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Well, summer is going to suck now.


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So, summer was going great so far, until this evening, when my dad implemented a new rule...

Summer reading.

Fuck. My. Life.

I hate reading. From most books I get little to no enjoyment out of reading them. The only books that I've read and liked throughout the past three years were the GONE series. I have to read for half an hour after I go to bed. Every night. May not seem like much, but it's going to be hell for me.

More bad news: during or after this period if I get caught with any electronic device, all electronics are taken away for the rest of the summer, including Video Games, iPod, and computer.

I grabbed the complete Chronicles of Narnia collection. I hope I don't get bored to death, and more importantly, I hope that there's no "write a summary!" activities like there was last time. Several years ago I had to read things during my free time and do comprehension & summary activities.



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I hope you're not seriously complaining. Reading's good for you. You get to journey into different worlds and learn new things.

If he /does/ make you actually analyze things in depth and write summaries, that's something to be upset about. But otherwise, no, you're complaining about something that's fun.

To Kill a mockingbird

Hey now, that was a good book!

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I'm forced to read a book as an assignment from my future college =[

Hmm... Maybe some Shannara books... Darn at least you get to choose your book xD

But yeah when I read a book that I think is interesting then I get totally lost in it.

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I wasn't a fan of the Chronicles of Narnia books. They seemed too long-winded and wordy and dry. I enjoyed the Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce, so you should take a look into it if you're looking for recommendations.

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What the heck are you talking about?

In Fahrenheit 451, there's a character named Stoneman. He doesn't say anything, and there's an inside joke that he's actually made of stone, and that he doesn't really die, etc.

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In Fahrenheit 451, there's a character named Stoneman. He doesn't say anything, and there's an inside joke that he's actually made of stone, and that he doesn't really die, etc.

*looks at the character list* Wha?

On top of that, I don't remember anyone named "Stoneman". Only Montag. Clarise, Mildred/Linda, Faber, and Beaty.

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People are actually recommending Fahrenheit 451? I'm surprised...

Well, I'm the one recommending it anyways. The only one so far. It's a good read. And some other people I know (mainly teachers and my dad) like it, so...

summer reading. lol. cause of your dad. even more lol.

What's so funny?

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WTF? Stop complaining. You get to choose your own reading material.

If you have to write an in-depth summary on a book, go with Detectives in Togas. I don't care if that book's meant for elementary school kids. It's the best way to troll your dad.

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WTF? Stop complaining. You get to choose your own reading material.

If you have to write an in-depth summary on a book, go with Detectives in Togas. I don't care if that book's meant for elementary school kids. It's the best way to troll your dad.

I loved that book in 3rd grade! and you NEED to troll your dad here.

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Something wicked this way comes

I want to read that.

Also being non-reader myself, i would share you pain. Although even if my dad tried to force i wouldn't do it. And they wouldn't take my video games or anything away (they learn that has no impact on me lol). The reason i don't read, is because usually when reading a book, my mind sort of goes blank and i feel like i'm just reading the words, but nothing sticks and i miss everything lol.

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