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Pokemon TCG Mafia


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It's because you didn't keep your mouth shut. Instead, you told people you had some deep secret.

Anyway, Eclipse is starting to make sense now.

##Unvote: Eclipse

Vote: Kirsche

I hope I'm not too late ¬_¬. But I've been talking to people, and apparently Kirsche only behaves like this when he isn't town. I'm certainly suspicious.

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Good thing I found a computer to get on, because I had a feeling this would happen. Love how you vote the guy who goes away while he's away.

I hope I'm not too late ¬_¬. But I've been talking to people, and apparently Kirsche only behaves like this when he isn't town.

And who told you that? Eclipse I bet.

http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=27796&view=findpost&p=1696321 - I was mafia here, but this is after the game.

http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26912&view=findpost&p=1622652 - here's some frustration at being lynched because of my role.

http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25871&view=findpost&p=1565762 - here's eclipse herself saying I pushed the lynch and "knew who I was voting for".

I'm an angry, aggressive, lynch -psuhing guy, and you really don't want to lynch me.

t's called "not telling everyone and their sheep why you're doing what you're doing, because there's mafia hidden among them". Do you expect Psych to forever tell you everything because he's Psych? You're not clear by a long shot, so why should he?

Why would a townie hide a reason for suspicions and expects people to follow him? There is no benefit to the town if a townie hides why he's suspcious of someone. None at all. Of course, you still haven't got that point yet because you refuse to answer anything with logic.

Funny you didn't vote before Snike, though (you had all of D1 to do it, and you were too busy whining that Psych wasn't being loose with his info). And when you did, you gave no reason, other than pressure. That looks suspicious.

How the fuck is it suspicious? You tied the vote and so had nothing to worry about, and I was slightly suspicious of you and wanted answers, so I voted you. Then when you repeatedly dodged the questions accusing you I decided to keep my vote permanent. I said my suspicions D1, but was more worried of psych. For some reason though everyone trusts him now so you're teh next best option for pressure.

The three separate voices in your head don't count as other people. I don't remember anyone else being so upset with Psych that they tried to get him lynched on D1.

Darros and Freohr voted him, and tables lost his suspicion of me. As that statement was sarcasm, since you can't tell.

He doesn't normally talk this much except in games like Schoolboy Mafia, where he was scum.

My apologies that I don't want people like eclipse accusing me of not paying attention or caring when I actually am.

Then again, there's nothing to lose from lynching a suspicious player.

Except when your suspicious player has a good role, which i really don't want to out as unless absolutely necessary.

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Actually no, I know exactly how SF is like, so I have to role claim.

Guess what? I'M THE DOCTOR! I get to kill a player who attacks someone else before they can kill them. Nice job breaking it heroes.

inb4 he can't prove it because no role pm so lynch him anyway.

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Claim or die


I have claimed


he claimed...


that's the problem


hey chockoocke


it's actually hilarious though


go on, read


That's totally not how you're supposed to play that role.


I'd love to see what BS you come up with to get me lynched


I'm the doctor.


So bug off.


rofl yeah ;/


Want to do a lynch between doctors?

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Wait, someone claimed doctor (actually bodyguard). Then someone counterclaimed doctor (real doctor). What the heck is wrong with you people?

Please tell me I've misunderstood what's going on. Otherwise town basically just lost.

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Please tell me I've misunderstood what's going on. Otherwise town basically just lost.

Yes well, this is what happens when people are stupid and think someone is scum because they failed to see that he is aggressive in all the games he plays in.

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20:42 Tables I need to know what the heck is going on out there. Are you actually the doctor? Or just want Kevin lynched?

20:42 clipseykitty Kevin was acting like an idiot, so I called him out on it. He decided to not make use of the PM system, and claimed in public.

20:43 clipseykitty I've got my own reasons for doing this, but for now, can you lynch me?

20:43 Tables ... Hunter

20:43 Tables No

20:43 clipseykitty Nope.

20:43 clipseykitty I wouldn't do that to the town.

20:43 Tables Then what?

20:43 Tables Oracle?

20:44 clipseykitty You'll understand when I die. It's not a role that's destructive.

20:44 Tables Mmm

20:44 Tables Very well

##Unvote, Vote: Eclipse

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Umm... What the freaking Hell just happened?

The result of your idiot sheeping just happened.

Also, I just noticed.

So that's what Eclipse meant by "encouraging discussion": lying to people! If you can't share any information, then misinformation is just as good!

Thank god someone with sense. This also wasn't addressed, unsurprisingly.

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He decided to not make use of the PM system, and claimed in public.

Rofl, I'm supposed to just claim to you now? BS a lot of people wouldn't buy just that, and if they did, they'd just be sheeping you, which is just as bad.

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