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A FB Fail?


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Sadly, the inability to spell still exists in the world. along with rampant stupidity. I mean, really. COWBOY FTW.

On another note, When correcting someone's Grammar, make sure yours is FLAWLESS.

Edited by jackitty-keeper of catnip
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Sadly, the inability to spell still exists in the world. along with rampant stupidity. I mean, really. COWBOY FTW.

On another note, When correcting someone's Grammar, make sure yours is FLAWLESS.


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I like how that person uses shortened versions of words and then proceeds to add so many letters it doesn't actually make them shorter.

I've never understood this. I also don't understand why you would say, "shyt" instead of "shit", unless it is a typo.

She also goes on to say she has only watched one Cowboy's game.

Wow, a poor argument to go along with even worse grammar/spelling.

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Change your title to "A Facebook Fail?" and then I'll feel happier.

Idk if that last sentence of yours was intentional or not, but if I was the one posting, that would've been intentional, so I am going to assume it was on purpose.

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I also don't understand why you would say, "shyt" instead of "shit", unless it is a typo.

That's definitely not a case of a typo. From my understanding, the people who do that are trying to bypass textual swearing because for whatever reason, they don't want to be so "explicit" on sites like Facebook or whatever, despite the lack of any rules against swearing and such.

I say that this is rather dumb. I mean, I can understand if you'd like to keep a conversation family friendly by simply censoring swears, even though that's already oxymoronic in the first place, but it's essentially redundant to simply spell them another way to convey those particular words without actually saying them; that's still basically swearing at the end of the day.

And if it's not because of this...I guess people might do that because they think it's cool? Honestly, I think that in reality it's not.

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Yeah I think some would pronounce it in that actual way so that person might've actually been trying to convey that type of way of pronouncing it, which could supposably sound cool to her, but it really isn't. =/

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The most epic fail title is still to that other two idiots talking shit about Stephen Hawking. This isn't really a fail. Its just people with no grammar on the internet... and they are everywhere so its no surprise.

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