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Dear wonderful wonderul people of SF


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I'm moving into college today as a freshmen. And since I am not prepared at all for this next part of my life, who knows how much I will be able to get on SF. Hopefully, I will still be here a lot. Because I will try to be. But, I don't want SF to make me a dorm room shut in with no friends...so...that is all. This wasn't actually important but whatever.

Edited by Strawman the DucksawDucky
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Campus life is overrated.

Anywho, good luck in Uni/college. I will be following you there soon.

Also, hopefully you come around now and then.

Edited by SlayerX
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Read your post again. Slowly.

Now tell me: when did you get the opportunity to live the campus life?

Lol. I'm not going to live at campus, gonna live at home. Driving to uni if its in the same area shouldn't be too hard (hopefully i'll get accepted there... hopefully *crosses fingers*) Although i see what you mean, guess i should have said dorms?

Edited by SlayerX
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Lol. I'm not going to live at campus, gonna live at home. Driving to uni if its in the same area shouldn't be too hard (hopefully i'll get accepted there... hopefully *crosses fingers*) Although i see what you mean, guess i should have said dorms?

From what I hear, the college campus/dorm experience doesn't compare to anything else. So any other dorm experience only serves as the vaguest idea of what it'd be like.

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From what I hear, the college campus/dorm experience doesn't compare to anything else. So any other dorm experience only serves as the vaguest idea of what it'd be like.

Most of the things i hear and read say the only reason to live there is because it teaches you independence, you get to socialize more, and get to go to more parties/more drinking/whatever else related to it. To be honest most of it doesn't sound very appealing, specially since i'm not the type of party/socializing guy. Independence can be learned in my house (since my mom tends to not like doing stuff for us anymore... :( )... Also, the idea of sharing a room/kitchen/other stuff with strangers just doesn't appeal to me. Thank you, but i rather have the privacy of my home.

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Heres a genius tip, when you buy beer from a gas station with your credit card, it just shows the name of the gas station and not what you bought, so you can pass it off as buying gas... though buying $100 worth of gas is sorta suspicious unless your parents bought you one of those cars that consume a lot of gas.

You're welcome.

Edited by Black Cat
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But to automatically label the campus life as overrated when you've never experienced it yourself. gg bro

Lol i guess. Its just one of those things i always seem to do :/

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Good luck and enjoy your college football! (Tennessee-Knoxville, right?)

Heck yeah! People are scarily big on football down here lol. Though its good our color is Orange, because its like my favorite color...lol

And thanks everyone!

And Slayer you really should be more open to the living on campus thing. I mean wouldn't it be nice to not have to live in your parents house forever! And be forever I mean 4 years longer than you need to.

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And Slayer you really should be more open to the living on campus thing. I mean wouldn't it be nice to not have to live in your parents house forever! And be forever I mean 4 years longer than you need to.

I wouldn't mind living with them for an extra 4 years actually. Besides, living with a bunch of strangers doesn't sound very appealing, specially when i can live at home.

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Lol. I'm not going to live at campus, gonna live at home. Driving to uni if its in the same area shouldn't be too hard (hopefully i'll get accepted there... hopefully *crosses fingers*) Although i see what you mean, guess i should have said dorms?

Sheesh, I'm starting to think you and my brother cloned personalities! He's doing the exact same thing!

Anyway, six days until my move-in! The best part, there looks like a good number of lovely young ladies for me to meet in my residence hall! Garsh!

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Don't see whats so bad about it :mellow:

I'm not saying that's bad (at least the staying at home part). It's just that by going by your posts, you remind me a LOT of my brother. Although, I've yet to see you display an over-inflated ego and a super-short temper. Or a slowly but surely expanding gut.

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It's just that by going by your posts, you remind me a LOT of my brother. Although, I've yet to see you display an over-inflated ego and a super-short temper. Or a slowly but surely expanding gut.

Oh i see. I don't have however the inflated ego/short temper... AFAIK. And expanding gut well :unsure: It goes away after i start school though... Seems like your brother is pretty cool lol.

Edited by SlayerX
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Make sure you DO come online often enough... or I'll miss you...


Edited by Kiku-Ichimonji
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College is the best four years of your life, believe me, you don't want to miss a moment of it~

Why do you get to tell people what is the best in their life?

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Why do you get to tell people what is the best in their life?

Because he is Octavian, the young man charged with taking the place of Julius Caesar in ruling the Roman Empire.

No actually I dunno but people do it from time to time.

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