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There is a picture of a goat in this topic.

Ring Wraith

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I never said that. Don't misquote me. In fact, you're agreeing with Vino that everybody in PETA is a wacko, which is offensive.

tsk tsk tsk. I never misquoted you. I simply inferred something evidently untrue from your post. Don't get all snippy with me, kid.

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tsk tsk tsk. I never misquoted you. I simply inferred something evidently untrue from your post. Don't get all snippy with me, kid.

Fine, don't infer things I never said.

What in the name of cheese is this topic.

Nice way to slip cheese into this topic. I think the next topic I start will be a cheese thread.


Not half as cool as your siggy.

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That's offensive. After all, humans are animals too, so I might as well be forcing YOU into slave labor.

Oh Jesus Christ, you are.

Definitely in PETA, and definitely a Whacko. I knew it.

I hope you realize your counter argument has no flow with the conversation at all. Also, if you're seriously comparing goats and humans on the same level, you've got some serious mental issues, dude.

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Oh Jesus Christ, you are.

Definitely in PETA, and definitely a Whacko. I knew it.

I hope you realize your counter argument has no flow with the conversation at all. Also, if you're seriously comparing goats and humans on the same level, you've got some serious mental issues, dude.

No he iiiiiisn't. Stop inferring and misquoting him.

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Humans are also the most intelligent creatures on the planet.

Don't tell me otherwise, because I don't see any other animals building computers or driving any sort of vehicle.

You clearly, clearly haven't seen any of the Planet of the apes movie.

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Humans are also the most intelligent creatures on the planet.

Don't tell me otherwise, because I don't see any other animals building computers or driving any sort of vehicle.

We certainly posses a vast wealth of knowledge, but that most certainly doesn't make us the most intelligent creatures on the planet. We're actually pretty fucking stupid as a species.

Knowledge is what you know.

Wisdom is knowing how you use what you know properly.

Intelligence is both.

I personally consider anything classified as an Apex Predator(ie. Orcas) smarter than us by a mile.

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Humans are also the most intelligent creatures on the planet.

Don't tell me otherwise, because I don't see any other animals building computers or driving any sort of vehicle.

Pfft, sure. Is that why we kill each other over money/land? We sure are a smart bunch.

Look at all the shit on the news, people killing people over the most stupidest shit.

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