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Ways to use BEXP?

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I've never use BEXP very much in Radiant Dawn, mainly because of the 3 stat-up limit that usually hinders my guys, rather than aids them. But then I end up with loads and loads amount of BEXP at the end of the game, and I usually just don't have any idea what to do it, so I usually just let it sit there unused at the end of the game, completely in waste.

However, I recently(as in, just yesterday), realized a new technique I could use to further intensify the usefulness of my BEXP: raise characters to 99 using BEXP, and then have them go fight someone to get a little extra more. This way, the BEXP is used, but I get passed that stupid 3-Stat Up limit....

Anyway, that's just my technique I use for BEXP... What are some you guys' techniques?

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I have a 4 point plan when distributing BEXP:

1) Select a character I want to give BEXP

2) Give that character BEXP

3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 with some other characters

4) Stop distributing BEXP and continue with the battle preparations.

That's how I do it normally :awesome:

Edited by mikethfc
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I always wait until the unit(s) i want to BEXP have capped some stats, and then I check the averages list on SF, see if the stat up is more or less than 3, and BEXP accordingly.

I just BEXP as efficient as possible. :)

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Intuition I suppose. Some units like Laura and Tanith benefit from getting full BEXP levels anytime (strmag/spd being dominant growths) and some like Ike or Titania want to cap some stats real fast before getting the transfusion.

So, yeah, intuition.

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I usually use the 99 method you mentioned in your first post. For some units, I'll help them out and level them up a bit so I don't have to baby them quite so much. Occasionally, I speed up promotion too, depending on the unit.

I've wanted to save all my BEXP until the end and then get Meg or Fiona to 20/20/20, but I hate them far too much to do that. Plus, Meg makes for a great shield the first level, and she usually dies so that Micaiah can get easy Exp.

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I always wait until the unit(s) i want to BEXP have capped some stats, and then I check the averages list on SF, see if the stat up is more or less than 3, and BEXP accordingly.

I just BEXP as efficient as possible. :)

I basically just do this, wait until your units have capped some stats then give them BEXP, they might only get 3 stat ups but they're 3 stat ups in places they'd never normally get any. I normally do it for the last few levels before promotion or 20/20/20 because that's when stats normally cap by.

Another way to use it is, if a unit has only 2 or 3 stats not capped (like 20/20/15 Jill or something) BEXP them until there is only one stat not capped because in RD units always get one stat up when they level up. I hope that made sense.

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Usually I'd give most of the BEXP to laguz. Sometime, I give it to units who benefit from bexp early on (like Integrity said). I also use it for units with a low useful growth that have capped a few stats already (i.e. Aran, Ilyana, Leonardo, etc. )

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The only good I've ever found from hoarding BEXP until the end of the game is being able to give it all to Reyson or Leanne or Rafiel. A couple of times I've been able to get them all the way to level 40, with a lot of their stats maxed.

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The only good I've ever found from hoarding BEXP until the end of the game is being able to give it all to Reyson or Leanne or Rafiel. A couple of times I've been able to get them all the way to level 40, with a lot of their stats maxed.

Explain. How is having a capped Heron good?

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Explain. How is having a capped Heron good?

I find the Recovery Galdr to be extremely useful, and Valor is pretty dandy too(especially for Kurthnaga, before he gets Formshift). The capped stats help just in case the heron is ever attacked.

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Actually, Bonus EXP is good when someone has maxed out one stat, because you don't have to worry about getting that one stat instead of another stat.

I usually start BEXPing characters at around level 9-13. XD

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Actually, Bonus EXP is good when someone has maxed out one stat, because you don't have to worry about getting that one stat instead of another stat.

I usually start BEXPing characters at around level 9-13. XD

This seems like a good technique... It makes sense because BEXP level ups ALWAYS give 3 stat ups... Hm... I'm going to start using this technique...

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Actually, Bonus EXP is good when someone has maxed out one stat, because you don't have to worry about getting that one stat instead of another stat.

I usually start BEXPing characters at around level 9-13. XD

If you are playing the game with any sense of urgency, the worst way to use BEXP is to wait more than a chapter or two, waiting for capped stats on anyone but Mia or Ike just takes too long. Besides, the improvement after waiting for capped stats is not particularly noticeable unless you have capped 2-3 by which time the game is almost done. Give your best units BEXP and let them get closer to promo bonuses, get a little stat boost, etc. Generally, take a short-term boost in part 3 over a better boost that appears in part 4, because you should be able to blitz part 4 anyways, as you are prohibited from routing less often by stats than by movement and 2-range issues.

Edited by incognito123
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Tier 2 Aran is a great unit to BEXP. By level 8 (eight) he has STR/SKL/DEF (his best growths) capped. BEXP means he probably gets HP, SPD, and LUK. SPD and LUK are two stats he wants. RES isn't that far behind SPD/LUK, either, so it probably won't impact his RES too much. I guess you'll screw over his MAG, but, well, who cares?

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I took Nephenee as an example, because it's quite a stable decrease in stat ups, it demonstrates nicely from which point BEXP becomes statistically useful.

Note, these are averages, so don't use these levels in your own experience, just look at the combined growths and decide if it is statistically useful or not. ;)

Now, what I do is:

Take all growths, in Nephenee's case 0.45 + 0.35 + 0.15 + 0.7 + 0.65 + 0.4 + 0.35 + 0.45 = 3.5

3.5 is the average amount of stats that go up each level, stated in the last column. Now, as stats start to cap, this number decreases, because growths of capped stats do not count anymore. On average, Nephenee caps RES at level 10, so, from then onwards, the combined growths are only 3.05, this is still statistically better than using BEXP, although by a small amount. Next level, she caps more stats, the combined growths give a total of 2.35 stats next level, since this is statistically worse than BEXP, I start giving BExp to cap more stats.

Ofcourse, you probably won't get average Nephenee, so just calculate the amount of stats that would go up on average for the next level, if it's higher than 3, give CEXP, if lower, give BEXP. :)

That's just my way, i like to maximize my BEXP. =D

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If you are playing the game with any sense of urgency, the worst way to use BEXP is to wait more than a chapter or two, waiting for capped stats on anyone but Mia or Ike just takes too long. Besides, the improvement after waiting for capped stats is not particularly noticeable unless you have capped 2-3 by which time the game is almost done. Give your best units BEXP and let them get closer to promo bonuses, get a little stat boost, etc. Generally, take a short-term boost in part 3 over a better boost that appears in part 4, because you should be able to blitz part 4 anyways, as you are prohibited from routing less often by stats than by movement and 2-range issues.

Well, I guess I try to get as many stats capped as possible, and... well, I guess PEMN. :sweatdrop:

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To level up my royals. Also, if I can, BEXP up a unit to near a level, then when the chapter starts, I chip/kill something and I try to rig that level. Also use when some stats are capped.

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I think the BEXP metagame in FE10 is one of the reasons why it's my favourite FE game. Distributing BEXP between units that need an immediate boost and ones that want long-term growth maximization is pretty fun.

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I've found that Soren benefits a ton from BEXP. He capped Mag, Skill, and Res at level 12, and now BEXP abuse is giving him good HP, Sp, and Str raises, which are normally pretty low for mages. He will probably benefit most out of early promotion with a Master Crown....

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