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Uh, random earthquake?

Chocolate Kitty

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We felt it in Baltimore, they're still talking about it on the news. Wasn't anything more than minor shaking, but it's the first time I've felt an earthquake. Is this what it's like to live in California?

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Ohio. Didn't feel anything, but I could hear stuff moving because of it. Really confused me for a minute because I couldn't figure out why my window blinds were rattling xD

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Didn't feel a thing at all in Northern Jersey. o:

...then again, my friends said they felt a huge shock. Twitter-induced placebo, much?

Edited by Rock Howard
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NY. Didn't feel it. Seems it was definitely noticeable in NJ though.

Neither my dad or me seemed to notice though. And we were in an elevator too. But there was a bit of a commotion though. In the Union Building especially. Berkley? Not so much, possibly because of the freshman shindig they were throwing, but some people noticed while others felt nothing.

On a side note, someone beat me to this topic's creation.

Edited by Elmer
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And aren't all earthquakes random?[/color][/font]

Not really. If you're near a plate boundary that's alongside another, you should expect them. If you're not, then it's a little more random. I'm trying to recall back from an old geo class, but generally you should expect "random" ones where there's been a dormant fault for a while, like the middle of the U.S. Along active faults and whatevers, it's not so much random--it's just a matter of when.

and I may not be near the lower-half of Cali, but goddamn does the weather suck more up here. All the arid air just sits in a pocket of hills, driving out any nice winds.

Edited by Celice
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