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Bull(crap) Mafia


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What are you guys talking about, that knife is obviously not sharp enough to kill any person or animal.

That's what they said to the guy who cut off his arm with a dull knife because he was stuck between rocks on a mountain.

Edited by Excelkitty
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I just want to say this one more time.

You are not dead until both your player and your alias die. Only Lightning is dead at this point of the game.

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Can everyone send in their PMs? It's getting annoying when you don't and I have to chase you.

If you lose the game because you can't bother to check SF for 30 minutes every 2 days, that's your fault, not mine.

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Another morning. You yawn, crawl out of that sewer you call a shelter and ran to the town bulletin board. New notices were flying on it.

eclipse was run over by an RV last night. Ouch. Witnesses say that something got up and walked away though.
Dear eclipse, you are Cookie Monster.

All hail the Cookie Monster! You are CM from SS. You take cookies but never swallow and everybody wonders why that is. Your entire life, you've felt like some higher power is pulling your strings and making you talk and this has made you a very devout Muslim.


You know your evil twin <SNIP> is around. He has threatened you to sell all his stocks in cookie baking companies, which would cause a collapse of all cookie bakers worldwide. Which would mean a world without cookies. Which would be awful. If you or your faction manages to kill him, the cookie gods will be pleased and grant you a power in return.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is <SNIP>.

You are allied with the Animal Legion. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

BK-201 died last night to an excess of really bad music. Don't listen to Slipknot, faggot. However, his body couldn't be found which means it must still be living.
Dear BK-201, you are Shingo DJ.

Speedcore DJ, drug addict and pedophile, all in one little package! You are an example of what every man should be.


In addition, considering you are the only speedcore DJ in your faction, you are the heart and soul of your faction's ability to blast other <USER>s to death with noise. Every night phase, you may reply to your role PM with "<Teammate>, go deathblast <USER>". <Teammate> will then kill <USER> with their own specific flavour. If you are killed, your faction's killing ability is greatly reduced.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is <SNIP>.

You are allied with the Latter-day Renaissance Men. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

Time to vote.

Phase ends July 4th at 12:30 GMT like always. PLEASE GET YOUR ACTIONS IN THIS TIME.

Edited by Kitty Admiral
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