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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 2


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There was another guy standing guard? Shit! 3 people were chasing her from behind, and there was one more person in front. Disguising wasn't going to work, and running wouldn't cut it anymore.

Elune held her knife out ready to slash, and charged the man blocking the exit to the inn.

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"Well excuuuuse me for trying to accept blame of any sort, you dick..." She responded, a bit displeased. "And yes, I can climb, I was climbing yesterday, don't you remember? I'm not the best climber, just the most dangerous." She smirked, probably a bit too happy about that claim, but she was proud nonetheless. "And... as for how many times I've died... Huh. I... don't want to answer that, I hate thinking about it. It'd be like me asking, 'hey kid, how many times have you failed miserably'? Just... don't ask that, alright?" she replied somberly as she followed Adrian. There was no anger behind it, just sadness.

Grant saw the assassin, a woman by the looks of it, charging at him with a knife. She was moving fairly fast, but Grant knew how to work around these people. Just play defensively, don't give them an opening! With that, he kicked some snow in the air, a fine dusting in the air that would surely irritate the eyes unless trained to deal with it. Either way, it was a start to his and her battle.

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"Oh... Sorry. I didn't think it'd be that... well, I should've figured that... but... I'm sorry." He stuttered around to find the right words, unable to do so, ending up apologizing for it. Yeah, ask her how many times she's been brutally murdered. That'll score you some points, Adrian. Great move. Just say something to lighten to the mood. "Yeah, I remember you climbing. I also remember carrying you up the mountain because you couldn't keep up with Ormis and I, ha ha." He laughed, climbing up a ledge and offering a hand down to help her up it.

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Argh... My eyes! Powdery snow stung Elune's eyes, making it even harder to concentrate. Still, from what she saw, the guy looked pretty damn armoured... For the top half of his body, at least.

I can't defend or I'll get sandwiched from behind. I just need to get past him... but how? I can't duck past him, but if I can injure him... Elune made a few stabbing attempts toward the guard. Hopefully he'd get caught in the leg and give her an opportunity to run.

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"There she is! You're mine!" Teis made a lunge for it, trying to tackle the assassin. Unfortunately, the same powder that had seemed to have blinded his prey also blinded him, for it was just fine enough to get inside his helmet. "Gah-?!"

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Taking his hand she climbed up easily. "I said I could climb, never said I was better. Get that through your thick skull, boy." She sighed, not really knowing what to say to him at this point, but she tried anyway. "So... um... Yeah. Are you sure you want to stick around with me? I mean, I kind of really forced you before but now I just don't feel right doing that. I can let you go... if you want." She asked, kind of anxious and afraid of the answer he'd give.


Grant smirked as she charged blindly into the snow flurry, though the lady seemed smarter than most, not going for the head even though it seemed to be the most obvious means of killing the man. Instead she went for his more exposed legs, stabbing at them. Grant parried a few of the blows, the sword batting it away easily, but she got a blow right into his leg, above the knee. Shit, she got me! "Gah...!" He took a powerful swing at her to keep her at bay.

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Good, finally I got him-Gaah! The sword had caught Elune's right arm near the shoulder. It had cut cleanly through the shirt, and blood was now flowing from the wound.

If I don't run in the next minute, I'm dead... and I can't even fight well now. Elune held her knife up once more, waiting for the guard to strike again. Assuming he would miss, she'd be able to leave him behind.

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The wound was getting to him, but he had stamina and adrenaline to keep him going. "HEY, SHE'S OVER HERE, HURRY!" he yelled to anyone nearby. Eyeing the assassin in front of him, his face was displeased, but not angry. "I'll tell you what. You drop your weapon and surrender, I'll let let you live. You've got some time to think here, so go ahead and think about it."

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Teis shook his head, clearing his vision. Then he saw the assassin clearly. He readied his axe, but then realized that he didn't want to kill this woman just yet. He wanted to ask her some questions. Instead, he ran forward and tackled her, making sure to grab the wrist which held that deadly knife, keeping it away from any chinks.

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"And then? I surrender, you throw me in prison for the rest of my- Ow!" Elune was about to complete her sentence before she was tackled painfully in the back. She lost her grip of her knife and it skidded a few metres in front of her, with Elune herself ending up face-down in the snow.

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As much as Lucinda wanted to, she couldn't leave her post. She couldn't risk the leaving an opening if the assassin decided to head over her way.



Seilynda had been searching the town frantically for this murderer, and luckily, she was near whoever it was. She rushed over and noticed a group encircling a wounded woman, who she assumed was the killer. A man seemed to have tackled her down and grabbed her wrist, immobilizing her. "Hey! You over there! Hold her still, will ya?" She took this chance to grab the woman's other wrist roughly and tied them together securely. "Thank you for your help! I'm sure you'll be rewarded handsomely by the leader of town." The soldier proceeded to disarm her and confiscate her weapons. "GUYS! WE CAUGHT HER!" she called out to the rest of the guards in the area.


The sound of a woman yelling signaled that the wrongdoer was caught. "It seems that we have no more business here, young Ormis. Come, let us see the face of this cowardly assassin!" She rode off to the location of the voice and spotted Grant and the killer bleeding. "Oh dear..." Lucinda dismounted from her horse and drew her rapier again. "We'll have to tend to those gruesome wounds."

Edit: Minor continuity fixes.

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"I'll get it through my thick skull one day, don't worry." She climbed up, and he smiled again. They were making good progress, and no one was following them. Another ridge or so and the fortress would be out of sight. Then she said something slightly worrying. "So, I don't have to go with you? I'm completely free... Hrm... Well, I think I'll make my way to Lazarynth, alongside this one fiery mage I know. I think that sounds like a good idea. What do you think?" He'd rather not leave her, even having the choice. It made him worry a bit, though, like she was trying to get rid of him. He hoped his joke would go over well, at least.


By the time Amera had caught up, the fight was already over, Teis and another guard holding the woman down. "Dangit, that's no fun." She walked over to them, Grant's leg bleeding. "Oh, Grant, are you alright?" She was instantly worried, forgetting about the assassin for the moment.

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Elune felt her left arm being grabbed and tied together with her other arm. Ha... Haha... Should have kept that fucking crossbow, dammit... And now, I'll be hanged. Beautiful. There was no point in resisting, no point in a defiant shout. Just a tinge of regret, and the knowledge that she'd never get her revenge.

(OoC: I didn't mean for that to rhyme.)

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Ormis was already a good three feet away when Lucinda began talking to him.

"Don't patronize me..."


Teis got off of the assassin once the city guards had taken care of her. He extended his hand to Grant in greetings. "That was an excellent idea, kicking up the snow like that. My name is Teis, by the way. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

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Having gotten lost in the narrow streets for a little while, Aurelio had missed all the action.

"Bah, you caught her already?" he said coolly, hiding the fact he wanted a little scuffle. He noticed the addition of Lucinda, she was pretty well dressed. He bet she had an attitude to match. Looking at Elune, he spoke down to her;

"The whole assassin thing works better if you don't get caught... or do it in broad daylight. Rookie mistake, Ormis with a cleaver would've been more subtle." he sniggered, making sure the assassin got the point. "Although I have to give you some credit, getting Grant with a knife took at least some brains." The guards carried her away shortly after that.

"So, what's the plan? Grant's going nowhere for now."


Ken - Nearly at Phirias

It had been a long journey but Ken had entered Shuthra. He could start as soon as he got into town. The main problem was that he wasn't sure how to convert people.

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"But... why?" She wanted the company, she honestly did, but she didn't want pity. With everything she went through, she had always been able to persevere through her own will and prowess, no one else factored in as far as she was concerned. "I killed you, I threatened you, and for all you know I could be making everything up. Why would you want to be with me after all of that? Wouldn't you rather be with the others? The... 'Sane' ones, the normal people?" She was beginning to let doubt cloud her vision.

"I'm fine, Amera, I really am. It's just a kn- Agh..." Apparently he underestimated the blow. It cut deep and hindered his movement enough that he had to hobble, painfully. "OK, I guess it's... not fine... Shit, is there a cleric or a medic nearby I can ask for some assistance from?" With that, Teis walked up, introducing himself. What tact... "I like to think on my feet, yeah. Name's Grant, by the way."

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"Sir Grant, please, do not move. It may worsen if you do. I thank the Goddess that you are still alive." Lucinda hurried over to Grant and murmured a prayer. The gems on her rapier and Grant's wound emitted a soft blue glow again, and soon enough, it looked as if the wound had never occurred. "You may stand. Please, try not to over exert yourself, sir."


Seilynda grabbed the murderer by the scruff of her neck and dragged her across the town with the rest of the guards, making sure she knew shame. Once they reached the jail, she threw the woman in, tied up her ankles, and locked her in a cell. She returned to her post at the gate, awaiting further orders.

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"I'm pretty sure you're not the one who shoved a spear into my shoulder, and twisted it." He grabbed his shoulder slightly, as if to remember the pain. "Hell, you saved me. Or do you not remember that?" He asked, turning to her with a smile. He took her hand and sat down, pulling her down onto his lap. "And because I'd rather spend time with you. Yeah, you could be lying to me, but, hey, if you are, then it's my fault for believing it." He pulled her a little closer, "Besides, even if I wanted to be with everyone else, I'm too deep into this. They'd never believe me." Closer still, "So I can enjoy the time here with you, or I can go get myself killed. I think spending time with you is the better option..." His face was so close to hers, like he could lean in and kiss her... So he did.


"See! You're not fine!" She turned to Lucinda, who had just shown up. "Uhm, Miss Lucinda, do you know how--" but by the time she'd gotten that out, Lucinda was already over at him, chanting her prayers. Amera's eyes caught the gems on her sword once again, and were transfixed onto them as they glowed.

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Teis responded only with a curt nod as he noticed their captive being taken away. He quickly walked to the jail, making his presence known to the guard on duty.

"Excuse me, sir, but may I have a word with the assassin who was so recently taken into custody? I believe that she holds the answers to... something that I seek, and I would much prefer to asking her now, rather than later after she has been tried and/or hanged."


By the time Ormis reached the area of the fight, it was already over. There was a female guard dragging off the assassin, and the man with the huge axe followed her.

"Aw, dammit. I missed everything AGAIN?"

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The prison floor was extremely hard, and freezing cold. The guards didn't even bother to patch up the wound. Elune landed on her right arm, the gash opening up even more. She felt her legs being tied up and heard the sound of the cell door being slammed shut.

She slowly wriggled her way to lying on her back, mainly so she could look at the wound. It didn't look good at all. Blood was flowing freely from it, staining her shirt as well as the floor. Elune winced as the cold continued to sting at the wound.

Heavy armour creaked in the background, and it was obvious someone was coming towards her.

Already? ... Damn, that was fast...

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"What... What are you doin- !" When Adrian pulled her down and moved his face closer to hers, she didn't know what to think, and then he kissed her. She had never quite felt this way before, and she couldn't describe it, however she did like it. She pulled away and covered her mouth, giving Adrian a worried look, completely flustered at this point. "Don't... Don't DO that to me!" She got up in a huff and made her way further into the mountains, an angry look plastered on her face.

Grant stood up, the wound seemingly gone. Pushing some weight onto the leg yielded no pain either. "Well I'll be. Thank you, Miss. And I don't know if I can stop over exerting myself, it's... kind of how I do things. Anyway, I have some business to attend to, ladies, so I'll take my leave right now." He made his way over to the jailer's and waited, since Teis seemed to have his attention first and foremost.

"Questioning already? Eh, go ahead. Chances are she's gonna be tight lipped so have at it." He looked down to his paperwork "Don't agitate the prisoner, please." He finished, not caring too much, more of a formality.

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Adrian wasn't at all surprised by her pulling back, or her expression. He did smile, a bit, as she rushed off into the mountain. She didn't hit me, or set me on fire. I guess it wasn't as bad as she's making it seem? "Hey, I'm sorry if you didn't like that! It just... sort of happened!" He called to her, getting up to rush after her. He began to worry for a moment, wondering if he was being too forward with her. Then again, they'd slept together already, and she had made all those advanced on him, but he didn't know if she was being a tease or if she meant it. Urgh, women. They're so confusing...


Amera stared at the jewels on the sword, even as they stopped glowing. "So... shiny..." she lunged for the rapier, snatching it out of Lucinda's hand before rolling with it, and eventually pawing at it. She was lost in the shine of the gems.

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Teis nodded his thanks, and walked into the area outside the cell. He took his helmet off before looking into the small window in the door. From what it looked like, she'd been treated fairly poorly and was just lying there pitifully. Before he even realized what he was doing, he tore off a piece of his shirt fomr under his armor and threw it into the cell.

"There, for your wound. It wouldn't do us any good if you died before we could get any information out of you, eh?"

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As soon as Lucinda was finished healing Grant's wound, the Anri girl snatched the rapier out of her hand. "Excuse me, miss, but I believe that is mine! Why I ought to..." she stopped and observed the girl. She seemed harmless enough, as she was fascinated by the sunlight playing off the gems.

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She stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh, it just sort of happened? It just sort of fucking happened?!" Her arms were flailing about, trying to articulate what she was trying to say. "No! No! You're going to fast, alright?! YOU. DON'T. DO THAT. Okay?! I-I'm not ready for... for THAT yet, we just met, and with everything that's happened, I think you just skipped a bunch of important shit, OK? Just... UUUGH!" She pulled on her hair and continued on having made her views on the matter very clear.

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