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Things College Has Taught Me


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Read the title, please contribute. If you aren't/haven't been in college, ...whatever. We know who you are, but post anyway. I'll start:

#1: Snorting amphetamines is great when you need to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time; the jitters, however, are not.

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#16 Really well known colleges, even if they are known to have real smart people, still have plenty of idiots, probably more so than lesser known universities.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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#19: Do research on the course you wish to sign up for.

If it's a state required course, pick a morning class. You'll be less likely to have idiots in the class that prefer to disrupt it and go off tangent with the professor and not cover the material that was necessary, thus pushing back dates and wasting your money. Or they'll be more hung over and be less likely to show up. Either way, it's win-win.

Edited by Chalis
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#23. You do not know everything. In fact, the more you learn, the more you realize how little you still know.

#24. People who come from vastly different backgrounds and experiences from you exist, you will have to deal with them, and if you remain resolutely closed-minded and try to enforce all your views on them things will not go well for anyone, especially if you don't have the ability to surround yourself with people who are similar to you.

#25. When you're really sleep-deprived, EVERYTHING is funny.

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#26: Working on Chemistry for 6 hours straight probably isn't great for you brain in the long term.

poor people that have a job with chemistry... :mellow:

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