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Opinions about Dart

Cain Magnus

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I hear how good of a unit he is, but I've been wanting to know exactly why. I'm playing on my newly ordered copy (Which later turned out to be the PAL version. Eww...can't even GBA Link it with PoR), since I wanted to get away from save states. I'm currently on Chapter 22 and Dart is level 12. I noticed that he gets some decent level ups and all. So I'm just wondering, is Dart really as good as people say? I usually don't care about these things and play with units I like and want to play with, but It's probably just curiosity, as I'm starting to like Dart more as a character...which I can now finally get some more support for Rebecca (One of my favorite units) other than Raven and Wil. I would use Lowen, but he fails me a lot.

But all I really desire is a few facts or so. Is Dart a good Berserker?

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At first he's useful in ways of getting rid of the annoying reinforcements of ch.19, 19x, 20, and some in ch. 21 since there are many enemies with steel wpns and he easily doubles them, don't abuse him with steel axe because he'll get -5AS and that's important. Reb n' Dart have an explosive support, so have both of them.

Generally, Hawkeye is better, but once Dart gains some speed (he has a very high growth, but bad Con and base speed) he's a wrecking ball. He has an expensive promotion item though.

Get a thief to the right spot to obtain it in ch.23

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I hear how good of a unit he is

From who? I've met very few people who regard Dart as a good unit. He's pretty great if you're willing to put the effort into him, but needing that effort is his problem, especially in the Hard modes. Support with Rebecca helps a lot (ironically, the Hit boost helps him the most).

to me, dart rapes your ranking funds and why use dart when you got hector who's pretty much overall better.

1. Not everyone cares about ranks.

2. Dart has some advantages on Hector, like Spd and Move and earlier promotion.

3. Why would Hector's existence remove Dart from consideration anyway?

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I've never used the poor guy to be honest, but echoing what Red Kitty said, if you put effort into him, he ends up awesome. I plan on doing a run soon and using him. Then again, I've never used him because Hector is always in play for me, who should be pretty durable and awesome by the time Dart joins. And then, of course, Hawkeye shows up and is instantly awesome.

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While I wouldn't call Dart 'efficient' by any means, he's a complete beast and high-tier material if you put time and effort into him. However, in regards to most efficient playthroughs I've seen(hint: not mine), the player moves too fast for Dart to get the kills he needs, and even if you do get the kills for him, all you get out of it is Hawkeye with more atk/AS, but less hit/def/res/con. That and his promo item costs 50K, which is a VERY tall order in a ranked playthrough. Also, the 25K you get from selling the C23 ocean seal could mean the difference between recruiting Farina and not being able to.

And you know the funny thing? I've never actually used Dart because I had Bartre at like Lv12 or some shit like it. And my Bartre had stat leads on Dart in basically every category that mattered.

Edited by James
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From who? I've met very few people who regard Dart as a good unit. He's pretty great if you're willing to put the effort into him, but needing that effort is his problem, especially in the Hard modes. Support with Rebecca helps a lot (ironically, the Hit boost helps him the most).

I'm sorry. I've seen a bit of good talk about him on FEP when I used to be active over there. That's where I got the idea that he's pretty praised.

But yeah, Fire x Fire support is great. I wouldn't have a problem with getting an A support with them. It is my favorite affinity/attribute too.

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He can get to 2HKOing and doubling pretty quickly depending on the mode, although he'll often have accuracy problems. Also, the rest of his stats except for HP, Strength and Speed will remain sub-par.

If he turns out good for you, use him. If not, bench him in favor of other units.

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Dart is a blast to use. Playing the desert map with the hidden items tab open is not.

I do recommend him unless you're playing efficiently. Those bases are ... terrible, though most of it's fixed with an Iron Axe.

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If it's with a mounted unit and they can't reach an enemy on turn 1 anyway, I don't see the problem.

Ontopic, I've never actually used Dart so I can't give an accurate opinion on him, and I tend to prefer base units against growth units. I suppose I could him a try though, if I ever bother to play FE7 again.

I usually use Hawkeye instead.

plus Hawkeye's hotter. So manly~!

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though you have to waste a turn to have someone trade him an iron axe

Just position someone with an Iron Axe where you want Dart to go on turn 1, have him move next to them and trade it to himself. Nobody's turn is wasted!

Seriously, the things people try to make look like a problem...

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Hes alright. I used him once upon finding that Ocean Seal in the Desert. He was kicking some ass and was pretty helpful on the Four Fanged Offense chapter (the Linus one) and in that Water Temple level. But yeah, hes kind of a pain in the butt to train.

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I'm going to assume that you're not going for ranks, so I'd say use him! Crazy offensive growths, and the Ocean Seal is easy enough to find, especially in Hector mode. When used, he quickly surpasses Hawkeye offensively, and his hit is easily fixable, and isn't even that bad because of the slow and luckless enemies in this game.

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