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SF Mafia Mafia


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Hopefully that nagging voice in my head is unfounded.

Remind me never to listen to this bastard again

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Just for that, Raymond. . .

*me gives Raymond a Sakuya plushie*

Damn it I had hoped all that maid business was done and dusted

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Somehow I get the feeling most people will not do all that stuff Hextator talked about.

I'm not doing it on a matter of principle, since I believe that should not be allowed (too late to change the rules now, though).

That posting restriction is pretty odd, though. He had to choose his posting restriction?

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7655 0592 2001 1263 6765 4031 6039 1263 4434 2788 4028 3692 4028 6208 6765 7614 4028 4031 4028 7073 4089 6208 0936 5983 4028 0583 2001 1263 5461 5460 7428 2788 4028 1004 2336 4756 4028 6208 6765 7614 4028 6238 1389 3173 4028 0234 4089 4031 6765 1263 4399 4142 0513 1263 4653 4031 0840 4031 3842 1159 2001 1263 6158 0592 3842 7073 4028 5599 2001 7073 7763 6208 3356 4031 3276 1263 7271 6208 1760 4031 4028 6208 4028 2776 2395 7073 6158 1263 6158 0592 3988 5089 4028 7073 3988 1349 7763 1263 1841 2876 7763 4624 4653 6208 6158 4624 4089 4031 7763 1263 4089 4031 3988 7614 4028 7875 6765 1263 3842 5983 0936 6615 7763 5089 4653 7875 2395 6615 7763 1263 0840 4142 6765 5118 0513 7073 3842 4142 6765 2876 1841 1263 3988 5118 6158 4031 4653 1263 0632 6615 2395 5089 3842 0658 3356 1263 6158 0592 3842 7073 4028 4031 6765 4624 4653 1349 4434 5089 2001 7614 4028 5599 2001 7073 7763 6208 3356 4031 4028 6208 6765 7614 4028 5089 4089 4031 6765 1263 6039 4031 4028 4624 3988 0658 4028 0583 2001 1568 3842 0658 4028 4624 2395 5599 7271 6615 6765 7875 0840 6208 6158 7875 6765 1568 5510[/b]

*scratches head in illustrious confusion* I figured that code would be for me, given I'm the only living person who's used them in the thread, but I guess not.

Whoever has Obivam's role better be good. I'm expecting something high on the tier list.

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In fact, someone has just died... hm. Tailor is a nice role, it can really screw things up, but it only stops ONE role in general. It can be really damaging, or do nothing, and very often, it's the latter.



Haze (MAFIA Tailor)


Life (TOWN OC specialist)

General Spoon (TOWN Mayor)



Reinfleche (TOWN miller governor)

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I don't object quite as heavily to this cipher, because it's a closed set, which means if I'm ever bored enough, I could probably attempt to brute-force it. However, I'm not that bored.

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I don't object quite as heavily to this cipher, because it's a closed set, which means if I'm ever bored enough, I could probably attempt to brute-force it. However, I'm not that bored.

Well for one thing the padding algorithm is terrible because I made it simple to implement through more...human...means, in the absence of automation.

261974 071963 163549 071963 027793 200413 024485 262005 224218 116062 244372 262449 026681 127848 244372 274334 262005 006754 166524 226079 287313 053215 271917 297686 006754 253950 053215 186276 055568 271813 212345 103934 097771 067534 130426 104020 030548 299601 076619 164390 055568 217794 214553 076619 085804 011098 076537 224218 079604 079604 103934 079860 052819 073155 036825 057365 130216 246687 085869 136913 272309 060459 057365 001140 240178 097043 034575 116062 281266 301355 240178 197750 189676 240178 189676 009692 034575 065168 261974 055568 057365 077837 172582 077837 226499 069362 056827 259158 204740 069362 027016 166524 057365 045976 169578 226499 029711 197909 053215 237301 150543 071963 237301 077837 018769 043683 018769 279639 203227 120942 233807 265667 195934 175390 001140 171929 152820 175390 237360 228441 018769 073838 130216 259158 228441 043683 265500 121597 204740 141025 279667 093585 182756 178713 106940 047870 170727 035899 128973 057750 204740 045072 136913 128973 272309 029711 172582 050847 172582 226499 093585 109506 241998 034667 069362 098149 271873 121281 007240 241664 049867 170634 098149 211661 073838 027016 144412 255308 109506 007996 228441 073838 115336 115336 279639 228441 144412 203227 125387 125387 252265 103333 047870 043683 253613 111812 215674 201521 024894 193251 047870 125670 154513 197909 027016 125670 024794 139526 023927 172845 237397 007240 044765 275576 023927 103052 205589 052011 096847 138430 145152 105929 074225 003781 003781 074225 074225 125670 121597 237360 125670 159790 163243 057438 234969 025870 170634 003781 255377 045717 076224 076224 014077 020523 234969 045717 259169 096847 105064 108057 138550 297409 222683 138550 125387 170634 162464 234969 252265 206138 126734 206138 007371 138550 076224 183890 148312 160787 183890 120752 224757 090683 226812 163549 301355 260341 292125 301355 071963 020789 217794 009148 117585 074543 026681 097043 041052 120942 175424 153038 150543 287313 041052 160450 009692 095467 160450 052819 120942 272581 078912 175424 287313 243466 298290 010730 164390 175424 217794 053215 117585 020485 223237 271917 020485 217258 010232 035899 127848 036825 051312 250971 177287 001140 253353 073155 035899 051312 246687 035899 182756 076537 182756 279667 035899 279853 035899 051312 279667 231715 279667 292125 204740 204740 057750 145131 299666 009591 034575 232809 124187 069362 163549 057750 226499 178713 050847 265667 077837 050847 169578 104146 052819 175390 016803 041052 169578 255308 178713 050847 044830 195934 130426 181443 178713 115336 115336 095467 198228 073838 073838 259158 253613 015403 024794 024794 070712 091944 259158 298290 043683 044765 215674 253353 193251 044765 121597 163280 177287 047870 052011 215674 024894 231715 057365 241998 052011 007240 001140 024894 269889 271873 170634 125538 014077 106940 052011 271873 145131 105064 121281 128973 016092 007240 045976 211661 275576 108055 271873 160751 160751 197602 181504 275576 154513 096847 260517 211661 105064 139526 049867 231094 203227 211661 076516 231094 103333 121597 152820 077837 197602 152820 241664 205800 125387 126477 279639 047418 073838 007996 070130 300747 105929 138430 163465 103333 023927 239005 138430 300747 172845 300747 300747 280997 074225 074225 040772 176025 086066 138673 170868 086066 060703 108057 106940 013630 255377 205589 234969 190448 170727 076224 234969 136242 271873 020523 240606 045717 028976 121281 089534 248221 231473 105064 136786 089534 289163 136786 138550 222683 092710 206138 259169 020523 222683 032694 270086 206138 248221 245521 162218 076537 166524 290503 197750 027793 067534 180219 190700 240178 071963 237301 262005 189676 020789 189676 189676 287313 163549 175424 190131 041052 041052 253950 240178 223237 301355 095467 053215 005473 181443 005473 097771 274911 117585 287313 271813 217258 274911 203494 019523 010730 130216 019523 171929 019523 212345 030548 250971 010730 171929 030441 218040 177287 060459 010730 057365 060459 217794 030548 232809 011098 272309 182756 056827 133319 133319 133319 141025 136913 125538 136913 097043 204740 145131 067534 299666 128973 124187 029711 237301 009148 152820 077837 034667 069362 116062 172582 299666 197750 203227 152820 265667 299666 301355 104146 226499 197602 009692 152820 169578 198228 109506 175390 109506 044830 104146 027016 228441 016803 053215 233807 198228 121597 241998 169578 044830 255308 182756 041052 009692 005473 041052 169578 215674 265500 060459 070712 073838 243149 010232 265500 265500 024894 016092 030441 269889 052011 111812 057365 162464 193251 240871 170634 272309 265500 163465 052011 162464 091525 121281 181504 231715 293586 170634 293586 170727 170634 045072 211661 160751 105064 091217 275576 016803 279667 272309 125538 279667 145130 096847 245521 046286 050847 162464 049867 231094 064814 205800 231496 207424 103333 076516 026918 026918 047870 255308 049867 002807 007169 043683 126477 023927 138430 239005 115336 026918 098574 125670 070130 070130 023927 300747 108057 067378 201521 071679 086636 280997 239005 295627 103052 255377 163277 060703 060703 175166 271873 243149 231473 003781 255377 057438 016092 163243 255377 205589 057438 210138 271873 259169 232992 020523 160751 210138 163480 022873 293586 270086 089534 237100 289163 151965 222683 136242 092710 222683 255731 151965 259169 076224 255731 022873 042647 151965 078912 281266 292437 071963 116062 059277 244372 262005 166524 301355 116062 189676 146996 006754 009692 163549 262005 079860 279910 287313 226079 253950 287313 117585 153038 240178 104020 120942 175424 217258 175424 043210 019523 274334 226079 190813 217258 005473 203494 181443 036825 165137 190131 153038 165137 005473 030548 182756 087658 160450 182756 010730 218040 015403 010232 060601 130216 060459 060459 261974 056827 246687 279667 030441 226812 232809 065168 141025 212291 250971 232809 045072 093585 163549 200413 182756 057750 077837 150543 197602 145131 045976 071963 291959 128973 069362 152820 163549 145131 299666 197602 166524 265667 299666 265667 152820 029711 198228 198228 079860 109506 169578 005473 044830 265667 197909 117585 279639 044830 121597 233807 104020 109506 016803 237360 109506 019523 144412 044830 233807 125670 250971 070712 228441 253613 070712 163465 121597 121597 001140 195934 279667 193251 243149 193251 106940 201521 125670 241998 069362 269889 170634 269889 007240 193251 091944 085869 030548 215674 108055 014077 121281 190448 145131 121281 121281 098149 289163 045072 289163 271873 049867 275576 092710 293586 014077 032694 181504 207424 207424 291959 181504 125387 241664 046286 195934 204740 057750 045976 204740 193251 047418 103333 026918 121597 018769 067378 231094 002807 195934 067378 252265 022757 239005 016773 252265 121597 105929 002807 024794 103333 002807 108057 086636 067378 201521 103333 067378 237397 126477 172845 159790 295627 175166 108057 040772 300747 014077 205589 103052 070130 190448 013630 105929 162464 240606 240606 125387 024894 111812 047870 024894 205589 025870 259169 025870 297409 234969 105064 020523 057438 089534 210138 159790 139526 060703 210138 151965 020523 151954 022873 237100 007371 042647 177077 180219 008397 279853 212291 027793 200413 190813 020789 223237 271917 260341 127848 052819 197750 226079 101074 272581 082679 190813 271813 190131 272581 165137 262449 214553 056451 133842 186343 184490 162218 067534 027762 097771 274911 217258 095467 274334 010730 171929 287313 274911 250971 224757 103934 011098 226812 120752 120752 279853 224757 078912 067534 078912 162218 011098 019523 299601 190813 053215 065168 065168 246687 177287 030441 125538 162218 076537 128973 056827 069362 279853 125538 035899 077837 200413 204740 133319 034667 045072 045072 045072 232809 071963 172582 124187 262005 178713 197602 050847 260517 253950 050847 260517 051665 124187 189676 272309 136913 009692 255308 050847 018769 197909 226079 117585 009591 104146 016803 169578 073838 053215 010232 095467 060459 160450 125538 024794 228441 015403 027016 260517 045072 027016 259158 007996 070712 280997 085869 073838 130216 241998 111812 241998 091944 047870 232809 065168 035899 115336 243149 170727 051312 271873 163280 052011 269889 279667 193251 293586 271873 240871 121281 218198 145131 105064 007240 170727 204740 070712 091944 115336 029711 049867 014077 207424 096847 158675 181504 218198 154513 211661 032694 032694 046286 197909 158675 245521 203227 125387 076516 092710 158675 139526 144412 002807 151274 255308 022757 205800 245521 007169 279639 176025 159790 070130 023927 070130 098574 007169 237397 237360 098574 103052 022757 070712 125387 047418 049867 125387 024894 170868 105929 013630 074225 138673 176025 175166 145130 172845 175166 295627 071679 091525 279149 231473 170727 232992 003781 240606 240606 282034 232992 020523 020523 020523 045717 240606 234969 105064 089534 232992 289163 222683 076224 136242 092710 206138 259169 206138 089534 076224 259169 231496 016032 011272 071963 008397 116062 067534 224218 059277 200413 006754 253950 200413 301355 281266 166524 166524 020789 301355 116062 273184 005473 166524 197750 096832 006754 005473 041052 175424 274334 160450 175424 217258 175424 043210 041052 009692 259158 186343 189676 218040 130426 298290 130426 030548 104020 287313 223237 297686 009148 095467 010232 015403 103934 030441 060601 127848 010730 035899 030548 171929 177287 261974 272309 177287 060601 120752 030441 010232 001140 141025 212291 231715 232809 125538 051312 224218 009591 069362 045072 279667 120942 237301

Edited by Obviam
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Obivam: Raymond. I'm not going to bother encrypting that because, it means almost nothing to anyone else and answering in code gives away that it's me you're talking to anyway, so what's to lose? The encryption is also very much not secure, but nothing you can do about that now.

I'm also done codetalking. It takes too long and is far too meta.

Speaking of meta, what do people think about the roles in this game? Nothing I could put into top tier yet, I think. Nothing that efficient. I see Life into high has been suggested. I'll certainly consider that.

Edited by Tableskitty
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i was totally top tier in potential

but nope, MILLER governor

that doesn't even make sense, I can't think of the last 3 times I've been mafia without looking back


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