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E3 2011!!


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No, I don't think the WiiU is just a controller. I think its a whole new system with a whole new controller. They just only showed off the controller. What has the HD graphics and what not is the actual new system. I don't think they really made this clear enough though.

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Actually, the WiiU is a new console. It was confusing the way that everyone was using wii remotes, but its actually a new console. It just is backwards compatible with wii remotes.

Not the best reveal in my opinion. They should have cleared that up and announced some solid titles.


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So. New Smash Bros and another Zelda that isn't Skyward Sword.


All I could say to that was, 'Oh snap'. I'm really excited for the WiiU, and Nintendo has only made me want a 3DS more(Eeeeee~! Starfox and new Mario!)

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I'm pretty much a Nintendo fan boy now more than ever.

I think that the Wii - U looks promising. It's amazing that they didn't do something really lame, since the Wii was so cool.

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I doubt that this really is an actual Zelda game (probably just a tech demo), but dang. Just dang.


Edited by Ragnell
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If there IS a Zelda game that looks like that, I'm buying it.

I'm pretty sure everyone is buying it. Even if they don't have a Wii U.

Also, was I only the one actually disappointed with Nintendo's conference? They didn't reveal any Wii games to fill the rest of the year, and they didn't actually announce hardly any Wii U titles to get excited for except Smash Bros, which they didn't even have a teaser for. All I would have needed was one good look at a couple classic Nintendo characters in HD and I would have been sold. But they didn't really show anything. And I can't tell, is Battlefield 3 officially coming to Wii U or not? The EA guy just told us to "imagine" it, and never said if it was coming or not.

EDIT: Zelda Video

Edited by Ragnell
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I don't find it dissapointing, btu that's mainly because it got me even more hyped up for the 3DS, which I'm totally getting when I can. I'm more than convinced now.

Besides, it is said that they will have more to announce of the next 2 days, just it might be some small stuff, nothing like major revealings and such. Patience young jedi. Patience.

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I'm pretty sure everyone is buying it. Even if they don't have a Wii U.

Also, was I only the one actually disappointed with Nintendo's conference? They didn't reveal any Wii games to fill the rest of the year, and they didn't actually announce hardly any Wii U titles to get excited for except Smash Bros, which they didn't even have a teaser for. All I would have needed was one good look at a couple classic Nintendo characters in HD and I would have been sold. But they didn't really show anything. And I can't tell, is Battlefield 3 officially coming to Wii U or not? The EA guy just told us to "imagine" it, and never said if it was coming or not.

EDIT: Zelda Video

I wasn't surprised by anything. Nothing new was really announced--seen it all before kind of stuff. I wasn't particularly into gaming already, since the decline into mono-entertainment, but at this point I'm surprised I bothered watching anything about e3 at all.

There's more fun to be had with the numerous interesting flash games people make than what's been shown around these past few years :/

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Yes, Wii U is a completely new console. You can actually see it in the shots of the TV, its that little rounded white thing in the bottom right. They just decided to focus on the controller for now.


Dimensions are 1.8 inches tall, 6.8 inches wide and 10.5 inches long.

Edited by Suichimo
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That new wii looks cool albeit the controller is just like... eh i don't really need a new screen but cool i guess...?

Also Zelda Skyward Sword new trailer. It looks cool, it seems we get to fly giant birds :awesome:

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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I can get on the webiste, but I can't see any of the pictures. It says there's some invalid password error when I try to download the zip files with bitcomet, and when I download it regularly, I can't open the zip files.

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The stuff to get into the press site is:

Username: E32011

Password: nintendo

That's what I had typed in.

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Reggie said in an interview that the lack of games was to avoid stealing the Wii U's thunder, and there are more, unannounced, before the end of the year and Skyward sword. Hopefully this accounts for the lack of FE12 (And Pandora's Power, Last Story, possibly Xenoblade). Doesn't explain the old version of DQMJ2 though...

Edited by deuxhero
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I have it on good authority that Wii U is not actually a new gaming system, it's a plot by nintendo to take over the EU. Because the translator speaks Engrish, he translated it to We-U instead of EU.

Edited by SeverIan
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I have it on good authority that Wii U is not actually a new gaming system, it's a plot by nintendo to take over the EU. Because the translator speaks Engrish, he translated it to We-U instead of EU.

They already have Japan. Are they attempting an actual Mushroom Kingdom? The Netherlands would make sense to have at that point.

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WiiU looks cool, but that name, IMO, sucks. I wanted to see more games in general. I'd have liked to see Wii stuff, some real game footage for the WiiU, and of course a FE announcement.

Also, regarding the comparison between how the PSV and PSP look: do the same thing with the DS and 3DS. The companies are going with a design familiar to their consumers.

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E3 in a nutshell:


Microsoft... just.... wow...

Too much Kinect. Which is why, again, Nintendo is getting my money instead of Microsoft. I didn't even bother rewinding the stream and watching the Microsoft portion, because people said it was horrible.

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E3 in a nutshell:


Microsoft... just.... wow...

Too much Kinect. Which is why, again, Nintendo is getting my money instead of Microsoft. I didn't even bother rewinding the stream and watching the Microsoft portion, because people said it was horrible.

You're the best. You know that?

However, I'm very excited about Mass Effect 3 for the Xbox 360, although it's true that it's also for the PS3 and PC.

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