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[FE11] The most Generic FE11 draft ever.


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Sorry, no stats. . .

Chapter 24x - 19

The entire point of this chapter was to get Lever's up to Fortify. I made it, somehow. BRING IT, MEDEUS!

(reclassed Quatro to Sniper for some extra Speed, which he got)

Endgame - 5/181

Fed Quatro a Seraph Robe, 5 Energy Drops, 3 Secret Books, 6 Speedwings, 4 Goddess Icons, and 4 Dracoshields, so he'd survive Medeus and deal decent damage in return. His stats by the time I was done with him were 41/22/1/20/25/8/23/6. I memorized them because it took that many stat boosters to turn him into mini-Frey. Rest of my Robes went to my squishy units, and my Magic Dusts were mostly fed to Lever, with one being fed to Naunu. 14 HP recovery with two Fortifies apiece made things much easier. Oh, and an Arms Scroll went to Vladek, for Parthia.

Geosphere shenanigans, etc. Jeffers ate a Silver Sword crit, which made me sad, because his time spent as damn near everything made him one of my favorites. Quatro sprinted to Medeus, and was 4 HP short of a 2RKO, BUT he took like no damage on his way over. Vladek made himself useful by absorbing Pachyderms. Laim was used to get rid of the jerk with the Firestone, and by the time Quatro was ready to finish the game, the only things on the map were a couple of Magestone guys.

Unlike Sal, I didn't get anyone with ZOMG bases. Most of them were averagish. It was fun trying to manipulate growths, and in the end, I think it kinda worked. For this kind of run, maybe next time have the participants note down original class, and boosts, just to see what the game throws at us?

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Restarted. No stats are going to be logged unless I feel like it, because the generics die and respawn far too often.

Chapter 1 - 5/5 I had another weirdly def blessed Marth, with 13 defense going into chapter 1.

Chapter 2 - 5/10 Got the village, blah, blah

Chapter 3 - 6/16

Chapter 4 - 7/23 Marth rushes, cavalier Penvo helps to clear out a few two range enemies out of his way.

Chapter 5 - 6/29 Wolf and Sedgar are spared to raise the base levels or generics~

Chapter 6 - 9/38

Chapter 6x - Training time! For Marth, at least. Execution time for people that are still alive.

Chapter 7 - 8/46 Reclassed undrafted scrubs to fliers so that I can block the left fort and the middle one because they get in the way, and my generics are pretty squishy.

Chapter 8 - 6/52

Chapter 9 - Finally, promoted generics :D Justinian is a kick ass sage (started off as bishop). 7 mag, 12 speed, 12 res is pretty good. I got another reincarnation of Penvo, who goes hero with 13 str/spd. Bitchin'. Also Lever, but he's really shitty anyway.


Final turns: 148

I did better than I thought I would, and Marth was pretty boss. Probably the reason why I got this low is because I recycled my generics a lot, but once they started to get really hax stats then I kept them. Sage Justinian was boss as hell.

Edited by CR-S01
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  • 6 months later...

Realize I never logged this:

Ch1: 7

/Care, no generics

Ch2: 5/12

See 1

Ch3: 6/18


Unit	Lv	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res Class
Mar	12	99	27	11	0	10	12	16	9	2	Lord
Unil	12	00	19	7	2	6	10	0	9	6	Peg
Dua	12	00	22	6	0	10	14	0	6	0	Merc
Hep	12	00	22	8	0	6	9	0	9	0	Cav
Oct	12	00	23	6	0	3	9	0	6	0	Pirate

Ch 4: 7/25

Undraftees dead, go left, nab excalibur. Marth kills the AK and boss.

Ch 5: 5/30

Kill of wolf guard, marth kills boss again.

CH 6: 12/42

Raised WPn levels a bit, turtled through, Unil killed the thieves and mages. No KE

Ch 6x: 20/42


Ch 7: 7/49

Jiminez kills whitewings and nabbs exp. Rest turtle through again.

Ch 8: 6/55

Cockblocked the Horseman for EXp, Unil survived TWO horseman bow hits. took some resets, since they broke through my line alot just before I could seize.

Ch 9: 5/60

Unil crit mannu even though I didn't need it. It feels like using jagens all the time.

Ch 10: 8/68

People who die go north, rush boss, Hepto & unil killed the hero.

Unit	Lv	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res Class
Mar	18	64	39	15	0	13	18	20	11	3	Lord
Unil	17	35	21	8	2	9	11	0	12	6	Peg
Dua	16	12	25	6	0	10	15	0	8	0	Merc
Hep	17	72	24	9	0	8	9	0	10	0	Cav
Oct	15	77	26	7	0	3	10	0	6	0	Pirate
Auf	15	36	25	6	0	4	12	0	9	0	Cav
Jim	15	52	22	8	0	8	10	0	8	0	Archer
Lev	14	84	19	1	1	5	5	0	3	8	Cleric

Ch 11: 10/78

Unil took the mercs, got 1.5 level out of it, Jake was in the way for a 9 turn.

Ch 12: 10/88

Promo Unil, now a pally: 28 hp, 11 str, 12 spd, 15 def

She stomped the floor, except the sniper, he had to be whittled down.

Extra turns for boots.

Ch 12x: 20/88

Training again. Yay, 1 extra Hp for what, five levels?

Promoted Hepto, pally: 30 Hp, 13 Str, 10 SPd, 11 def

Ch 13: 3/91

Rush boss with two awesome pallies and make sure no one dies. Check

ch 14: 6/97

Draco Unil and hepto storm the castle. Jiol is 2RKO'd.

Ch 15: 5/102

Unil & hepto up, rest go with marth, 3 undraftees die to imhullu.

Ch 16: 7/109

Unil & Hepto cause havoc, xane blocked me. Undraftees go left.

Ch 17: 3/112

Promoted lever to bishop.

Run, seize, done.

17 x: 8/112

Promo Auffle & dua to hero & SM.

Mar	21	59	41	19	0	16	23	21	15	5	Lord
Unil	20/7	77	30	14	1	11	13	2	18	3	Draco
Dua	20/1	00	33	9	1	13	17	0	10	3	Hero
Hep	20/6	46	28	17	1	13	11	0	13	3	Draco
Oct	19	03	28	8	0	3	10	0	6	0	Pirate
Auf	20/1	00	31	7	1	13	20	0	9	3	SM
Jim	18	47	24	8	0	8	12	0	8	0	Archer
Lev	20/1	25	19	28	2	6	6	8	0	5	9	Bishop

Oh, yeah, Unil got crit by a hero for 3 damage 8D

Ch 18: 7/119

Rush the ridersbanes, kill sable order.

CH 19: 6/125

Promo octu, Hero with axes.

Forgot to deploy lever, had a clot up, because of 5 consecutive misses.

Ch 20: 5/130

Camus vs Unil, Hepto vs Lorenz

Camus can't couble Unil, cause 14 SPD, Ridersbane critblick on EP is bye Camus.

Hepto just 2RKO's Lorenz

20x: 6/130

Training Starsphere + Gravidus Unil.

21: 3/133

Rush marth, distract sniper, seize.

22: 7/140

Promoted Jiminez, useless still. Unil decimated the entire fleet and marth just strolled up. She ORKo'd Michalis

23: 7/147

Skipped gharnef, OHKo the bishop.

24: 5/152

Kill boss, seize

24x: 7/152

Yeah unil hit 20/20 already, so training for others.

Endgame: 7/159

Already explained above

Mar	30	--	48	25	0	22	25	29	18	5	Lord
Unil	20	--	35	16	1	13	18	0	18	3	Draco
Dua	19/4	03	35	10	1	14	17	0	10	3	Hero
Hep	12	70	29	18	1	15	13	0	14	3	Draco
Oct	2	75	33	9	1	12	16	0	10	3	Hero
Auf	4	40	34	7	1	15	21	0	9	3	SM
Jim	2	61	32	7	1	15	21	0	9	3	Sniper
Lev	6	82	29	2	7	6	9	0	5	10	Bishop

Good, next log to take down.

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