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Pokemon Legendaries Mafia - Game Over


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This is why nobody likes you, including your mother. You bother people while they're busy about nothing and think it's just a game when they're trying to do something important.

Nobody cares what you have to say. Get over it.

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

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Nobody cares what you have to say. Get over it.

see how that works

I don't think you get it. So let me put it a little more simply.

Nobody likes you. Nobody cares about your opinions. Go crawl into a hole and die. You'd be doing the world a favour.

And stop messaging me at 4:30 in the fucking morning with shit like "your cheeks are so cute" or shit like that.

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I don't think you get it. So let me put it a little more simply.

Nobody likes you. Nobody cares about your opinions. Go crawl into a hole and die. You'd be doing the world a favour.

And stop messaging me at 4:30 in the fucking morning with shit like "your cheeks are so cute" or shit like that.

Come to think of it I'd rather not know which set he was talking about

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You guys wake up to see a dead dragon on the floor!

Wait... what?

Dear user,

You are Rathian.

No picture because you are obviously not a pokemon.

You are a wyvern queen or something, I dunno, I've never played MH.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Get modkilled". You will be instantly modkilled. SNIP

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


It is now Day 1. Day phase ends on 14 June 2011, 7pm, GMT +8.

If I didn't PM you regarding your Night Action, it means it was successful.

Edited by JBCWK
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All of you take a look around, and to your surprise, Anouleth has disappeared!

He may not post in this thread nor engage in any private conversations. This means he can't have a one-on-one chat with anyone, but he can eavesdrop on you guys in IP chat =D

Also, you guys can start posting now.

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I have a proposition for my fellow members of the town. Tonight I ask to be investigated in order to lead the town towards a more successful game, and maybe protected as well. I am not personally a very big fan of the town leader style, but I think my role can fit the position well.

That would be all.

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