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Things College Has Taught Me


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Eh, they might well be doing "bucket chemistry" as one of my friends put it and not have to think about it that much. Depends on the job probably.

#27: Don't go to college if you don't really want to unless your parents are rich enough that they are practically forcing you. And if you get a job midway through college, definitely don't abandon the job to go back.

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#28: Don't read the textbook reading you were supposed to read before class, read it after, that way it'll make more sense.

#29: Bullshitting an essay and writing it a few days before it's due seems to get better marks than slaving away on it for weeks.

#30: Just because you talk a lot in class and contribute your opinion on every thing- thus disrupting the lecture and dragging on the class ten minutes longer than it should, doesn't mean the prof will like you. :/ (This applying to 90% of the kids in my Anthropology class)

Edit: Ninja'd.

Edited by Maji
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#28: Don't read the textbook reading you were supposed to read before class, read it after, that way it'll make more sense.

No, for the majority of people it actually works better if you do prereading. That way you will have some grasp of what is going on and know general shit, since the profs usually only go over main points. That way you can also ask questions if you don't understand shit.

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#32: If you have a freshman reading and have a project on it, don't procrastinate and read it the weekend before the project's due. Especially if your midterm's in the same week.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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No, for the majority of people it actually works better if you do prereading. That way you will have some grasp of what is going on and know general shit, since the profs usually only go over main points. That way you can also ask questions if you don't understand shit.

Also, see the other two above posts above you.

Keep in mind, I am not taking complex courses this semester, so I guess I can BS my way through classes. I found in science classes (for me, at least, I'm not really in any higher level courses) like Geology, it's generally better to just go to class, and not read. Most of the shit my prof talks about is just a direct rehash of the text, so I can just take notes, then read the text if I really need to.

However, for classes like Anthropology and English, I would agree not reading the texts assigned to you is probably not recommendable.

Edit: I'm bad at numbers, ald;skfjawef.

Edited by Maji
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Eh, they might well be doing "bucket chemistry" as one of my friends put it and not have to think about it that much. Depends on the job probably.

#27: Don't go to college if you don't really want to unless your parents are rich enough that they are practically forcing you. And if you get a job midway through college, definitely don't abandon the job to go back.

Our educational system provides us with amazing public (free duh) universities. Public schools, however, are pretty shitty.

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Our educational system provides us with amazing public (free duh) universities. Public schools, however, are pretty shitty.

I should have gone to Argentina for college! Not a citizen though so probably not allowed, plus no spanish speaking might make things di-facile.

Edited by Blue Mars
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#40 People will notice if you start laying on the floor of the main lobby, massaging one of the room's pillars.

Why would you lay on the floor to give a massage to a pillar? One would think you could give much more satisfying massages standing upright, since you'd be able to bend up and down and give more coverage.

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