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Mechanics that you want


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Yeah I like that. Or maybe reaching certain requirements opens up new portions of the world map, like a town with an arena and such, or extra areas for skirmishes. Or like landing on certain areas before certain chapters opens up a gaiden chapter or something.

Well, I would think that for each area in the game, there's a gaiden chapter associated with it. When you reach the appropiate point in the game and if you meet the requirements, then a little flag or symbol will appear over it and if you go there you get the Gaiden option.

I say "when you reach the appropiate point in the game" since throwing you Gaidens suitable for a 20/20 team when you're level 5 would just be silly. And at the same time, there wouldn't be much point in going to a Gaiden if your units are 20 levels higher.

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As long as the achievements aren't stupid and a pain in the ass like "Beat the game without getting hit once" or "Beat the game with only ranged attacks", I'll be OK with an achievements system (and I'm sure most FE fans will be too). Unless of course, the time spending implementing such a thing takes away from the time it takes to make a really fun and refined game. I'm hoping these two aren't mutually exclusive.

Edited by Refa
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As long as the achievements aren't stupid and a pain in the ass like "Beat the game without getting hit once" or "Beat the game with only ranged attacks", I'll be OK with an achievements system (and I'm sure most FE fans will be too). Unless of course, the time spending implementing such a thing takes away from the time it takes to make a really fun and refined game. I'm hoping these two aren't mutually exclusive.

The thing is that I think that chalenge achievements like that are kind of superfluous. People didn't need achievements to go out of their way to LTC or speedrun or sequence break. I think that as a way to "suggest" alternative styles of play they work. For example, people wouldn't try to spread exp or hoard money items if it weren't for the ranking systems in FE6 and FE7. Another fun example is the achievement for breaking all the CCTV cameras in Portal. But as a reward in of themselves, they're pointless.

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Achievments are just titles....they add nothing to the game, except bragging rights.

If skirmishes are going to be back though, I really want skirmishes that have human units in them. Monsters are cool and all, but I don't want to fight just monsters after completing the game, and after winning the skirmish you get a money prize, not to much like 2000 or something, but enough to keep your characters fully stocked and such. (assuming there will be a postgame deal like FE8)

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Achievments are just titles....they add nothing to the game, except bragging rights.

If skirmishes are going to be back though, I really want skirmishes that have human units in them. Monsters are cool and all, but I don't want to fight just monsters after completing the game, and after winning the skirmish you get a money prize, not to much like 2000 or something, but enough to keep your characters fully stocked and such. (assuming there will be a postgame deal like FE8)

You could say the same thing about any goal in any game. Anything that encourages you to try something new is good.

Skirmishes only make sense for monsters, and they should always be kept that way, regardless of the limitations. It's easy to justify just going and slaughtering hordes of random monsters that show up for no reason. Not so easy to do that for people.

Being able to easily keep your characters stocked with weapons eliminates the cost of skirmishes in exchange for the Exp. This is especially true if it applies to skirmishes in the main story. Of course, for postgame skirmishes, it makes sense that there should be some way to get more money and weapons, but there's no reason for it to be as simple as just having the money handed to you.

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You could say the same thing about any goal in any game. Anything that encourages you to try something new is good.

Skirmishes only make sense for monsters, and they should always be kept that way, regardless of the limitations. It's easy to justify just going and slaughtering hordes of random monsters that show up for no reason. Not so easy to do that for people.

Being able to easily keep your characters stocked with weapons eliminates the cost of skirmishes in exchange for the Exp. This is especially true if it applies to skirmishes in the main story. Of course, for postgame skirmishes, it makes sense that there should be some way to get more money and weapons, but there's no reason for it to be as simple as just having the money handed to you.

Okay, or have more maps with chests in them as skirmish sites. That be fine. Or just add the human skirmishes for post game.

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It's easy to justify bandit/pirate skirmishes too, since those are too pervasive.

Or this. Pirates/bandits don't have to be just the pirate class or what ever either. I could see shaman, mage, wyvern knights, etc as bandits.

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Let's see.... what do I want?

I want healers to gain exp faster. How about something like this, when healing staffs are used they give a fixed amount of exp + the amount healed on the target.

I think healers gain experience fine in FE4/FE5, so they should totally use the 20EXP/staff formula, maybe reducing EXP gain after LV10 or so.

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I think healers gain experience fine in FE4/FE5, so they should totally use the 20EXP/staff formula, maybe reducing EXP gain after LV10 or so.

do want.

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I just wish there was more need for actual healing in general. Most characters can make do with a item every once in a while. Maybe the solution is to make healers have better healing range. Like, heal staves have Mag/2 (max of 3) range, Mend has a max of 5 range, Physics have unlimited max range, and so-forth. That way there will always be someone to heal and getting EXP won't be as hard.

Still think boosting the staff EXP is a good idea though.

Also, if we have monster chapters, some way to get them to maximum stats endgame would be nice. Like the secret shops in FE8, but not secret. Like maybe a special 'bonus shop' that gets unlocked post-game which can offer things like that.

Actually, some new game + things might be enjoyable on the whole. Like, in a newgame +, units who capped out a stat get a automatic +2 in that stat or something.

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I just wish there was more need for actual healing in general. Most characters can make do with a item every once in a while. Maybe the solution is to make healers have better healing range. Like, heal staves have Mag/2 (max of 3) range, Mend has a max of 5 range, Physics have unlimited max range, and so-forth. That way there will always be someone to heal and getting EXP won't be as hard.

Still think boosting the staff EXP is a good idea though.

Well, FE11/12 had 17EXP for Heal and 22 for Mend (40 for Physic!), which is pretty generous. I don't think it needs to be boosted any further. And it's important to note that for many "casual" players, levelling healers often isn't such a big problem. For example, while obviously an efficient player would struggle to promote Priscilla and Serra, it's no problem at all for a ranked player and they could even reach 20/20. Clarine was the second character to promote in my fairly laid back FE6 HM run.

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That is a fair point. Though I am curious as to why the discrepancy exists in the first place. I mean, I can see the obvious answer of 'we spend less time in the chapters' but is it really a matter of turn-counts or are healing items simply more practical?

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Turn counts may be an additive to the problem, but not the cause of it by necessity. If it is simply more practical to use healing items than to use a healer than increasing the amount of EXP gained may not be enough, in of itself, to fix the issue.

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It's mostly turn counts. They have a fixed exp gain a turn. Combat characters don't. So in LTC runs, a character will get more kills in one turn, so the decrease in turns to get exp is counteracted by the increased gain per turn. Healers don't have that, so any decrease in turns will cut their exp gain for a chapter.

Just making characters less durable overall would help, too. Again, look at FE12. Healing items are somewhat scarce, only really vulneraries, in addition to actually having to heal regularly instead of tanking everything with Ike, and they need to do stuff on PP, so healers will actually need to heal the character so his/her turn isn't taken up by using an item. This would also help archers by making PP matter more compared to EP shenanigans.

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Turn counts may be an additive to the problem, but not the cause of it by necessity. If it is simply more practical to use healing items than to use a healer than increasing the amount of EXP gained may not be enough, in of itself, to fix the issue.

Except that even in an LTC playthrough the player will generally endeavour to heal every turn. Having high level healers is still important in GBA FE.

Moreover, healing is if anything even more valuable in and LTC run since you can't just sit around chugging vulneraries. It's more that a good player doesn't really have much need for a lot of healing...

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Give healers a larger exp gain for dodging hits or surviving hits might help them level.

Except that as I've made it pretty clear, healers don't have a levelling issue. And certainly I wouldn't want to level them by having them enter combat 100 times or whatever.

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