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Warning: I will close this at the first sign of any flaming.

Technically I'm Christian, but I'm not very committed.

Yeah that's me in a nut shell

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Topics like these never last long. Someone always gets offended or starts spewing a bunch of thier self-important Atheist beliefs. (Oh. There I go flaming Atheists. My bad....)

I believe in a God, but I don't belong to any sort of established religion. I follow mostly the beliefs of Fredrick Nietzsche, with the exception that I believe in God.

My take on God: He made us imperfect on purpose and doesn't interfere with our lives with the exception of an ocasional miracle. Whether the miracles be bad or good.

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I believe in a God, but I don't belong to any sort of established religion..

I think they call that being agnostic.

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I think they call that being agnostic.

Agnostic is what I am. It's more complicated than that. With most agnostics, they acknowledge that there may be a god, but don't follow him.

With me, I believe in the Christian god, but I don't really follow him. So, my inner debates about religion are much more complicated. Word of warning: don't talk theology with me, you'll get a headache.

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How in hell can you believe in God and NOT worship him?

It's simple. I believe that God wants us to create our own path. You can't just blindly follow one path set by others. You have to make something of yourself. Defy your fate and become something greater.

That's what I think God wants for us.

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It's simple. I believe that God wants us to create our own path. You can't just blindly follow one path set by others. You have to make something of yourself. Defy your fate and become something greater.

That's what I think God wants for us.

I think he was talking to me. You sound more like a pantheist/deist, which is easier to understand.

How in hell can you believe in God and NOT worship him?

Don't make youself sound ignorant. If you're a christian who has thought about your religion in depth, you can at least see where one could stand where I am. Don't take this the wrong way, it isn't intended to insult you. But this is something I've given a lot of thought to, and as such it's complicated and personal. If you're going to ask me about it, do it in a more respectful way.

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I do not take it as an insult, but do explain it to me please.

I don't like how God uses suffering to make me rely on him. I don't like how God allows his creation to die of horrible diseases and starvation. I can't stand the fact that he sits and watches as genocide occurs in places like Rwanda and Darfur. And then you have the people in the church itself. Seperated into denominations, quarreling amongst themselves so much over non-important issues, divided under Christ's banner of perfect unity. Many of them are poorly educated in their own bible. The church is full of people who are a Christian only on sunday for two hours. I refuse to count myself as one of that fold. And I won't worship God until I have been given real answers for my questions.

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I don't have a religion.. I'm not even atheist...

ditto. i'm kinda the same way. Even the word athiest just seems religious, even though it means no religion (I think)

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ditto. i'm kinda the same way. Even the word athiest just seems religious, even though it means no religion (I think)

It means you don't believe in any god. It's a....half-religion or something.

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I believe in god, I occasionally go to church, but I don't give a damn at all. I respect other people's beliefs as long as they're not trying to shove them down my throat. (That goes for religious and political views, I'm pretty liberal)

But recently I've noticed how cruel god can be... and my faith is more than shaky at the moment.

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I don't have a religion.. I'm not even atheist...


Also, everyone knows that there's eventually gonna be a flame war in here started by one person's idiotic comment. It's obvious. You might as well lock this thread right now before some idiot comes here and starts being retarded.

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@Hika: You're probably right, but until then, it's an interesting debate, so I say let's keep it going till the last minute.

I can understand where atheists come from in saying that there's is as much proof to support the existence of Santa as there is for God, but I'm pretty sure there must be something out there that is some sort of super-being.

Let's get technical for a minute: Let's say that the Big Bang theory is correct and that the entire universe/existence was all just one little tiny ball that exploded cause it collected so much mass or whatever. But where did that ball come from? Scientists would argue that it was from some chemical reaction or something like that, but let's get real specific and tiny now. Let's go down to that first atom that the universe ever had. Where the hell did that come from? There can't be a chemical reaction or something when there's nothing there.

Summed up: You can account for why most things exist with science and all, but when it comes down to that first thing no one has an explanation other than there's an omnipotent being that makes the impossible possible.

Also, with all the wierd shit in this world, how could there not be a God? Remember that pic of that ugly dog I put in that one topic? How the hell can something like that happen? It's absurd. No one would expect it, no one could see it coming. That's the beauty of life. You have no freaking clue what they're gonna throw at you next.

Let's face it: This world is one f***ed up place. In a good way.

Then of course there's this whole theory: We're willing to grant that God may not exist for real, but his message of peace and love is. So why can't we just follow that?

And for that last one, don't use the whole:'Religion is the cause of nearly every war and yada yada' cause humans will always find a reason to go to war. Religion is just convinent.

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Eh, whatever. War will always exist because there's no cure for idiocy. Everyone knows that. Hopefully people don't decide to be too retarded in this thread though.

As for me, I don't have a religion because nothing really makes sense to me. I'll most likely not step into this thread again.

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War is fun. :lol:

Well most war is at least interesting.

Let's put death and destruction aside for a minute and look at the positive sides of War.

- it makes for good video game plots. We're all proof of that.

- It always causes some sort of economic gain for at least one country

- You put psycho's like Hitler out of power.

- [jk]Spread the word of your diety[/jk]

- Technology is advanced

- Strategic power is advanced

The list goes on.

With all the negative sides of war, there are still positive ones as well.

I think War is good, I just don't think cheap: 'I'M GUN NOOK U' strategies are good.

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