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Why is Geoff so damn sexy?


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Geoffrey? I always found him a solid enough unit. Sure, better ones exist, but he's got a pretty color scheme. I like blue. :P Always preferred Astrid when it came to Silver Knights though. Geoffrey is probably the best looking mounted unit though in Tellius that I can think of.

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They're both pretty silly, but I'd give the edge of oddness to Thundercats. It's very premise sounds so silly, let alone all the nonsense that goes on in the episodes.

That is what makes it so awesome

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Eh, personally, I'm not that big a fan of it. :P I mean, it's amusing, but... it's overly silly, yet takes itself seriously. It's like it's trying to be serious, yet the ideas it puts forth as such are so... out there, I can't do it. Space-faring cat people with a magic sword crash land on a planet with an evil mummy as the main villain. I mean, it's just a way bizarre mix of science and fantasy, and it doesn't mesh as well as I'd like. But that's just me. Nothing wrong with liking it of course. :)

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