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(SRW) An experimental SRT J draft

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Is it possible to beat scenario 6 without getting Kira/the Strike attacked? If it isn't, I'm gonna ask that he's free until the Archangel shows up.

EDIT: If not, at least until the second turn, since I'm fairly certain that it's impossible to get him into the Nadesico on turn 1.

Edited by Cam
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Scenario 6 - 5/42 turns

Run, Kira, run! Run away from the evil ZAFT peoples! Charge, everyone else, charge! Warriors of fate, It's now time to stand! Use your blade of thunder to scatter your foes!

As long as the Strike is free for the first turn, I managed to skip the penalty, somehow. As for Rau Le Creuset...


Scenario 7 - 6/48 turns

Dock the Strike in the Archangel, Accel repeatedly, Focus a few times, Gekigan Flare the X-Numbers, etc. etc. etc.

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Well, I figured might as well start it now that I know most of the early-game units are taken...

Choose Touya and the Granteed. Banpresto Originals, Mazinkaiser, and Brain Powered chosen as favorites.

Episode 1 - The ''Calamity'' That Fell to Earth (Turns: 7 Overall: 7)

Mazinger Z took care of the initial enemies. Once enemy reinforcements appeared, Granteed took care of them while Mazinger Z and Aphrodite A headed south in advance to meet the third wave. Simple enough.

Episode 2 - Destination: Mars! (Turns: 7 Overall: 14)

Sent the Mazinkaiser units below the enemies and Granteed and the Nadesico above. Afterwards they all together fought the reinforcements. The Nadesico encountered EN problems by the end but recovered in time to help finish off the Katombos with GravityBlast(M).

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Ops! I didnt see your post! My bad, my bad...Then, come with me, Bolt Gundam and Liko Baronz.

There go the shuffle alliance for Haze and the baronz combination attack for me. As well as two more sensible picks for you =/

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Right. Now that I've been screwed out of my lategame combination attack and the brain childs aren't an option anymore either, I'll just focus on SEED I guess. I choose Eternal

Edited by Excelkitty
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Of all the Shuffle Alliance to take, you pick Bolt Gundam? He's the worst one!


Rose Gundam.

Does it? He has the most armor of them all if I remember correctly. If anything, he could tank...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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That's the problem. Bolt Gundam wants to tank, but he still has real class armour, so he folds like paper under pressure. He would have been the last one I'd pick.

Edited by Hazekitty
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There go the shuffle alliance for Haze and the baronz combination attack for me. As well as two more sensible picks for you =/

I didnt do it on purpose...I aimed for both Baronzs but since you took one, I have to picked the other since I really really like her. And I need something tough for my blitz strategy so I chose Bolt.

Anyway, I also started my game: I picked Granteed and Toya.

Map 1 - The true hero always comes late (aka Boss Borot)

Turns: 6/6

Turn 1: Rushed in with Mazinger.

Turn 2: Rushed in and attacked with Mazinger. Let it destroyed all enemies except one (it missed) by counter.

Turn 3: Mazinger destroyed the last one. Enemy's reinforcement appeared together with Granteed. Rushed in with Granteed after casting Wall and have it destroyed all enemies by counter. Enemies reinforcement appeared.

Turn 3: Rushed in with Granteed.

Turn 4: Rushed in with Granteed and have it used Wall.

Turn 5: Destroyed all enemies except except two. Dont have enough energy to counter anymore.

Turn 6: Used Wall and Fury. Attacked and destroyed on. Counter and destroyed the last one.

Edit: Name a mech that's tougher than Bolt Gundam in the still free mechs list.

Edited by Rathalos Sulley
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Episode 3 - His Name is Eiji (Turns: 9 Overall: 23)

Sent Mazinkaiser units west, the Nadesico and Buldy south, and Granteed and Layzner southwest. Mistake in that it made the Aphrodite A easy target to the Skullgunners due to lack of aerial 1-Range attack. Layzner's HP got dangerously low while fighting Gale and co., Concentrate/Focus spammed here. Afterwards with the reinforcements, the Nadesico and SPT's headed east while the rest took north. Most likely due to Layzner being injured and the Nadesico, the enemies focused more on the former group, but nevertheless caught them in a pincer, leaving Gosterro to take a Breast Fire to the face. Other than Layzner's HP problems and the DistortionField-and-HP-packed Katombos, everything went fine.

Episode 4 - Farewell, Red Planet (Turns: 7 Overall: 30)

Had Granteed head west, SPT's northwest, and Nadesico + Mazinkaiser units north. For the reinforcements Granteed led the charge with Buldy support. Aphrodite A got behind in both pace and EXP, and the Katombos kept stalling, but made it after all.

Episode 5 - Changing Destinies (Turns: 6 Overall: 36)

Akito got promptly returned to the Nadesico as it and the SPT's made it west while the rest headed southwest. Akatsuki follows suit into the battleship the next turn as more Radam Beasts get destroyed. For the reinforcements kept mostly the same formation as NPC!Blade took out it's share.

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Map 2 - Accel is vital

Turns: 8/14

Go throught the whole map with Granteed and Nadesico. Before Toya got Accel, most of the kills was made by Nadesico, it used up all of energy and ammu...Gosh, the next map is almost the same...

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Episode 6 - Collapsing Land Part 1 (Turns: 4 Overall: 40)

Accelerated everyone who could and took care of the GINN's allowing the Strike Gundam an easy pathway and into the Nadesico. After reinforcements appear the Strike goes into the Archangel while the Moebius Zero stays where it is as the rest head down to meet the enemies. The Nadesico and Granteed keep drawing in the enemy attacks, but helps to weaken them for others to follow with the kill while killing their share as well, though they're now taking lead in Level. Noticed how Shield Defense really is glitched to be useless while fighting Rau, had never really the chance to notice beforehand.

Episode 7 - Collapsing Land Part 2 (Turns: 7 Overall: 47)

The Strike and Moebius got placed in the battleships as everyone headed towards the enemies. When the X-Numbers appear had the Archangel and SPT's go engage them as the rest stays behind to keep fighting Miguel's forces. Nazca-Class'es were as stalling as the Katombos, but fortunately there was no Distortion Field to make things more bothersome. For some reason the enemies kept heading where the Nadesico and Granteed were, saving me somewhat from a pincer attack.

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Map 3 - Eiji or David!?

Turns: 7/21

Rushed in slightly to meet the first wave. Nadesico managed to destroy most grunts and a battleship, Granteed managed to take down a battleship, Gale and his guards. It's funny since I attacked him with David+support attack from Toya, he went down immediately. The second wave appeared, I managed to destroy everything exclude...the one eye douchebag...he ran away...damn bastard, I even scan him, tired him and buff double exp on Granteed. But it's alright, if he didnt run, the map would drag on to the next turn.

Edit: I realised one thing. I didnt have time to use supply on either Granteed or Nadesico which totally defeated the purpose of choosing David. Propeller En is useful here.

Edited by Rathalos Sulley
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IIRC his Armor at cap (8 points) beats that of the V robots and maybe a few other supers. Just toss him some HP/Armor items and don't expect him to tank like Mazinkaiser.

His HP is his problem IIRC. The difference between Bolt and the V bots is in the HP. And the amount of pilots each one gets. And the power and range of their attacks.

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