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SF Mafia Mafia


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Well then...This is just like when you start watching a movie midway through..and you have no fucking clue what is going on...I'm fairly sure that me and my awesomeness can catch on quickly though.

There seems to be a 90% chance BK-201 is scum, no?

##Vote: BK-201

Edit: Number signs

Edited by Core
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Well, it appears I am subbing in for an uncommunicative dunce who clearly didn't affect the game like someone as awesome as I might.

This post restriction is.... enjoyable.

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BK-201 (8): Psych, JB, RD, StSS, Slayer, Mike, Tables, Core

The angry citizens of Serenes forest surrounded Raymond's next accused mafia member, BK-201, AKA the Overlord, who was backing away slowly.

"N-now take it easy, you know I love you all really.. it was just... a joke! A joke... yeah!" BK stammered. The town, however were deaf to his pleas as they seized him and strung the Overlord up like a pinata, then proceeded to take turns beating him with a baseball bat.

BK-201 has been lynched. Raymond smugly retrieved his orders and read them for all to hear.

Dear BK-201,

You're all so silly, but

I love you all thiiiis much <3

You are Levity, Mafia NOC Enforcer.

You're one of the more well known Mafia players on Serenes Forest, however you haven't played too much recently because you hate outside contact games. You are also always Mafia.

As long as you are still alive, the game will permit no outside contact except between your mafia.

Post Restriction: Whenever someone makes a post saying that OC Mafia is better than NOC Mafia, you must respond, explaining why NOC is better.

You are allied with Levity's Mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are removed.

However, remnants of the mafia still remain, and they still need to pay for their crimes.

A little while later, Kay returned from her disappearance. She seemed a bit upset BK was already dead, but she beat the dead corpse anyway. Jerk.



1. This is an NOC game. Whilst you are alive you can post in the game thread. Once you are dead you can only post once in the game thread and cannot share any information in that, unless you are mafia and on the same team, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player. You may not communicate about the game outside of the game thread. This includes PMs, IP.chat, and IRC.With Levity's reign of terror over and the OC limit lifted, this is now an OC game. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game unless you are in the same faction, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

17. *new* Don't break the game.

Obviously, all other rules still apply.




IT IS NOW NIGHT 4. NIGHT 4 ENDS AT 9AM GMT (Haze will probably extend this)

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Fuckity what? NOC enforcer? I've seen a few unusual roles before but never anyhting like that.

Also lol @ what Bal said about NOC

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Rule #1. With Levity's reign of terror over and the OC limit lifted, this is now an OC game. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game unless you are in the same faction, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

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(I still have never done anything wrong. This post has no real point, but it isn't a wrongdoing either)

Anyways, sorry for being kind of lurky. I'm caught up in everything now, and I'll try to be more active. :D

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I expect claims just as much as Raymond. You'll recall that TWO people have cleared me, one of which being Obviam who, hey, died and turned up town, and the other being Raymond himself. Not that I don't trust Raymond (I'm 90% sure he's not bussing TWO scum) but yeah. Clears get information yo.

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But Tables, what about the TIER LIST?

(I'm curious to know where NOC Enforcer lies as well as how the changes to the two dead roles affect their tier position.)

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