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Fire Emblem 12 ~Heroes~ Translation Project

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I object to being called a sycophant. My position has always been firmly set with HAVING A FUCKING PATCH, and had Blazer acquiesced and gone with Malliesia I would have been disappointed at his lack of backbone.

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I object to being called a sycophant. My position has always been firmly set with HAVING A FUCKING PATCH, and had

Well, I don't think that an argument over whether "Malicia" or "Malliesia" should hold back actual work.

Blazer acquiesced and gone with Malliesia I would have been disappointed at his lack of backbone.

I would have admired his ability to back down. It's very difficult for people to admit that they're wrong and acquiesce, and this includes me. I often realise in arguing that really I'm making dishonest arguments and defending a position that isn't really true just for the sake of wanting to have the last word. And I don't think it shows a lack of backbone at all. It's that kind of attitude that helps perpetuate internet arguments, because people end up stubbornly refusing to compromise at all because they're worried it will ruin their Internet Tough Guy Cred.

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And that sort of behaviour is really fucking stupid.

Well, I don't think that an argument over whether "Malicia" or "Malliesia" should hold back actual work.

It doesn't hold back work. You know the effort it takes to change a name? You retype it. Dump script, replace text 'Malliesia' and reinsert. If there's a few formatting issues, you fix it. This isn't Kirby Adventure where there's seven different levels of compression and wonky data retrieval to wade through :/

If someone decides not to move forward because someone has a different opinion, that's on their part.

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I didn't know every time someone posts in this thread, one of the desktops of the members flashes the thread up and keeps it there until thought and response has been given :unsure:

I always knew it as, you know, someone spent effort and willingness and intent to hold themselves back in exchange to typing a response. Someone decided to stop working on something--time was not lost, but given up.

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I didn't know every time someone posts in this thread, one of the desktops of the members flashes the thread up and keeps it there until thought and response has been given :unsure:

I always knew it as, you know, someone spent effort and willingness and intent to hold themselves back in exchange to typing a response. Someone decided to stop working on something--time was not lost, but given up.

The alternative is that when you and others post a complaint about what the translators are doing, they just ignore it completely. Is that what you want? I'm sure they wouldn't complain if it was.

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Ohey, this game again.

Step 1: Critics keep pointing to the same, tired arguments that have already been argued.

Step 2: I respond to their tired argument. In this case, I say that "I've said it before and I'll say it again, it was a just public opinion poll and was never billed as anything else. We said that it 'may help in a final decision.' It had an impact, but we still decided to go with Malicia."

Step 3: Critics respond with the same, tired counter-arguments.

Step 4: We get into a pissing match shitstorm where everyone and the grandma feels like they have to weigh in.

Step 5: Repeat from Step 3 until critics are satisfied/bored about the current topic and move on to the next.

Edited by Arch
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Ohey, this game again.

Step 1: Critics keep pointing to the same, tired arguments that have already been argued.

Step 2: I respond to their tired argument. In this case, I say that "I've said it before and I'll say it again, it was a just public opinion poll and was never billed as anything else. We said that it 'may help in a final decision.' It had an impact, but we still decided to go with Malicia."

Step 3: Critics respond with the same, tired counter-arguments.

Step 4: We get into a pissing match shitstorm where everyone and the grandma feels like they have to weigh in.

Step 5: Repeat from Step 3 until critics are satisfied/bored about the current topic and move on to the next.

(I don´t know but that post in the translation page seemed directed to Celice)

I think FE fans can hold tier list discussions until forever and never set things in stone... At least until you finish the patch.

But I agree with you in the part where we have to move to the next step of the Fan translation... LETS TRY ENEMY NAMES!!!

Could you give out a list of Enemy bosses names and Armies names please? Just to move foward.

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It's hard to move on when the task isn't completed yet. We still have to fist-fight each other over Samuto, strangle kittens while discussing Ellerean, resolve the great "Sheema genocides," and kill random grandmothers in rage over Yumina/Yubello. Oh, and what about Warren?

Once all is said and done, THEN we can move on to boss names (where I'm certain that rocks will be thrown through windows while discussing Roro).

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Ohey, this game again.

Step 1: Critics keep pointing to the same, tired arguments that have already been argued.

Step 2: I respond to their tired argument. In this case, I say that "I've said it before and I'll say it again, it was a just public opinion poll and was never billed as anything else. We said that it 'may help in a final decision.' It had an impact, but we still decided to go with Malicia."

Step 3: Critics respond with the same, tired counter-arguments.

Step 4: We get into a pissing match shitstorm where everyone and the grandma feels like they have to weigh in.

Step 5: Repeat from Step 3 until critics are satisfied/bored about the current topic and move on to the next.

At this point, the arguments are about your attitude, not Malliesia and Malicia. It's like how a married couple argues about who took out the garbage. It's not about the garbage, it's about the resentment the couple feels towards each other.

In this case, Blazer is completely undermining himself by making posts on the blog like "You Lose" and reacting badly to criticism. Of course this is not the first time this has happened with him but this time, we've got another person acting immaturely as well. Like seriously, "outraeg machine", you're completely blameless and everyone who disagrees with you and argues with you is just a mean old hater? It's comments like this that make you look like complete assholes and will probably undermine support for your translation. You also constantly say that Serenes Forest is only a small part of the fanbase and that they wouldn't have much impact compared the majority of FE fans, but as far as I know, you have not added polls to other FE forums, which really stinks of laziness.

Oh and everyone and their grandma feels like they have to weigh in because they're going to playing the translation when it's done herp derp.

At this point, you and Blazer should stop talking and instead get a PR person to address complaints.

Also I don't recall any "Sheema genocides", or a big Warren or Yuebello/Yumina debate, so either my memory is faulty and you're hyperbolizing, or you're just making shit up. Either way, your reality distortion field is still alive and well.

Edited by Clockwork Sage
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Of course it isn't farfetched. But I'm not talking about the translators; I'm talking about you. Do you want the translators to listen to your complaints or not? All it takes is a simple yes or no answer; don't avoid the question.

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I don't care what they do. They aren't important nor meaningful to me in anyway. Likewise, I have no interest in them listening to me. Because the 'me' and 'them' are irrelevant. Bringing either into the picture has nothing to do with the project.

Rather, as has been said previously, it's not the personal that matters. It's the actual translation. Somehow Blazer and Arch are investing themselves beyond translating/localizing. They want to have a part of them in it. And in the three years the two have been around, they haven't done anything worth mentioning. If they want to put their foot on it, that's fine, as long as it's tastefully done. Something neither have done so far :/

If I cared about this in some way in a personal matter, I wouldn't point out what they were doing badly, or I wouldn't pay attention to it at all.

Edited by Celice
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Orange, bruh, you really need to invest in a hyperbole detector and a sense of humor. Wish I could point you to a store where they sell those, but I you'll have to find them yourself.

Anyways, the "outraeg machine" comment, as I've discussed before, it mostly just me joking around. It's a funny, silly little term to describe an opposing party that gets their panties in a bunch over everything. You're taking things completely further than they are intended to go (hey, I thought that was MY thing :P:). What I mean by the term is that there is a group of people (which you are a part of), who are outraged by some things (and some by everything) in this translation project, and feel the need to generate outrage, bitch, and complain every time we do something that they don't like.

As for you Celice, you're getting very fun to read. Sometimes I think you just throw shit out there just to get a response. Well, possibly-a-troll, here's your food:

Sure, yup, I've done nothing for the community. I certainly never built FEU, one of the biggest catalysts for development of the community's ROM Hacking division. I also never made a hack, built a game for the community to enjoy, taught ROM Hackers how to build their own custom chapters, etc. None of that ever happened. I'd ask you the same question in response, but I'll actually give you credit for your contributions: if I recall correctly you showed us Nightmare, and I certainly appreciate that.

I'm thinking I should put up a Craigslist add: "looking for critics whose comments are grounded in reality."

Edited by Arch
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That doesn't change the fact that some of you guys seem to have invested more in the translation than you should. I don't really mind if her name ends up being Malicia, but, as of now, the reasons for that being the decision upset me.

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Orange, bruh, you really need to invest in a hyperbole detector and a sense of humor. Wish I could point you to a store where they sell those, but I you'll have to find them yourself.

Anyways, the "outraeg machine" comment, as I've discussed before, it mostly just me joking around. It's a funny, silly little term to describe an opposing party that gets their panties in a bunch over everything. You're taking things completely further than they are intended to go (hey, I thought that was MY thing :P:). What I mean by the term is that there is a group of people (which you are a part of), who are outraged by some things (and some by everything) in this translation project, and feel the need to generate outrage, bitch, and complain every time we do something that they don't like.

See, I am "outraegd" because of the attitude that you and Blazer are showing. I can understand the frustration you would feel about getting your suggestions constantly questioned, but in this case, there's certainly better ways to handle it than insult people or making posts like "I WIN, YOU LOSE, HAW HAW!" on your blog. I wouldn't object if the people here really were vicious towards you or were complete assholes about it, but in this case, there's pretty much no excuse for not handling it more tastefully.

It's not only you guys who are the victims here. Please start taking some responsibility for your actions.

Really I don't care about the whole Malicia vs Malliesia debate or what to change Ellerean's name to, but I do care about the attitude you guys are copping.

And yes, I am aware you're engaging in hyperbole. Notice how I said "either my memory is faulty AND you're hyperbolizing, or you're making shit up." My point still stands.

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Luffy, I supported you and Arch at first because it seemed like you were the victims, but now it seems as though both of you and your critics are arguing pointlessly. Like I said, the best thing you can do is just ignore this thread for a few days, then maybe come back after about 2 weeks or after you make your next big update. I've been in long debates before, and if you keep on replying to each reply, and each reply after that the minute they come up, you guys are just going to get into a stalemate, which wastes time.

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That doesn't change the fact that some of you guys seem to have invested more in the translation than you should. I don't really mind if her name ends up being Malicia, but, as of now, the reasons for that being the decision upset me.

I actually forgot to mention earlier, but your argument of Malicia sounding like malicious was not entirely accurate due to Malicia being pronounced Mah-lee-see-ah, while malicious is pronounced Mah-lish-us. Well, you accepted that that was alright after Arch told you that her sexual promiscuity could be "malicious," but oh well.

Besides that, I don't really understand your reasoning for the name Hrolfr sounding primal. Could you tell me how it's pronounced (If you have already, then my bad.)

And wewt, coming up to the 30 page landmark. And yet the outraeg machine rages on.

Edited by Kelsper
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I didn't read it that way, myself, but at this point, the whole Malicia/Malliesia thing doesn't matter much anyways.

Well, I read it with the o making a sound more like in home than, say, Rolf. I have an easier time seeing that being said primally (to invent a word) than Roro. Of course, I have no idea how all the different English letter +small modifying squiggle/dot/etc. things are pronounced, so I may be completely wrong. If it was H-Rolf-r, then I agree, it doesn't sound primal.

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That might help a little with how to pronounce it. I used to have a bit more knowledge about the subject, but I haven't had to translate much of Norse-era language in a year or so :/

I actually forgot to mention earlier, but your argument of Malicia sounding like malicious was not entirely accurate due to Malicia being pronounced Mah-lee-see-ah, while malicious is pronounced Mah-lish-us. Well, you accepted that that was alright after Arch told you that her sexual promiscuity could be "malicious," but oh well.

I don't think the importance is so much in the pronunciation, but in the root of the word, which would therebe the inspiration for the name itself. Pronunciation has a habit of drastically changing as language evolves--but the traceable root never changes.

On a different note, if some of the bosses have irregular names the team doesn't like, I wanna see a boss renamed Grooves. and make him a wyvern while you're at it

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Luffy, I supported you and Arch at first because it seemed like you were the victims, but now it seems as though both of you and your critics are arguing pointlessly. Like I said, the best thing you can do is just ignore this thread for a few days, then maybe come back after about 2 weeks or after you make your next big update. I've been in long debates before, and if you keep on replying to each reply, and each reply after that the minute they come up, you guys are just going to get into a stalemate, which wastes time.

Dunno if I should mention this, but Luffy can't post in this topic anymore. Additionally, I can't remember the last time I posted, if it means anything.

Sorry, Arch, you're on your own here X D

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Thanks, Vince :P:. And Fionorde, I'm gonna be taking a break after this one last post. (It looks like we're gonna need someone else up to bat).

Orange, if you would please take a second and notice, I wasn't the person who wrote the blog post, and I've actually said that it was unprofessionally done. It was handled in a very inappropriate manor, and I'm totally willing to throw Blazer under the bus for that. When he first posted it, I underestimated just how offensive some people would find it and so I didn't really care much. That was obviously my mistake, but I would very much appreciate it if you would stop attaching myself and the team to that rhetoric. It's never been a game of "har har we win, fans lose" and nobody else on the team (including myself) has articulated that ideology.

All of this... It's never been about winning, it's never been about putting our stamp on anything, or imposing our will on others'; we're improving names because we want to create a professional-quality product. I've outlined the standards before, so I won't repeat myself yet again, but we do what we feel is in the best interest of the project and the fandom (veterans and newcomers alike). Sometimes that means opposing the most vocal members of the fandom, sometimes it means doing things that the veterans don't like.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that we want a translation/localization job that feels like something NoA would've published. That's what our team wants to create, that's what we feel the fans want, it's what we feel they deserve, and that's what you all can help us create. We're looking for commentary that helps us. No more demagoguery (on either side), please! So, with that said, I hope we can move this topic in a more constructive direction. It helps neither side to end up in one heated stalemate after another.

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