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You do realise that tangerine is canadian right?

unless you be trollin, in that case. you win.

She's applying a judgement she's made about some people she knows to the rest of that ethnic group. That's still racist just people are perfectly willing to turn a blind eye to it. Look at me taking the moral high ground. Fookin' mint

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Allow me to announce myself as an unequivocal hater of caffeine in coffee form. I hate it so much that, when I finally was given a good cup of it, I said I hated it to preserve my very fragile sense of self.

Because, seriously, when you're not obsessed with something, why start being obsessed with it when it's just a fucking beverage?

To all those coffee addicts, however, I know your pain. Roughly, anyway.

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I'm not a coffee addict =3 yet

My mom's from canada, though as ethnicity goes, she's fully native american.

But yeah we, being her, my brother and me, like coffee. As far as I know only my brother and dad are addicts.

I'm addicted to Fuze.

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Addiction to coffee is not bad as long as it doesn't pass from 3 cups a day. And if you can survive only having one then you are fine. I get headaches when i don't get coffee. Sure i'm addicted, but it doesn't affect my health or anything, at least nothing too drastic aside from maybe speeding my heart beat by a little. I don't understand why people in my school (they are canadians as well) say i should stop drinking coffee. I drink a coffee in a mug of around 1 1/2 cup size. They say its a lot and really bad. Really? Thats not even that much, and 2-3 cups of coffee is good.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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You don't drink soda/energy drink/eat chocolate/drink tea?

Maybe he does and then can't put up with it.

Recently I told Interceptor that those who get nauseous from things on the internet should get off the internet. Then, a day or so later, I was nauseous after contemplating some things on the internet.


Modify the rule. Those who get nauseous and feel they do not want to be nauseous should get off the internet.

Still, I do not want to be nauseous, but I am waiting for a higher power to help me stay off the internet (as a means of social communication), consigning myself to addiction.

The rules I do not modify, I keep to myself, or share in such a spread of rules (as I am now) that you will never reliably know which are correct. Now go and learn your rules.

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She's applying a judgement she's made about some people she knows to the rest of that ethnic group. That's still racist just people are perfectly willing to turn a blind eye to it. Look at me taking the moral high ground. Fookin' mint

But she's canadian, it doesnt count. you can't call an aisan racist for saying all aisan's have double jointed pinkies(this is not true)

I don't think you could really class Canadians as a race. I mean, we're all human :<

It's more generalization than racism.

Yeah, and racism applys to whites/blacks/orientals/hispainics etc. not countries.

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Yeah, and racism applys to whites/blacks/orientals/hispainics etc. not countries.

Good, solid point. People more frequently use nationalism to name that term, and nationalism has less bad connotations.

Now, I could crush that point, but I'm more concerned with, having watched everyone around me admit, explicitly enough to me at least, the powerless nature of language, trying to use language to make this world better. Until I get a fucking job.


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Good, solid point. People more frequently use nationalism to name that term, and nationalism has less bad connotations.

Now, I could crush that point, but I'm more concerned with, having watched everyone around me admit, explicitly enough to me at least, the powerless nature of language, trying to use language to make this world better. Until I get a fucking job.


That wasn't really a point, i was just stating the facts more.

Edited by Fenrir
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That wasn't really a point, i was just stating the facts more.

Then let's focus on the nationalism part. Nationalism is a concept people seem to be more at home with than racism, even though it sometimes leads to the same bad end (generally, I would say that Nazi racism was rooted in nationalism, although the nationalism was of course rooted in racism). That's what I would contend.

Of course, this is far from the forest and a topic about caffeine, so I'm not too worried if we don't get anywhere with this.

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But she's canadian, it doesnt count. you can't call an aisan racist for saying all aisan's have double jointed pinkies(this is not true)

I'd say its worse because not only is it the same basic principles of racism but to use it you assume you can represent all of said ethnic group, so that's two bits of prejudice for the price of one.

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Then let's focus on the nationalism part. Nationalism is a concept people seem to be more at home with than racism, even though it sometimes leads to the same bad end (generally, I would say that Nazi racism was rooted in nationalism, although the nationalism was of course rooted in racism). That's what I would contend.

Of course, this is far from the forest and a topic about caffeine, so I'm not too worried if we don't get anywhere with this.

so nazi racism is racism>nationalism>racism. What? Are you saying the type of racism changed due to the national hate as well, making it twice as hateful?

You better respect my damn topic!!! i keed i keed

I'd say its worse because not only is it the same basic principles of racism but to use it you assume you can represent all of said ethnic group, so that's two bits of prejudice for the price of one.

I really dont think tangy was out to offend anybody... and its just coffee.

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I really dont think tangy was out to offend anybody... and its just coffee.

I'm not bothered about Tang. I just dislike the excuse I can't be racist because I have a friend who'se that ethnic group/I am it, its one of my pet peeves.

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I'm not bothered about Tang. I just dislike the excuse I can't be racist because I have a friend who'se that ethnic group/I am it, its one of my pet peeves.

Well, it's how the world works.

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But she's canadian, it doesnt count. you can't call an aisan racist for saying all aisan's have double jointed pinkies(this is not true)

You totally could. Unless they're joking.

It's possible for people to hate who they are.

I don't think you could really class Canadians as a race. I mean, we're all human :<

It's more generalization than racism.


Too much water can kill you as well.

It's possible to be allergic to water. No joke.

That would be a pretty silly statement though. "Canadians like coffee" is fact!

I hate coffee.

Oh wait, you're screwing around. Nvm :):

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I never said I can't be racist because I am Canadian.

I outright stated (and implied) multiple times that I was just screwing around. wtf haha.

YOUR A HORRIBLE ADMIN FOR STARTING THIS ARGUEMENT. ADMINS STOP ARGUEMENTS NOT START THEM!! i keed i keed. when people wanna argue, theres absolutely noooo stopping them haha.

You totally could. Unless they're joking.

It's possible for people to hate who they are.


hmm, funny you mention the joking thing, look at the top of this post....

Severian said it was nationalism, which sounds more professional. so we go with sev.

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I never said I can't be racist because I am Canadian.

I outright stated (and implied) multiple times that I was just screwing around. wtf haha.

.................................... So was I the only one to recognize this?... I mean I'm sure I wasn't the only one, but still... How many actually took it seriously, then?

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