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A general question to all women


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I'm apparently amazingly lucky. I have never been to a ladies' room with a line. Usually there's maybe one or two other people there, but that's it...

Maybe I'm just going to the wrong places?

You mean the right places...


I mean, women know exactly how men's brains work. They don't, our penises do all the thinking.

I must be a eunuch without knowing it.


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Naw, I don't punch people unless they piss me off preeeeetty damn badly.

Like this one time in 9th, 10th, 11th and then in 12th grade...



In the heat of the moment, your dick will take over,(unless you've trained for years) I guarantee.

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In the heat of the moment, your dick will take over,(unless you've trained for years) I guarantee.

If that was the case, most people would struggle to have a stable marriage.

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If that was the case, most people would struggle to have a stable marriage.

Most do at one point or another, I've heard up to 50% of marriages ending in divorces.(So stability would tack on a few more, giving us the majority even if the divorce rate is something closer to 35-40%)

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The way I see it, there's only one mental differences.

A man who has lots of sex with multiple people is often praised.

A woman who has lots of sex with multiple people is often looked down upon.

Our, at least, in my experiance (PEMN)

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I have a general question for all women too.


ikr. I pee in guys bathrooms on a regular basis. There are never lines and no one actually cares too much.

having a hard time imagining the general order of events in this scenario.

do they just kind of nod their head real quick as you pass by as if to say "what's up?" and then keep pissing?

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