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Oh. You know those aren't the same thing right. Like and love.

Yes i know, but whether i love him or not... eh... thats kind of a hard question i can't really answer.

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Urban dictionary says this is something someone trying to act cool says, but you are ACTUALLY cool, so why are you saying it?

just me being a bro, homeslice

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I had put a bunch of words as to why i don't like him, but i decided to tell you, I just don't like him.

My brother is only 2 minutes younger that me and I can relate. Mainly, obnoxious sense of humor and a lack of social dignity. He sleeps with some sort of Touhou plushy, and even carries it around in public! That, and he puts on an over-the-top rage act whenever asked to do something besides being on the computer. That's only the half of it!

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*uses spoilers as if somebody out there hadn't read them before* It may be pointless but oh well

Ahhhhhh if you mean Fred I don't want him to diiieeeee D8 That was dumb.

Well all the deaths were dumb I think they were unnecessary. Leaving a little little baby parentless.

*HP spoilers*

Though Fred's death was amazingly sad and completely pointless, Lupin's is the one I was referring to.

I completely agree. There was really no reason for all the death in DH.

Edited by Spectakitty
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My brother is only 2 minutes younger that me and I can relate. Mainly, obnoxious sense of humor and a lack of social dignity. He sleeps with some sort of Touhou plushy, and even carries it around in public! That, and he puts on an over-the-top rage act whenever asked to do something besides being on the computer. That's only the half of it!

That sort of sounds like my big brother (not the oldest he is just crazy) complaining about me. :mellow:

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That sort of sounds like my big brother (not the oldest he is just crazy) complaining about me. :mellow:

You don't go around talking to and kissing any plushies you own, do you? He does that, too, and calls it "waifu".

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You don't go around talking to and kissing any plushies you own, do you? He does that, too, and calls it "waifu".

Not really, but they have caught me talking to myself.

Also, i do have a heavy blanket which i use everyday, although on hot days it becomes nigh on impossible, it has 10 years and my brother does say thats a weird thing and that i should switch it for something else (but i like my Bugs bunny and Taz playing soccer heavy blanket :(: ). He also says that i am extremely weird, he thinks that some day i'm going to kill him (seriously? although i do sometimes feed it, he told this to one of our friends and i was like "well if ever do you won't feel it because you'll be sleeping ;P"). He also complains to almost everyone of how lazy I am, due to the fact that i don't do anything in the summer (its vacation, summer jobs are overrrated) except play wii/be in the computer/watch tv, and the fact that whenever anyone tells me to do something i say something like "nope too lazy" (although i think he is just jealous because my mom doesn't really care, and just makes him do it. lol). I also don't like talking very much, at least not to most people, and he finds that weird.

Also, I would say leave your brother alone and don't bother him about what he likes to do. He is embarrasing himself not you.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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