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Don't overthink things like this, that's really dumb.

Who are you to judge the intellectual capacity of a man and his post? Are you trying to say you're above 10 and that allows you to judge others so easily?

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2. Nobody really likes me that much.

I am King Arthur. I like you, in fact in TH White's The Once and Future King I like you and Guinevere so much that I'm allowing you to to shack up together even though it breaks my heart.

Who are you to judge the intellectual capacity of a man and his post? Are you trying to say you're above 10 and that allows you to judge others so easily?

Hmm...I am not sure crash was actually going that far. I think he was not so much saying "you're wrong" as "don't do that". That being said, I agree that the ratings we give ourselves are not really open to question from others, since we probably put enough thought into them that another human being will not be able to bring the facts to bear to counter them. (end sarcasm) Now, if we find ourselves face to face with a divine judge who truly knows our heart and soul, we will find our ratings speedily and soon put to the test, and if we are cast into hell we may well find ourselves accepting our place there as something we deserve.

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Who are you to judge the intellectual capacity of a man and his post? Are you trying to say you're above 10 and that allows you to judge others so easily?

I never said the last thing, and I can judge by using common sense.

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I never said the last thing, and I can judge by using common sense.

Common sense. Has it lead us to a better world or a worse one. A world with more or less pain? I think it has...A world with more or less suffering? That is hard to gauge...

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Common sense. Has it lead us to a better world or a worse one. A world with more or less pain? I think it has...A world with more or less suffering? That is hard to gauge...

You stop overthinking things as well!

Honestly, this is why I hate Philosophy...

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You stop overthinking things as well!

Honestly, this is why I hate Philosophy...

But it's everywhere Crash Brodon. Everywhere...

Also, it's not even limited to philosophy. Ruminations on present value based on expecations regarding a future stream of payments in finance, for instance, lead to similar questions...

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You basically just confirmed that you had read and possibly even understood my post which indicated that I was rating myself well, and then you go and assume that I was doing the opposite.

No, I would not give myself an 8 using your scale and definitely not using a reversed scale. I would give myself at least a 10, probably higher depending on what the criteria for being associated with this board are.

You get a 1 for confusing yourself and picking on Bronouleth, who is easily a 9.99.

If 10 is defined as the best on this board, and you are on this board, you can't exactly give yourself more than that while posting on this board. The criteria is simple, or so I thought, for being a member. If you are a member, you are a member.

As for what you would give yourself on a "10 is best on the board" type of scale, I figured you have a big enough head to give yourself more than an 8. That's why I asked just who you thought would rate above an 8. Unless maybe you had a 10 in mind that was just that much better so you needed to give yourself an 8 to make the relative difference accurate.

And picking on Anouleth is hilarious fun. I'll pick on anyone that is trying to give themselves a rating that indicates they think way too highly of themselves. But if that person happens to be Anouleth, it's just so much easier that makes it more fun.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I said this clearly in my last post but I suppose I'll give you one more chance:

No one said what the fuck these numbers meant other than "1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest" until you came along, so 10 couldn't have meant what you said it meant before then (which incidentally is when I posted) and also you didn't make the topic so why do you get to control it. You always seem to try anyway

I've told you what 10 meant in the context of my posts and if you're still unsure what my self rating means after that clarification I would say I'm sorry you don't know how to read but I really don't mind; not my prablem.

Also note that any ratings I give ANOULETH/other people are using the scale I more clearly defined, not some scale someone else tried to retroactively replace it with.

Come to think of it, the most serious rating I gave was the one I gave to myself that was nearing 0; if you're curious my less silly rating for bronouleth would be about the same and yours would be somewhere around 10^-37 times that. We unfortunately are limited to an exponential scale if we're using 1-10...

The rest of you are about 23520395230973285 times better than Narga and the first post human will probably be a 1 or a 0.5.

And Severian is a 0.2.

Edited by Obviam
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I said this clearly in my last post but I suppose I'll give you one more chance:

No one said what the fuck these numbers meant other than "1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest" until you came along, so 10 couldn't have meant what you said it meant before then (which incidentally is when I posted) and also you didn't make the topic so why do you get to control it. You always seem to try anyway

I've told you what 10 meant in the context of my posts and if you're still unsure what my self rating means after that clarification I would say I'm sorry you don't know how to read but I really don't mind; not my prablem.

Also note that any ratings I give ANOULETH/other people are using the scale I more clearly defined, not some scale someone else tried to retroactively replace it with.

Come to think of it, the most serious rating I gave was the one I gave to myself that was nearing 0; if you're curious my less silly rating for bronouleth would be about the same and yours would be somewhere around 10^-37 times that. We unfortunately are limited to an exponential scale if we're using 1-10...

The rest of you are about 23520395230973285 times better than Narga and the first post human will probably be a 1 or a 0.5.

And Severian is a 0.2.

Wow, you have anger issues and are really annoying.

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Ok, let's try this again:

No, I would not give myself an 8 using your scale and definitely not using a reversed scale. I would give myself at least a 10, probably higher depending on what the criteria for being associated with this board are.

I don't really care about your scale, which by the way is stupidly defined as you didn't say "relative" to what when you said relative best, and relative to the best person here makes the most sense. The new problem that I was responding to, as it apparently wasn't obvious to your tiny mind, was that you are referencing my suggested scale here and then give yourself "at least a 10". Now yes, you did qualify it by stating it depends on the criteria for being associated with this board, but I should think that criteria can pretty obviously involve being a member.

And how can you be "at least" a 10 and then "probably higher", anyway? The phrase "at least" implies there is no maximum, so how can you be higher than something without a maximum anyway? And no, I'm not trying to control this topic. I replied to you by talking about my suggested scale only because you referenced it yourself and then screwed it up with two impossibilities. I felt that justified my using said scale while responding. Apparently you think differently. Go you.

On top of all that, you aren't even explaining why it is Anouleth is getting such a good score. Clearly you've never watched him on a tier list or you'd never consider giving him a score anywhere near your score.

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Narga, please, this is FFTF. You've just been trolled.

Honestly, these are the types of things you're not supposed to take seriously but you do anyways. People like you turn a spammy thread into a serious one. If you want to do so all the time, please, go to serious disussion. That place actually needs some serious discussion.

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Narga, please, this is FFTF. You've just been trolled.

Honestly, these are the types of things you're not supposed to take seriously but you do anyways. People like you turn a spammy thread into a serious one. If you want to do so all the time, please, go to serious disussion. That place actually needs some serious discussion.

I would never consider for a moment posts like that in serious discussion, so it hardly belongs there. Maybe General or General FE or something. However, if someone wants to be a dick to me I WILL respond in kind. I just can't seem to play nice anymore for some reason.

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Oh, and he should probably consider his own inability to follow the rules laid out in the first post. A 0.0000001 or however many zeros between the decimal and the 1 is NOT between 1 and 10. Assuming the first post meant inclusive, which is a reasonable assumption to make given how most people mean inclusive rather than exclusive, the worst possible is a 1, and his method of giving everyone a nearly infinitesimal increment above the minimum would then need to result in 1.000000 etc 000001 rather than 0.00000 whatever 00001. Which also means his original "nobody here is above a 1" would then translate to "everyone here is equal", at least until he adds in "0.0000001 is like super great" and shows that he can't follow simple instructions.

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No one said what the fuck these numbers meant other than "1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest" until you came along, so 10 couldn't have meant what you said it meant before then (which incidentally is when I posted) and also you didn't make the topic so why do you get to control it. You always seem to try anyway

Which is all it should've meant and the "scale" that EVERYONE with no exceptions should be using.

If you're using one of these overcomplicated other scales that you made up, you need to stop doing that and use the TC's scale. If it's not well-defined enough then I guess you'll just have to stop rating anyone.

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And picking on Anouleth is hilarious fun. I'll pick on anyone that is trying to give themselves a rating that indicates they think way too highly of themselves. But if that person happens to be Anouleth, it's just so much easier that makes it more fun.


On top of all that, you aren't even explaining why it is Anouleth is getting such a good score. Clearly you've never watched him on a tier list or you'd never consider giving him a score anywhere near your score.

I don't really know what to make of this. It's been a while since I've discussed anything to do with tiering with you but I don't recall us arguing a whole lot. Except over Tormod.

Edited by Anouleth
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I don't really know what to make of this. It's been a while since I've discussed anything to do with tiering with you but I don't recall us arguing a whole lot. Except over Tormod.

I'm not saying you are bad or anything. Just that watching you doesn't make me think you are 1037 times better than me. Do you disagree? I happen to think at the very least that I'm better at arguing than you are for those things. I'm not just talking you versus me, as we never got into things much for anything. I'm just talking my observations of you against anyone on those lists.

Also, I was wondering just what it was that makes him rate you anywhere near Mr. big head. It surprises me any time he rates anyone anywhere near himself.

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I'm not saying you are bad or anything. Just that watching you doesn't make me think you are 1037 times better than me. Do you disagree? I happen to think at the very least that I'm better at arguing than you are for those things. I'm not just talking you versus me, as we never got into things much for anything. I'm just talking my observations of you against anyone on those lists.

I didn't really look at his post, to be honest.

Also, I was wondering just what it was that makes him rate you anywhere near Mr. big head. It surprises me any time he rates anyone anywhere near himself.

I'm not really sure why Obviam likes me so much either!

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I don't like you at all Anouleth.

I love you

No but Narga, you have problems. What you perceive as anger is just me being windy. I was hoping thoroughness would help you with your reading comprehension issue but I suppose not; I'm not really concerned about that, though, because while you think I'm annoying, I assure you I think you're a lot worse and would much rather you work on your complex with controlling things before your inability to read.

Fortunately I'm amused by the loose grip you have on your shit so I can overlook that for now.

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I don't like you at all Anouleth.

I love you

No but Narga, you have problems. What you perceive as anger is just me being windy. I was hoping thoroughness would help you with your reading comprehension issue but I suppose not; I'm not really concerned about that, though, because while you think I'm annoying, I assure you I think you're a lot worse and would much rather you work on your complex with controlling things before your inability to read.

Fortunately I'm amused by the loose grip you have on your shit so I can overlook that for now.

I like how you point out my alleged reading comprehension issues again after I just explained multiple issues in your post. Also I explained, at least in this topic, how I'm not in any way attempting to control anything. Hell, you started with the controlling, too, if you want to start talking controlling. Waltzing in here and telling everyone they should be rating themselves something under 1 despite the topic creator very very clearly stating that 1 was the minimum. Go you.

As for the bold, I've noticed that before and it's part of why I think you are a jackass. I can't figure out just what you have against me, but almost everywhere you and I post together you've shown a level of hatred I find amazing. Everyone here is able to see all the stuff I've typed, and while there are quite a few out there who seem to dislike me, you are the most vocal. More to the point, however, there are plenty that don't find my actions nearly so distasteful so I'm puzzled just how it is that you see yourself as so absolutely correct in this.

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I can't believe any of this is actually serious. I will just say that I find it odd that Obviam has a strange obsession with rating me. But I am definitely a 1/10 or 0/10 (as in both not as in divided by) not a .2

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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You're both getting on my tits. Take it to PM because I'm sure nobody gives a single flying horseshit.

Edit: @ Narga and Zeld.

Edited by V-Raven
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