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What makes this the easiest FE game?

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If you've got nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself, dickwad.

Is that supposed to be ironic?

Fe9 is far easier that FE8. BEXP>Tower Abuse. Sure, you don't get the gold that you would get from tower abuse, but BEXP is so much quicker.

BEXP is not infinite and it doesn't give WEXP- which actually matters in PoR- and PoR lacks arenas, as well, which is another infinite source of EXP. I think that people just avoid arenas and the tower more in FE8 than BEXP in FE9. Probably because the game isn't like "OH OH WANNA RUN THROUGH THE TOWER? HOW ABOUT AN ARENA? YOU CAN DO IT ALL YOU WANT!" before every chapter.

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Snarf is here too? 0-o.

Anyways, FE8 is far easier then FE9 seeing as grinding is much worse in that game.

I suppose minus grinding, FE4 would be easier, Sigurd, Lex and such

I don't post that much here, just lurk. Although I could make topics about what an awful unit and person Ilyana is here too....

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Is that supposed to be ironic?

Please do not try to let it continue.

Next post that continues this charade gets a warn.

BEXP is not infinite and it doesn't give WEXP- which actually matters in PoR- and PoR lacks arenas, as well, which is another infinite source of EXP. I think that people just avoid arenas and the tower more in FE8 than BEXP in FE9. Probably because the game isn't like "OH OH WANNA RUN THROUGH THE TOWER? HOW ABOUT AN ARENA? YOU CAN DO IT ALL YOU WANT!" before every chapter.

WEXP only matters as much as you need the weapons, but forges pretty much crush that completely. Arenas are just like the Tower and Ruins, they are tedious and take time while BEXP is readily available.

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BEXP, Titania, forges, and easy rolling cash makes this game pretty easy. Skills also trivialize to a point, but it depends on what we're talking about and some (like Wrath) involve gambles. The enemies in this game are probably more pathetic than FE8's enemies. Even though a lot of them suck, some of their promoted enemies have a little bite to them. Gorgons can also kiss my ass.

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WEXP only matters as much as you need the weapons, but forges pretty much crush that completely. Arenas are just like the Tower and Ruins, they are tedious and take time while BEXP is readily available.

Hm, I don't remember that being the case, but then I've only played through PoR once, and I'm always very conservative on my first playthrough of anything, so it may just been me not spending money on forges. The Tower/Ruins are readily available, as well, and taking time doesn't make it difficult or finite. Most of us just don't do it here because it is tedious and all it seems to do is make the game less fun now, but the first time I played through SS, I got my entire team to at least 20/0 and promoted those I could before chapter 10.

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This game is the easiest for a simple reason: player units generally have good defense and resistance relative to the strength and magic of enemy units and are quite easy to push to a high level with BEXP. The result is that it's quite simple to make an army strong enough to be at almost no risk of dying. Even FE8 has some quite potent enemies later on, such as Gorgons and some promoted enemies in Last Hope, and Phantom Ship has extremely high enemy density. I can't say that there's any enemy in FE9 that's as dangerous as a Gorgon. Er, except Ashnard ;/

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I'm tempted to say that if someone has the patience to sit through two or so hours of tower/arena abuse, they DESERVE to have the game made easier for them.

Honestly I've abused arena and tower almost on all my play throughs in FE and spent HOURSSS making each character cap most of all stats, if not all of them. I think it is sort of excitement by seeing all those numbers flash green, but I've reconsidered and now I'm playing with no arena and characters are doing fine. Arena and tower abuse make themselves interesting because characters gain good level ups (when RNG abuse) and their WEXP gets straight to top.

However I like more PoR because it makes the player to experience the challenge with no exceeding abuse, and as the difficulty of the game is. Arenas are really useful but abusing them subtracts greatly the challenging issue of the game. I think arenas must be limited, maybe 5 combats limit per chapter or something alike, because in war, there must be a training spot.

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5 limit per chapter would suck shit cause I do weird rescue chains with using the arena if I try to finish a thing in x chapters, and I'm about to kill the boss. Besides, Arena Abusing (if you play legitimately) is a pretty hefty gamble in many ways anyway.

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Infinite is fine because if they fuck up just once then they have to reset the chapter. Some of the arena enemies later on in your levels get really retarded.

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Players should not be allowed to use the Arena infinitely. Not only would an infinite number of resets eventually wear a GBA away to dust, but it would require them to be immortal and capable of violating the laws of thermodynamics.

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I think arenas takes away part of the challenge of the game, that is the game's essence, strategy to confront different missions/challenges (route, seize, defend, survive, etc.). Because, in my opinion, there's no sense to have almost 10 invulnerable units, for example: a monk with 12 def, lords with all stats over 12 and/or 15 (I mean: weaker stats over 12, stronger over 15). But, definitely, everyone has the option to access it and/or abuse it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Must be why I can stop raising unpromoted recruits to 20/10 without problems. I have to agree that you get a lot of EXP as well as BEXP. Erm... is it unusual that I always get promotions at Ch 17 in all my walkthroughs?

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Hmm. I'm not sure I agree that this game is easier than FE4. FE4 has permasaves mid chapter etc. Now, FE4 is weird and not knowing that for instance, you're not gonna keep holsety if levin doesn't fall in love is pretty annoying for someone who doesn't play with a guide. The other thing about Seisen is that since it doesn't use two RN's for hit rate (correct, right?) it isn't so easy to predict what's going to happen, since 40% actually means 40% (erm, I guess that doesn't make it any HARDER, but you know what I mean - dodgy units are less safe, and some of your most awesome units are dodgy units). But I think this game on HM is tougher than Seisen, just in terms of getting the game mopped up.

Now if you're talking efficiency I have never tried to play Seisen seriously, so...

The real reason is because you touch yourself at night.

Actually it's the opposite, when you really think about it - if everyone would just keep their hands to themselves every night, we never would have had FE9 to begin with. Or so science teaches us.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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