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Fire Emblem 12 ~Heroes~ Translation Project

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So there have been liek 923749327 posts since I came on last, but here's one that spoke to me directly.

Yeah! How dare they make Astoria sound like a man's name?

If you SERIOUSLY THINK that Nintendo makes namechanges just to spite you, then you are fucking insane.

Erm, I was talking about the whole Operation Rainfall thing followed up by that statement they apparently made about being glad to finally have something to translate when Skyward Sword came their way. Asseray->Artur is completely okay with me.



What? I don't see why you have to get so worked up about me saying that I don't like Malicia, but that if people really wanted it more than Malesia then I would accept it is a threat. I have been perfectly calm this whole time. If a team prides themselves on being connected to the community, doesn't it make sense for the community to have a say in what gets done?

Regarding this Sable Knights stuff that appears to have just shown up, I would say Reiden/Leiden over Raiden since, IIRC, the Romaji is Reiden, and Raiden makes me want to say Rye-den, rather than Ray-den. Or I may just be misremembering.

Belf vs. Vergil? Well, the name Vergil for him doesn't bother me, but I would prefer Belf, personally. Samto can leave. That one always bothered me.

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Why on earth do you prefer Belf? What possible allure is there to that name (other than "I DON'T WANT STUFF TO CHANGEEEEEE")? I'm just curious what you see there.

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Unless it's Leiden, like many fans call it. That's not quite Japanese :/

Are we implying another German name that is a verb? Which case for those that are curious the name generally means to suffer, to deal with something unpleasant, to endure, something along those lines.

Is alo historically the name of one of the Netherland towns the pigrims had stayed before sailing off to North America after they were exied from Britain.

Woud I take this over Raiden, which means Thunder God? Hell no! Raiden is an awesome name anyways! If you have to change it just completely change the name, but keep it in the sense that his name is Thunder God.

Call him Thor is what I'm saying. Camus fighting alongside Thor, Vergil, and...Robert.

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Are we implying another German name that is a verb? Which case for those that are curious the name generally means to suffer, to deal with something unpleasant, to endure, something along those lines.

Is alo historically the name of one of the Netherland towns the pigrims had stayed before sailing off to North America after they were exied from Britain.

Woud I take this over Raiden, which means Thunder God? Hell no! Raiden is an awesome name anyways! If you have to change it just completely change the name, but keep it in the sense that his name is Thunder God.

Call him Thor is what I'm saying. Camus fighting alongside Thor, Vergil, and...Robert.

To be honest, I like both those names. Then again.... look at Raiden's stats and his enemies are going to suffer. Those averages are scary. Thery're similar enough to not cause a big difference anyway, and I'm prety sure Raiden is one of those obscure characters that only me and a few others would use so...

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Why on earth do you prefer Belf? What possible allure is there to that name (other than "I DON'T WANT STUFF TO CHANGEEEEEE")? I'm just curious what you see there.

I'm used to him being Belf, mainly. Also, to me Robert looks more like a Vergil than Belf does, which would be a little weird at first. I wouldn't be upset with Vergil. Also, I don't see what's so bad about the name Belf, myself.

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I'm definitely using Vergil (Belf) as my Cavalier on my current run-through. I always try to use one of the Sable Knights alongside Sirius.

Anyways, I'm glad to see that changing a weirdly-named character ("weird" I feel, anyways, his name sounds like a comic book onomatopoeia) with two lines of dialogue isn't causing mass outraeg. I was worried the fandom might soar to a new height in the realm of silliness :lol:.

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Belf just makes me think of barf... I think it's because of Earhtbound, and that boss in the falls near Saturn Valley... what was his name again?

Anyway, I find that name falls in the "worst name ever" category...

Vergil (or Virgil or we), on the other hand, sounds simply epic. That's actually a bit funny to turn a barf guy into one of Rome's greatest authors, but I really love the name Vergil.

Oh... and who was selling those shit-umbrellas for 99.99$ already? I'm gonna take four please.

Edit: Nice table Snow. I don't know anything about katakana, but I find it really interesting to find how names are actually translated/located.

My favorite localization of a name ever? Catherine becomes Birdo. Lol

Edited by Max Power
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I'm used to him being Belf, mainly. Also, to me Robert looks more like a Vergil than Belf does, which would be a little weird at first. I wouldn't be upset with Vergil. Also, I don't see what's so bad about the name Belf, myself.

In other words, Belf was a poor name, which you just got used to having because it was there.

That's how name changes like this work. I hated most of the FE11 name changes when it was first released. Then, after pretty much forgetting about it for a year, I looked back at the names and found little to be concerned about. The names were just there, they were the official American names of the characters, and they weren't anything notably different than what the rest of the series had. There was nothing I could do about them, and nothing I wanted to do about them.

That's why the people in charge of this project need to stop getting community input on the names. They need to just stick in whatever names they think sound good and tell the people to deal with it. People will end up pissed for a while, but eventually they'll just get used to them and stop caring, because there was nothing they could ever do by complaining about the names and they don't fucking matter anyway. On the other hand, leaving this matter to polls and letting everyone have a say, then going with the majority opinion or whatever means that the 70% or so who agree will be perfectly satisfied and the other 30% will get pissed and stay pissed, because when people have any influence over something, what they want is to have it exactly the way they want it, and they won't want to let go of that influence. This thread is evidence of that.

Getting community input needs to be saved for things that actually matter, like translating the script well. Getting community input for trivialities only makes people forget that they're trivialities.

Edited by Othin
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I was so excited about seeing what you came up with I woke up from my sleep :P

you forgot that we're staying consistent to the FE11 translation, Snow XD a lot of those names have been decided on for good. sheesh, you told me you were lurking the blog, you should know that much

@Celice he's missing some names of new characters cuz he's a busy guy :(

so ignoring those, Shiima is bad, English just can't have two Is next to each other, it looks ugly as fuck and no one does it, and as you said, Sheema is a no-no, so we have to figure something out.

Malliesia, no, Snow you must have missed the whole post where I was like "NO! MALLIESIA! EVERRRRRR!!!". Mari~shia best translates to the English "Malicia" anyway, if you pronounce the 'c' as 'sh' (which it sometimes does in English). Better than "Melissa" or any of the other plausible translations (Melissa's a nice and common name but Malicia is also viable but is also a likely translation anyway, a win-win in my opinion).

Not to mention if you google "Malliesia" you'll get only ~2.5k results, most of which are probably related to Fire Emblem anyway. Whereas Malicia has 5,250k results. Using the google analysis trick you used, Snow. XP

Snow and I are going to have a chat about Shiima and the rest of the names he didn't have time for soon ^_^

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I find the katakana for "Warren" particularly interesting. The only similarity Warren has to "Uoren" is the sound (which means they Englishized a name, how RADICAL of the translators xD). I searched the kana at Behind the Name (basically finds names similar to whatever you search for), the closest names I found were actually Orrin (Irish), Orion (obvious reference), and Urien (Welsh mythological name), Warren didn't even show up on the list. The only reason I'm sharing these ideas for an otherwise perfectly sound English name is due to one thing: Port Warren is a famous port in the game's world. I'm not sure if it's mentioned in FE12's script (it likely would be, albeit maybe once or twice), but the place does exist, and sharing names with other things is seemingly sacrilegious in Fire Emblem world.

Thoughts on the subject?

EDIT: I misspelled katakana, lol.

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There is no kana with a "W" sound, so it is always a U with a small vowel, just like this. It's Woren->Warren.

Just like ウィル is Wil, not Uil.

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Yeah, someone just explained it to me, hahah. I wish that was made more clear in the table that I was going off of, I'm not exactly well-versed on Japanese phonetics (all I saw was uo, which I took to be pronounced as "ooh"), so my bad on that one. Still, somewhat legitimate kana-based similar options are still on the table (if we want to change of Mr. Namedafteraport, that is).

Though Warren certainly isn't in the top tier of terrible names (it's actually a pretty good translation, especially in light of my new knowledge of the "uo" sound), I guess it's worth a little bit of mention.

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Yeah, the kana in the .doc file did look a bit hard to make out at times, not sure if it was a conversion to OpenOffice, or what. But since I was pretty sure that was the issue I went to pegasusknight to double-check their list of characters to confirm.

Edit: It may have just been the font choice too, or something...

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The only reason I'm sharing these ideas for an otherwise perfectly sound English name is due to one thing: Port Warren is a famous port in the game's world. I'm not sure if it's mentioned in FE12's script (it likely would be, albeit maybe once or twice), but the place does exist, and sharing names with other things is seemingly sacrilegious in Fire Emblem world.

Thoughts on the subject?

EDIT: I misspelled katakana, lol.

It's not mentioned in FE12 IIRC, but it's the name of Chapter 8 of Shadow Dragon (where Caesar and Radd are recruited) as well as the name of its location.

That said, I see no reason to change it (big surprise) but any of the three you listed would be at the very least acceptable should the need arise.

Also, might I inquire as to why Ellerean was changed?

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As far as Warren is concerned, well...Orion was a hunter, wasn't he? Sure, it's the most hamfisted mythological background one could shove on him, but...

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I feel like calling an archer "Orion" is a bit of an obvious reference. But hey, there's no denying that it is a cool name.

Also, Ellerean was shortened to Elrean for a few reasons. This was decided a while back (I think it was our first name change), but here's what I recall. First, there's a character limit on how many characters can be in a row of dialogue (which is even shorter than the dialogue box, thanks to the recap text feature); shortening a longer name (a longer name that actually has dialogue and is spoken of) is a way of helping us stay within these boundaries more easily. Second, Elrean is actually proposed by Intelligent Systems. IS used "Elrean" as the character's internal reference name (this is also where Malicia came from). Third, at least for myself, was that cutting out the middle 'le' makes the name smoother, and thus I find Elrean to be a better name.

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I'd avoid Orion simply because it doesn't actually fit with Warren IMO. Orrin is probably the best fit if you decide to rename him, since nobody who sucks as much as him should have a name as badass as Urien.

Urien_intro.gif>>> WOLLEN.PNG

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By the by, I'm particularly looking forward to the supports. I really like Vergil, and the Lintonesque fashion in which he has aided me in the past, but...I really want to sorta know why he's in the middle of nowhere. And why he can't see through Camus' mask.

So yeah. A shred of positivity in this thread, I suppose~

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