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Ask Your Tyrannic Kitty Anything

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So I've been gone for a week (yes, I know my reasons), so I decided that as a comeback and since IOS's topic got deleted that I'll make a "Ask CM Anything" topic. You can ask about anything really, and I'll try to answer it to the best of my degree.

Don't be shy. Step up to the catwalk.

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Why is your avatar so mean?

I'm a heartless tyrant. Need I say more?

do you love me

Pretend I'm Toon Link in your comic. We'll figure out a meeting point somewhere with that rock.

Do you hate me?


Can I have my bike back?

Only if I get to see Tinny's tits.

Welcome back you goomba.


Why do you like the letter M so much?

It brings "M"ystery to the name, don't you think? So many meanings, but in truth it actually was for my first name.

What is it like to be unloved?


Why are ships coming out of the base?

Moooooooove ziiiiiiiiiig.

Why do you hate America?

Because Canada sucks and we live next to it. I don't know I hate a lot of things America has become nowadays, but hey I'll wear my country proudly.

Why'd you steal my chickens?

To get a Piece of Heart.


And a counter point to that; Why not?

You just answered your own question.

Where did this "kitty" fad come from?

Not sure really, though I think it all started at band camp...

How did it feel to punch Justin Bieber?

My only regret was I didn't do it again.

What is it like being a furry?

Pretty awesome. How about you?

Is a slave, a slave, if he doesn't know he's being enslaved?

Yes. Most definitely.

Who is your father?

Lord Dark Helmet.

Why arent you answering your questions you dick?

I was doing something with a girl...?



Where's the rum?

In my bum.

What's the time?

Around 1 AM GMT -4.

Can you sing to me?

Quite honestly I am trying, but the problem is there's always company in my house and, well, I can't really kick out my family. I'm going to do my best to find a day that I can do it. I'll shove my sister somewhere for the day or something.

How did you enjoy your week of purgatory?

Well I guess I can answer this question legitimately.

So first, I worked my usual at the grocery store. Nothing real new there, barring I finally get to train behind the service desk. This week I have 36 hours, but fuck the U-Scan. I fear I'm going to be thrown on it more often but we're getting more lab rats for that position, so who knows. I worked for one of my buddies one day and made about 60 bucks by moving appliances. French refrigerators suck man: almost 500 lbs to be carried by a dolly. It barely works. I also left a girl I've talked to (and hung around) here and there my number, and she randomly replied with hers one day, so I've been chatting / hanging around with her back and forth. I also purged about 300 dollars into a 3DS with LoZ 3D. Sadly, I haven't gotten very far.

I think that's about it.

Also, how do you feel about people who come into this thread and very pointedly do NOT ask a question?

Man it just pisses me off. I'm glad you came at least with two questions. :D

Why so kitty?

Tyrannical kitties are the best after all.

How's life?

Replied a bit up, but honestly... life's been doing pretty good for me. Despite my banning, this week has actually gone pretty well for me.

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