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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 97

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Most: Briggid

Least: Dunno. I suppose I'll just spite and go with Vika. :awesome:

Nominate Best/Worst Verbal Tic. I'll make it some daaay

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I'm gonna nominate best/worst female staffbot I like to spam best votes for Aideen, k?

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Best: Jill (technically the FE10 version but I guess the votes aren't counted that way.)

Worst: Gheb

Nominate: Best/Worst Parent

Well, as far as I am concerned Jill's FE9 Version is to young to be all that attractive. Her FE10 version however is way more mature and has that badass wine-colored armor color instead of that pink armor in her FE9 portrait.

(Seriously? Pink? In an army where everyone wears lack armor? I always figured she might have as well written "Daddy's Girl" on that thing.) She is also very knightly, is always concerned to do the right thing, strong-willed enough to follow her coincidence, can wear Axes

and has a dragon. In my opinion all of those things add a lot to a girls attractiveness. Especially in an universe where every female is beautiful anyway.

As for Gheb, well they say you shouldn't people by their looks and if you put those looks in comparison to his heart and personality, then in a sense Gheb might be the most attractive person in Fire Emblem seeing how he is such an ass, he might as well have the demon king himself among his ancestors if he wasn't so weak that he needs to pick on lv1 trainees to feel good about himself. However since this isn't how I drew the conclusion for my vote, I feel the need to say that he has a relatively ugly mug.

Edited by BrightBow
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Nominate Least/most rape-able person. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

That would be highly innapropriate. Same goes to "Best/Worst Cleavage". Who the hell comes up with these things?

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Nominate Least/Most Deranged person

Nominate Least/most rape-able person. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

You can nominate only once per round.

That would be highly innapropriate. Same goes to "Best/Worst Cleavage". Who the hell comes up with these things?

Someone with a perverted/sick mind, obviously.

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Someone with a perverted/sick mind, obviously.

I don't doubt that. I just thought it was General Spoon.

Anyhow, you wouldn't honestly allow that suggestion Sal made, would you? It's rather offensive and just completely innapropriate. The next thing you know, you'll be seeing a "Best/Worst tits" nomination.

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I still nominate least/most deranged person. (Gogogo Izuka)

Rapeable wasn't really serious (ofcourse, backing out of it as soon as it's commented gee_wiz_emoticon.gif). Though Rapist has been nominated and done. =/

Anyway, Still nominate Deranged person.

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Best: Geoffrey! BIG YES!

Honorable mentions to Kieran cause at least I can look at him... then we have Marcia, Elincia, Syrene, Tana, Thany (she's cute dammit!), Tate, Juno, Vanessa, Florina and all the other playable pegasus knights, then comes Louise, Clarine, Sanaki and the such.

Worst: VALTOME... EW.... JUST EW!!

Dishonorable mentions to Makalov, Izuka and Gheb.


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Gonna add males as well.

Most Attractive

Male: Edward :3

Female: Florina~

Least Attractive

Male: Gheb because we all know this is true.

Female: Uh... Sonia I guess because of her ugly personality. :awesome:

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