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SF Mafia Mafia


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So Tables you've basically described what I think you're up to and think that makes you cleared, is that about right?

I call Sakuya. Raymond you have to stay Marisa. ;/

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Eclipse has other things on her mind and would never guess that you meant that you were upset she wanted to replace you with better children so soon, JB.

At least you still have your father!

***Hextator goes to a bar and spends all his money

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So Tables you've basically described what I think you're up to and think that makes you cleared, is that about right?

I call Sakuya. Raymond you have to stay Marisa. ;/

Not clear, no. Just sending code shouldn't be suspicious in itself, basically.

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My apologies for this one, I wasn't prepared properly. I don't think I missed anyone, but I might have. Let me know.

As you all gather in the cellar, you notice that Weapons was missing, and a memo was posted on the board. JB snatched it and read it aloud.

Weapons has been sent to work on the Golden Statue of Paperblade's Glorious Self for sending messages that violated the terms of NOC. The fate of the other person is under discussion. Any future offenders will be sent to work on the Statue. Unfortunately, when he arrived at the goldmine, he was already dead, having been been shot repeatedly. Notably, his tongue was missing.

His orders were attached, they read:

Dear Weapons of Mass Construction,

This is getting annoying. You guys want to give me a medal or what?

You are LifeAdmiral, Town Networker.

You're considered the best player on SF, or at least you were until you quit. And then came back, and later quit again. And came back. And quit again. Then joined the army. Then came back.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Ask USER for a claim." You will bypass the NOC restrictions in place so that yourself and USER will be able to talk outside of the thread for the duration of the following day.

Post Restriction: You must be rude and condescending whenever accusing someone of anything.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

Haze walked over and attached this to the orders, then waltzed away whistling innocently.

The idea behind a public key encryption is that there exists a namesake "public key," which anyone who wants can access and use to send encrypted messages, and a second "private key," which is held by only whoever the message is meant for and is used to decode them.

This is made possible by an action that is easy to do, but hard to undo, in this case multiplying two different large prime numbers vs factoring their product with the RSA algorithm (acronym stands for creators' names).

Setup is as follows:

1. Pick two distinct primes p and q, and multiply them to get n.

2. Run the Euler phi function on n, which ends up just being (p-1)(q-1). For reference, I'll call this number z.

3. Pick an integer e, which satisfies the conditions:

i. 1 < e < z.

ii. The greatest common factor of e and z is 1.

4. Compute e-1 mod z, which for reference will be d.

After this has been done, the public key is given out as (n,e) while d is kept as the private key.

For example, let's say we choose p=73 and q=101, giving n=7373. z becomes (73-1)(101-1) = 7200. We select e=29, and find d=4469. I suggest using Wolfram Alpha for the complicated mathematicals involved here and below.

For someone to encrypt a message, first, they convert their alphabetical message to its assigned numerical equivalent (A=00 B=01...Z=25, maybe shifted some to add security). Then, after removing punctuation and spacing, they write all the numbers in a continuous string, and in this case, split them into groups of 3. For reference, a given 3-digit number will be referred to as m. Note that m must be smaller than n, and the easiest way to do that here would be to make sure n has at least 4 digits.

With the previously given example, if I wanted to send the message "Don't do drugs," I'd convert the letters to 03 14 13 19 03 14 03 17 20 06 18, smash them together to get 031413190317200618, and regroup them into triplets yielding 031 413 190 317 200 618.

The latter part is just to pad out the algorithm and make sure it doesn't simply become a complicated monoalphabetic cipher.

Now for the actual encryption; using the given n and e, you calculate every me mod n. The resulting numbers are the encrypted message. For reference, a given number will be called c.

Encoding the above c's gives 3916 4246 6774 5317 1860 5649.

To decrypt with your private key d, for each c, evaluate cd mod n. This undoes the encryption since d is the multiplicative inverse of e mod z. Regroup your 3-digit answers into 2-digit numbers and convert them back to their corresponding letter.

You can check to see that the encoded message gives back the original message of "Don't do drugs."

Of course, another advantage to using public key encryption in this game is that anyone else can send one-way conservations to us.

It seems there were no memos from the owner this time, much to JB's approval.

The customary headcount revealed that Excellen was missing.

It is now Day 3. Day 3 ends on Friday the 15th of July at 7PM GMT.

Edited by Hazekitty
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Mmm. I'm guessing that wasn't a modkill, since nobody else died?

I think this is a decently useful role, although slightly limited due to one conversation per day. Of course, our code system got around that, but, eh. I'm tempted to say high tier, or at least mid tier above Spoon.





General Spoon




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Mmm. I'm guessing that wasn't a modkill, since nobody else died?

I think this is a decently useful role, although slightly limited due to one conversation per day. Of course, our code system got around that, but, eh. I'm tempted to say high tier, or at least mid tier above Spoon.





General Spoon




I believe that it was a modkill, and the mafia just targeted him as well. He was removed from the game to work on the golden statue before he was slain, and the fact that a PM with details on encryption was posted along with his role also supports this theory.

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Hmm. Yes, that PM was from our conversation. However Haze very clearly told me he was okay with it (WoMC contacted me night/day 1, if you're wondering).

WoMC's death does, however, give me some ideas about where scum may or may not be. Hrm... *rereading thread*

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cop claim

... who's only 90% sure? wut?

(i'm still never wrong dammit)

EDIT: ##Vote Wen Yang

Despite what I just said I'm still inclined to trust Raymond because there's no reason not to at the moment. =/

Edited by Luka Mefeline
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... who's only 90% sure? wut?

It's the flavor for my role, I get it everytime. I guess it's there to account for roles like Kevin's.

I also have an innocent result. Two, technically, but one of my targets was killed the same night I investigated it.

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Oh, right. silllyyyy

So, assuming we have protective roles, they should probably protect Raymond tonight, no? There is the issue of Interceptor-types, but... Aren't I the only one who likes those?

(some excuse to put the fact that I'm never wrong here)

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Thank god, a cop claim with a mafia result! That means I won't die today!

Anyways, I'm not going to straight up and believe you 100%, but considering the consequences if your result is wrong(we all suspect you as maf and probably lynch you tomorrow) I say it might not be such a bad idea to go with what you say.

However, I will still wait to see what Wen Yang and others have to say about this, and vote when I get home later tonight.

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