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They have these things called Icebreakers sours...

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So yeah. I'm making a nestling-esque topic.

Icebreakers sours. very good. very addicting.

I bought them today. I read the flavors on the can out of curiosity... watermelon, green apple, and... tangerine.


I feel like if I eat the tangerine, the fox will find me. and I will be among those I keep. x_x

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Oh I thought by icebreakers you meant those ways to get small talk going like "Do you want to dance? Good, well fuck off and have one whilst I talk to your friend" or "Has anybody told you that you've got lovely eyebrows? No? I'm not surprised"

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If you didn't think it was funny at least tell me you understood what it was... sheesh.

Yes I did feel the need to bring this up.

Who is this directed at? Anyway, I am not sure I believe that "understanding what it was" is correct since it implies but one meaning, anyway...

I think I understood what you meant it to be.

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