LIFE IN THEIR HANDS." She plunged the spear blade dangerously close to her face. "If I were you, I would be trying to gain favor with these people and prove myself useful, not deliberately agitate them. They're not saying it outright, but since you're all 'high and mighty' know-it-all, you shouldn't be stupid enough to think almost none of these people aren't dying to wring your pretty little neck. Also, assassinating people in cold blood? Yeah, sure, soldiers have to do plenty of killing... ON THE BATTLEFIELD AS A PAWN. We have no choice! You could've made an honest living as a mercenary with the option of picking and choosing your employers instead of this shadowy assassination business!"

Edit: Fixing my grammarz.

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"You know what, fuck this, I've had enough." Elune grabbed the knife she'd just bought and threw it onto the floor. "I'm getting something for these two damn nice gashes. If you're gonna consider this as 'not following your orders' again, then just kill me and don't look back." Elune turned away and started walking, waiting for the lance to pierce her back.

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As they traveled down the side of the mountain, now hand in hand, the snow became less frequent and the temperature in general began to rise. "Aaahhh... I'm liking it so much better here already. All that damn cold was getting to me, terrible for my skin on top of that..." The duo came to a steep drop off the mountain, the city of Lazarynth easily in view. "Well, Adrian, ever gone down a mountain side before? Don't worry! It only looks dangerous but in reality it's... only kind of dangerous. If you don't have footwear. Anyway, see ya at the bottom!" She let go of his hand and jumped off, sliding down the side of the mountain to its base at an incredible speed.

5 minutes have passed an no one is doing anything. I'm going to leave without em at this point, it seems... Grant was thinking, when suddenly a voice erupted in anger, sounding eerily like Seilynda's. "Oh great, is that assassin giving her trouble again?" The knight made his way over to the two, his face a bit angry. "Is there a problem here, ladies?"

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Hearing what seemed to be a fight, Aurelio made his way over to the arguing ladies. Both were clearly irate and the rogue seemed to have taken a couple of hits. Although, looking at the solider, it seems that she wasn't the one who started it. He grabbed Elune's good shoulder, letting her go now would mean that they'd wasted the whole morning.

"Leaving you two alone wasn't one of Grant's best ideas was it? You're still coming with us. I may not like the plan but you'll be better off than if you were sent to jail. Not even Grant would send you to your doom, I dunno, maybe your assassin stuff might come in handy."

He looked over at Seilynda, not terribly impressed with her part in this either. She had probably lost her temper, her foe had a sharp tongue.

"Bah, he shouldn't have sent a kid to keep tabs on her. Put that lance down before you poke someone's eye out. Tell you what, go back with Grant. I'll keep her out of trouble."



He had spent the entire morning preaching to the population, although not one of them had taken any interest. Ken decided he'd come back to this city after he'd been everywhere else. He set off west, not even stopping for lunch.

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"Is there a problem here, ladies?"

Seilynda was about to skewer the bitch before she dropped her spear upon some axe guy's intervention and hearing Grant's question. "W-Well... I... uh..." she stammered, looking down at his feet, unsure of what to say. "Umm... you see she... d-disobeyed my orders again and.. uh..." She gulped. This won't be a pretty mess to clean up...

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This is never gonna end, is it? "Dammit, what the hell are you gonna do now? You don't trust me with a weapon, and you don't trust me with a damn horse - Fuck, you don't trust me when I'm going to get this damn thing cleaned up! What am I going to do, poke you all to death?" Elune was dragged away by the guy with the axe, and nearly laughed. Maybe they'll trust me more when I faint from blood loss or something.

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Grant sighed, reviewing the idea and Seilynda's reasoning. "Well you don't have to stick with me, but if you'd feel more comfortable just watching the assassin from a distance rather than having to deal with her prodding, I'm sure Aurelio here would be more than glad to take up the slack. And like he said, we could use her in battle, and hurting her like that probably won't help." He picked up the lance and held it out for Seilynda again. What soldier drops their weapon like that?

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Seilynda turned several shades of red and blubbered a "thank you", never making eye contact, since she was so embarrassed. "I-It's just.... I've tried so ha-hard to be good to her a-and she's b-been looking down on me and she's s-so d-disrespectf-ful a-and..." she wiped at her eyes, "I-I'm really sorry a-about the inconvenience! I-I won't blame y-you if you h-hate me forever!"

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"Quit your whining, I'm starting to wonder how you actually got away with your other kills." Aurelio growled, he was really getting tired of her. "Now pick up your knife, unless you feel like boxing with that witch. Now let me sort that wound out."

He tore some sheeting off a nearby store, the owner didn't seem to complain. Either out of sympathy or not wanting to mess with Aurelio. He tied it tightly around the wound, it would at least stop the bleeding for now. He really needed to find that healer girl. He picked up her knife and handed it to her.

"We better find that preachy girl. Don't try anything funny, I can cut a horse in two."

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"Quit your whining, I'm starting to wonder how you actually got away with your other kills."

Clueless. Utterly clueless. "You don't know how easy it is, do you? Shoot, pass off as a homeless person." Still, this guy wasn't half bad, even if he had insulted her ability twice.

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"It really is a nice place without the snow falling sideways at you." The place looked nice, and while the wind was sometimes cold and biting, most of the time the mountain was a beautiful place with some gorgeous vistas. "Mountain sliding? Heard of it, never tried it-- hey!" and she was gone, flying down the side of the mountain. "Alright, alright, time to see how brave I am..." he took a few steps back, took a deep breath, and then made a small, running jump off the edge of the mountain. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! He hit the snow and tried to balance himself out, as he began sliding down the tall hill.


"Phew! Finally..." Amera had made it to the base of the mountain after having walked for at least 15 minutes. Her stamina returning, she began scaling up it, hoping to find some sort of tracks to indicate people had passed through, earlier. She found something better, though. The collapsed part of a mountain, which seemed to have exploded open. "Well, I don't think anything indigenous to the mountain could have done that..."

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"That's all there is to it? I've been giving you too much credit. Well, I suppose if Teis hadn't noticed you, you wouldn't have been caught. That healing girl should be around here somewhere, look out for an overdressed girl. Don't try anything funny."

He started scanning for Lucinda, almost dreading talking to her. Well, I suppose she couldn't be worse than this one. He let go of Elune, there was no way she'd run in that state. He head towards the inn, no doubt she was repacking.



Deciding that Talnor would be his next city, he rode onwards. He didn't quite understand his bad luck in Phirias, usually his sermons went pretty well. Maybe they were already followers? He didn't want to seem rude, so perhaps letting them decide on their own would work. His tour hadn't started well, but he was sure things would only get better.

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Lucinda was busying herself by grooming her trusty steed, when she noticed the blonde fellow with the axe approach with the assassin named Elune. Her sparkling blue eyes widened and lost their luster. "Well, I say! What happened this time? It was only moments ago that your shoulder was repaired, was it not?" she shook her head. "What was it she did this time, good sir? She has surely stirred up trouble yet again, no doubt!"

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Teis heard the argument but didn't feel the need to get himself involved. He'd done his job in catching the assassin, no one was expecting her to be polite so soon afterwards. Being entirely honest, if he didn't feel that the Crimson Witch held the secret to his past, he wouldn't travel with this group at all. Besides the leader, who seemed to be a fairly amiable fellow, the rest were... strange, to say the least. The loud boy was the one he would least like to travel with, but the girl, as well as the woman with a horse both annoyed him in other ways. Only Aurelio seemed to be someone with whom Teis could relate... but how and why was a different question.


Ormis was restless. He was about to head over to the mountains himself, but stopped when he noticed Amera doing the same thing. Being alone with her... Nope. No way.

Instead, he waited at the gate, making a large show of impatience.

"So, when are we gonna go? If we hurry up, we may catch her before she's on the other side of the continent from us!"

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((Filler because I'm clueless))


She heard the cry of the murder, she heard the screams. She wanted to help, but she was almost glued to the chair she was sitting in. Sweat poured down her face and arms.

"Damn it...I know this feeling..." She bolted out of the chair and ran to the edge of town, still sweating despite the snow. On the town border she stopped, looking around her.

The vision got stronger and stronger, the memories flooded her head. She realized what it meant the moment they all suddenly stopped.

"Hello, Lucretia."


She had found her target, standing there.

"Hello, Lucretia." She said. She had her trusted sword, Queen, poised in her right hand. Tyalis was in her left hand, also poised and at the ready.


She noticed her mother with her blade at the ready. She knew what this meant.

"I know what you want, and I'm not going to let you kill me."

She drew Samadhi and Adyta and took a stance.

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"Yeeeeeaah!" Carrion yelled, having seemingly the time of her life, until an awesome idea popped into her head. When she got close enough to the ground to not break something important in her body, she jumped off with all the force she could and went rolling on the ground for a good 20 feet before stopping. She had grass and dirt all over herself now, but she stood up laughing and panting, not having felt so alive in a good long while. "Come ooooon, Adrian! Hurry uuuuup!"

Grant smiled at the soldier girl. "Hate you forever? Hahaha, come now, I don't hate you, in fact I support your work, quite heavily!" turning to Ormis, Grant sighed. "Yeah yeah, you bring up a good point..." Grant cleared his throat and shouted. "If you're heading to Varthas with me, you got a minute to get over here, otherwise I'm outta here and it was nice knowin ya!" He looked to Ormis. "Satisfied?"

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Seilynda was relieved that Grant didn't hate her, but she gulped. Time flew when she raged at Elune, and she didn't get a chance to pack. She ran to the barracks and packed whatever she could. The girl double-checked to make sure she had everything she needed but swore that she might've forgotten something. She would've triple-checked, but there was no time. She bid a quick farewell to whoever was around the barracks and acquaintances on the way, hoping they haven't left without her.

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Lucretia held her swords tightly. She knew for a long time that this day would come.

I'm not afraid anymore. She thought as she charged. Their blades clashed, the impact sending a shock through both women's bodies.

"Two swords? Wow, Lucretia. I'm impressed." Anastasia said. She dropped Tyalis on the ground near her feet and reached for the blade on her back. "This sword is a family heirloom. I was hoping to give it to you..." She pointed the shining blade at Lucretia. "...but I'll just have to impale you on it instead!"

They clashed again and again. Sparks flew from the metal blades as the women moved in a circle, almost as if in a dance. Here were two women, both at their seemingly eternal peaks, fighting for their lives.

I cannot let her win! Lucretia's mind was racing, but she forced herself to stop thinking and continue onward. She raised both swords for another attack.

One more person left and my revenge will be complete... Anastasia saw Lucretia prepare for her next strike. Seizing the opportunity, she thrust Queen towards Lucretia's leg.

Seeing her mother's sword on its way towards her leg, Lucretia quickly thrust both blades downward towards Queen.

Both minds raced with continuous thoughts as Lucretia successfully parried Anastasia's strike. Memories flew through both of their heads as they continued their fighting.

Both women realized that they were both evenly matched at this point. It was a matter of endurance.

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The bottom of the hill was getting dangerously close, and Adrian didn't really know how to stop himself. He watched Riya jump off and roll, but he was almost too scared to do it. Gotta jump, come on! He jumped, but way too close to the bottom of the hill, bouncing a bit before rolling, like Riya had. He landed on his back at the end of the roll, covered in dirt, grass, but mostly in pain. "Okay... I don't think anything's broken... but, damn, that hurt." He groaned as he spoke, pulling himself into sitting. "Let's, uh... not do that again, alri-- ow!" He grabbed his ankle, as he had felt a sharp pain in it, as he tried to stand up. "Well, I guess nothing's broken, but I think this is sprained. Great..."

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"Aaaaahahahaaa! Look at you! Oh come on, Adrian, just walk it ooofff... or not. that looks terrible." She shook her head, a bit disappointed but more worried than anything. "Here, lean on me, I'll help you to the city, and then we can get you patched up." she hunched down so he could grab on. "Come on, kid, we don't got all day."

Grant could hear fighting in the distance, swords clashing together fast and furiously (Oh god I'm sorry guys). His gut instinct was to ignore it but his curiosity got teh better of him. "Ormis... I'll be right back, this is too distracting." He went towards the other exit, squinting to see what the hell was going on...

The wolf man sniffed the air. He smelled something... different. A human? Two humans...? This is... different. With that, he bounded off towards the smell, the walls of the mountain nothing more than spring pads for the wolf when he spotted a... girl? He snarled, not out of anger but out of furious curiosity. He lunged, closing the distance easily, landing right in front of the catgirl. "Hello little one. Are you lost? Or are you chasing after those two... humanssss...?"

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"I'll be alright, just gotta walk it off, right?" He grinned, but cringed inside as he stood on it, the pain surging up his leg. He took Riya's shoulder, not wanting to admit how painful it was, but the obvious signs showing in his face, as hard as he was trying to hide it. The town wasn't far off, so he could get someone to heal it, he'd hoped. "Really sorry about this... I'm just slowing us down, like this."


Turning as soon as she heard footsteps, Amera was face to face with a wolf anri. She growled, not one for their kind. They, wolves, had never been a species that had gotten along with her, ever since she was little. "And why do you care, wolf?" the disdain dripping from her voice like some sort of toxin. "What will you do if I'm trailing them? Because I'd rather not be held up for something silly." She was ready to bolt if he tried anything, sure that she could outrun him.

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"What was it she did this time, good sir? She has surely stirred up trouble yet again, no doubt!"

"I didn't see the whole thing, but I'm guessing that the soldier girl lost her temper." He'd never been called good sir before. He was hardly a gentleman or even that good in all honesty. "She's no good like this, could'ya patch her up one more time?"

He was seriously regretting taking Elune from the girl. Well, if he hadn't she'd probably have lost an arm. He wondered where Lucretia had gone, he hadn't seen her all morning.



(Traveling his brains out)

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"Slowing us down? Eh. We were gonna go searching for some merc work anyway, weren't we? While i go looking for something, you can rest up! I mean, it's bad, but nothing permanent, just don't put any pressure on it and it won't get worse. I got this, OK?" She was happy to help him, oddly enough. "You're weird, you know that? Stop acting like you're the worst thing here. Sure, you've got a lot to learn, but once you do... just imagine it, man!"

"Why do I care? Look at you! I'm just worried you might run into trouble out here! There's all kinds of weirdos out here, just waiting for a chance to prey on unsuspecting fools!" He smiled, his teeth bared unintentionally. "I just wanna help out is all! I got nothin to do, and I'm positively bored! humans don't normally travel these parts, does that not strike you as odd? I mean, it's hard to travel these places on such puny legs, I'm curious as to how they even got in here..."

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"Oh, yes, of course. " Lucinda started to work her magic and stopped partway. "It appears to be a rather severe wound. We must thank the Goddess that you still walk among us, you could have died from blood loss if this gentleman had not performed first aid. However... this wound may be beyond me, the damage is extreme. I shall do my best to patch you up, but I fear you may not be able to move as you are accustomed to." My Goddess, I beg of you to forgive this sinner and grant me the power to restore her vitality. The gems on her sword and the wound itself glowed, closing the wound and leaving the faintest of scars, only visible if one were to be actively looking for it. "Well then, I believe that's that."


Seilynda ran back to the others and looked around. It's definitely been more than a minute... why are they all still standing around here? She looked around and walked up to the blonde-haired axeman. "Excuse me, but where has our leader gone? We should've left a while ago."

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