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I'll let you take a wild guess.

Also wtf is that SeverIan?

5 Children and "IT." IIRC it's a book/movie about a bunch of children who find this magical creature that can grant wishes, but they can't keep the wishes from "going wrong." I never read the whole thing. It's kind of hard to explain how it ties into this topic, so I won't bother trying.

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I'll let you take a wild guess.

No idea what you're talking about; whatever you see is not as obvious as you must think and possibly doesn't even exist. Case in point: who is Zeld?

Edited by Obviam
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You're both getting on my tits. Take it to PM because I'm sure nobody gives a single flying horseshit.

Edit: @ Narga and Zeld.

This is almost minimodding. At least you don't mention any rules or anything. Besides, if we are amusing Nightmare it can't possibly be a bad thing.

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But that's discrimination against people who aren't in the topic.

You're in here, you get a hug. You're not in here, then you'd have no idea why I'm giving it out in the first place, and thus, it would be awkward.

in the case of one unfortunate user, possibly fatal

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This is almost minimodding. At least you don't mention any rules or anything. Besides, if we are amusing Nightmare it can't possibly be a bad thing.

Not intending to cause any conflict here, but I was just saying what I thought; an opinion of sorts (also I stopped caring for rules quite a while ago; I roll alone, so to speak). An honest and innocent thread has been derailed once again, but what can we expect from a place such as FFtF?

But I do concur: Nightmare must be entertained. Please continue quoting and challenging Obviam. Hopefully he will do the same to you.

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