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War is fun. :lol:

Well most war is at least interesting.

Let's put death and destruction aside for a minute and look at the positive sides of War.

- it makes for good video game plots. We're all proof of that.

- It always causes some sort of economic gain for at least one country

- You put psycho's like Hitler out of power.

- [jk]Spread the word of your diety[/jk]

- Technology is advanced

- Strategic power is advanced

The list goes on.

With all the negative sides of war, there are still positive ones as well.

I think War is good, I just don't think cheap: 'I'M GUN NOOK U' strategies are good.

And then lots of people die and it's ALL Lyle's fault. Yes, I broke my promise to never enter this thread again.

Also, why are you talking about War in a Religion topic?

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And then lots of people die and it's ALL Lyle's fault. Yes, I broke my promise to never enter this thread again.

Also, why are you talking about War in a Religion topic?


Well religion is the cause of most wars!

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Well, Shadrach said he wasn't happy that God watched countless people die. That's how. Even though it wasn't really Him who did it to begin with. I honestly do know where he's coming from because a lot of shit goes on in this world of ours and a lot of people blame God for it. Even though it's us as a race who do all this to ourselves. God chose us to have the dominant brain power in this world. But with intellectual potential comes complexity. With complexity comes a lot of mixed feelings instead of such simple thoughts of a dog. Honestly, I can't say why some people have such evil minds. A lot that has to do with Christianity is hope. Simply hope. The reason not everything is scientifically explained is because God wants us to choose Him on our own accord. Not out of fear, which would be the case if God made his existence clear. Just my thoughts (no flame)

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I don't really have a religion, and I think I prefer it that way.

Anyway, there's a great quote from John Constantine in the movie Constantine,

"God is a kid with an ant farm."

Whether you choose to believe that is up to you. I'm not going to get into a long debate about whether God exists or what his purposes are. I'm just a messenger.

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I guess I'm agnostic. I haven't met a religious faith that pulled me in spiritually or mentally, but I think ragging on any religion is pointless and unintuitive, and I'm not sure I can fully accept the idea that there's nothing more to people than a bunch of hyperactive switches and tubes.

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i was raised as a catholic, but i really don't believe in religion.

i mean, i believe that God exists and all, but i don't believe that he really cares what religion we are, as long as our faith for him is strong.

that is my take.

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@Hika: You're probably right, but until then, it's an interesting debate, so I say let's keep it going till the last minute.

I can understand where atheists come from in saying that there's is as much proof to support the existence of Santa as there is for God, but I'm pretty sure there must be something out there that is some sort of super-being.

Let's get technical for a minute: Let's say that the Big Bang theory is correct and that the entire universe/existence was all just one little tiny ball that exploded cause it collected so much mass or whatever. But where did that ball come from? Scientists would argue that it was from some chemical reaction or something like that, but let's get real specific and tiny now. Let's go down to that first atom that the universe ever had. Where the hell did that come from? There can't be a chemical reaction or something when there's nothing there.

Summed up: You can account for why most things exist with science and all, but when it comes down to that first thing no one has an explanation other than there's an omnipotent being that makes the impossible possible.

Also, with all the wierd shit in this world, how could there not be a God? Remember that pic of that ugly dog I put in that one topic? How the hell can something like that happen? It's absurd. No one would expect it, no one could see it coming. That's the beauty of life. You have no freaking clue what they're gonna throw at you next.

Let's face it: This world is one f***ed up place. In a good way.

Then of course there's this whole theory: We're willing to grant that God may not exist for real, but his message of peace and love is. So why can't we just follow that?

And for that last one, don't use the whole:'Religion is the cause of nearly every war and yada yada' cause humans will always find a reason to go to war. Religion is just convinent.

I must agree... only because I'm a philosopher; and I beleive nothing is certain; not even science...

but on the other hand there are interesting theories; the big bang might just be the beginning of a cycle... right now the universe is expanding, but what will happen when it loses momentum? It will collapse and everything will be drawn back together to it original form. But of course this is unprooven, and probaly will never be prooven...

I agree I may not beleive in god but I do support the message and role religeon plays in society...even if I hate society itself...

as Albert Einstein once said: "Life is a Mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved!"

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I must agree... only because I'm a philosopher; and I beleive nothing is certain; not even science...

but on the other hand there are interesting theories; the big bang might just be the beginning of a cycle... right now the universe is expanding, but what will happen when it loses momentum? It will collapse and everything will be drawn back together to it original form. But of course this is unprooven, and probaly will never be prooven...

I agree I may not beleive in god but I do support the message and role religeon plays in society...even if I hate society itself...

as Albert Einstein once said: "Life is a Mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved!"

Ah. Another Philosopher. Neat.

I believe in God for many reasons. I also find religion fascinating. I think society is fine as it is. Eventually we'll straighten ourselves out. This whole world is built on balance. When a bad thing happens, something good happens as well.

"Of all the ridiculous stories about religion, which are greatly, wonderfully ridiculous, the theory that there's nothing out there and we're all here just cause, just cause, is the most ridiculous theory of them all." - Trey Parker.

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Im a Christian. But im kinda not. I just do what i want and what i believe to be the right thing to do, but i do believe in god and blessings from him.

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I'm born Christian and thusly I was baptized when I was a infant. I dedicate my life to God, my heavenly father and the holy spirit. I do believe God is love and God is forgiven. Amen.

Edited by Percival
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i was raised as a catholic, but i really don't believe in religion.

i mean, i believe that God exists and all, but i don't believe that he really cares what religion we are, as long as our faith for him is strong.

that is my take.

Exactly what I would expect from a wonderful gal like you.

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I don't really have a religion, and I think I prefer it that way.

Anyway, there's a great quote from John Constantine in the movie Constantine,

"God is a kid with an ant farm."

Whether you choose to believe that is up to you. I'm not going to get into a long debate about whether God exists or what his purposes are. I'm just a messenger.

Horrible movie by the way. I don't really care for that quote. Ant's are emotionless, primitive insects, whereas we have the same emotions as God. It's just that god is infinitely more powerful than we are. Playing with beings that have thoughts and emotions =/= playing with insects that are driven by instinct only.

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Horrible movie by the way. I don't really care for that quote. Ant's are emotionless, primitive insects, whereas we have the same emotions as God. It's just that god is infinitely more powerful than we are. Playing with beings that have thoughts and emotions =/= playing with insects that are driven by instinct only.

God by definition is a perfect ominpotent being. Humans are flawed. (It's our flaws that make us great.)

Compared to the perfect being, we are ants. However, even with this comparison being accurate, we still have the ability to think.

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On the whole universe being born thing, I think there's a chance, which tends to get shot down a lot, that it always was, and creation theories are attempts to explain something people aren't really sure of, but really want to be sure of. What intrigues me more is how actual people work, and what, if any, spiritual force drives us.

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Horrible movie by the way. I don't really care for that quote. Ant's are emotionless, primitive insects, whereas we have the same emotions as God. It's just that god is infinitely more powerful than we are. Playing with beings that have thoughts and emotions =/= playing with insects that are driven by instinct only.

actually ants are quite advance according to recent research in collective intelligence...

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i mean, i believe that God exists and all, but i don't believe that he really cares what religion we are, as long as our faith for him is strong.

that is my take.

That's something like my view on religious divisions, though I don't quite believe that religion is entirely arbitrary. Every religion believes they are serving their God. Who are we to say which religion is most true? Maybe there is one that's closest to being right, but no human is capable of knowing which one. Of course I believe that my religion is right, and I don't pretend to agree with everyone or pretend that some of their rules don't confuse me, but I'm not bigheaded enough to say that people of other faiths won't achieve salvation. "In my father's house there are many rooms." God speaks to people in many different ways.

I do think, though, that it is important to have a faith in God and to work for the good of others.

And religious wars are bull. I'm pretty sure they're exactly what God doesn't want us to do. Even if we are to convert others, it shouldn't be done by fear, death, intimidation. It should be the choice of the convert.

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what if life was discovered on another planet? It would shake the world.

except those wierdos at school who look for that kinda stuff

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