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In which a fruit grows a year older.


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22 years ago there was a forest much like this one, and in that forest there was a special tree. This tree bore fruit and one of the fruits fell off one day.

That fruit is still alive and healthy (somehow) and walks among you today (ruling with an iron fist!)!

Happy birthday, Tangerine!

I hope you all enjoyed this tale and will wish her a happy birthday along with me.

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Aw, thanks. There is nothing I can say here that has not been or will not soon be said in private, so instead I will just put this shoddily edited and quickly made picture here for smiles.


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Aw, thanks. There is nothing I can say here that has not been or will not soon be said in private, so instead I will just put this shoddily edited and quickly made picture here for smiles.



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