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Pokemon Legendaries Mafia - Game Over


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Right there's nothing else for it I'm going to have to Raichu all a threatening PM if this goes on >:(

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... What the fuck at the lack of night actions.

Phase extended 6 hours.

But the only way the buggers will learn is by ending the night phase now and not Dragonite on any longer >:(

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Phase over.

Latias wanted to stand and fight, to get revenge for her brother. Unfortunately, a damn strong Megahorn put her out of commission. Permanently.

Dear user,

You are Latias, the Eon Pokémon.


Your body is covered in a down that can refract light in such a way that you become invisible.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Disguising as USER”. You will bend light to make you look like USER, causing any actions done to USER to target you instead. SNIP

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you guys didn't know this was Proto... yeah.

Lugia and Ho-oh had a little secret meeting to discuss their further plans. Someone didn't like seeing them together and Stone Edge'd the fuck out of both of them.

Dear user,

You are Lugia, the Diving Pokémon.


You slumber at the bottom of a deep trench. If you flap your wings, you are said to cause a 40-day storm.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Aeroblast USER”. You will attack USER with Aeroblast, and they will be so shocked by the impact that they will be unable to carry out their night action. SNIP

You are allied with the Guardians. You win when you have achieved parity with the town and all other threats have been eliminated.

I have no idea when Lugia was a Fire Emblem Addict, but oh well.

Dear user,

You are Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokémon.


You possess seven-colored wings. It is said that those who see you are promised an eternal happiness.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Resurrecting USER from the grave”. USER will return to life the following day phase, allowing USER to reveal any information he has gained as well as vote. USER will die once again at the end of the following day phase. This action only works if USER is already dead, and you may not target yourself. You may only use this ability thrice. SNIP

You are allied with the Guardians. You win when you have achieved parity with the town and all other threats have been eliminated.

Despite being best in the sun, Ho-oh seemed to like eclipses. Weird fellow.

Also, Sho.M.The.Nyan.Count. returned to battle, looking like he's nearly dead.

It is now Day 3. Day ends on 24 June 2011, 9pm, GMT +8.

Edited by JBCWK
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Man, three mafia down already, this is going swimmingly.

There's nothing weird about liking eclipse.

Weird I could have the flavour said something about you not being able to talk.

Also as far as I know that Wen Yang thing was never resolved so I'll put a pressure vote on him

##Vote Wen Yang

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##Vote Wen Yang

Not much more to say. I really hate blindly stumbling around, but Anouleth knows more than we do, so yeah.

Maybe he didn't claim.

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We haven't heard a word from Wen Yang since Kevin accused him... Why do you think Wen Yang is a good candidate, Anouleth?

My best guess would be that he's a seerlaaaaaag!

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Ideally, I would want Wen to at least be able to say something before majority gets placed on him. No one has even given more details on why Wen was suspected in the first place.

But I guess 1 vote away would be more than enough pressure so ##Vote: Wen

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No one has even given more details on why Wen was suspected in the first place.

My best guess would be that he's a seerlaaaaaag!

What my theory isn't good enough for you, I'm wounded.

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