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Honestly, it makes the most sense to me. He always incites people to flame him, he always make side comments that incite arguements, among other things....I think he's the perfect troll. I would be a liar if I told you I hadn't thought long and hard on this matter, but I have reached a conclusion. Crash Gordon is now to be labled a troll in all provinces of Serenes Forest, and any claim by said troll of others being trolls will be looked upon with scorn, because obviously, he's the troll.


Erk is now to be labeled a genius in all provinces of Serenes Forest! It all makes sense, he's just toying with our asses. that bad mother fucker...

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How did I miss this?


Just gonna say

I honestly believe the only reason Crash has yet to be banned is because he's so much of a joke

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Hitler deserved to be trolled. :(

Nope, he deserves a lot worse. Killing millions of innocent people needs a bigger punishment than being screwed with on the internet, don't you say?

Besides, if you actually met a modern Hitler who was on a forum, trolling him would be a bad idea because then he'd just take out his anger on some Jews or something. It would be a lot more effective to tell the mods that there's a Hitler on your forums or something to that effect.

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Nope, he deserves a lot worse. Killing millions of innocent people needs a bigger punishment than being screwed with on the internet, don't you say?

Besides, if you actually met a modern Hitler who was on a forum, trolling him would be a bad idea because then he'd just take out his anger on some Jews or something. It would be a lot more effective to tell the mods that there's a Hitler on your forums or something to that effect.

Dear internet forum moderators, totalitarian dictator on forums, please prevent him from committing genocide.

Also: If I had a time machine, I would troll the fuck out of Hitler.

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Presented with a choice of breaking every one of Hitler's limbs with a baseball bat or trolling him, I would break every limb in Hitler's body.

Presented with a choice of not doing anything or trolling him,


breaking every bone in his body or breaking every bone in his body AND trolling him, as is the presented scenario, then yes, I'd do that.

Edited by Furetchen
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"Trolling him vs doing nothing" never came up as the choice.

Besides, if you wanted to screw with him, give him some spyware or something that'll make him easy to find for the real life authorities, that'd work better than trolling.

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Let me put this another way, because you are evidently not bright enough to actually grasp my point.

Negative actions against Hitler are, for the sake of argument, pretty cool. Trolling is a negative action against him. He would feel worse as a result, if you're half-competent at it (which you either aren't, or are the veritable deity of), which is pretty cool. It also does not preclude you doing other negative actions. Like murdering him.

So yes. Troll Hitler.

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Besides, if you actually met a modern Hitler who was on a forum, trolling him would be a bad idea because then he'd just take out his anger on some Jews or something. It would be a lot more effective to tell the mods that there's a Hitler on your forums or something to that effect.


Also crash you realise that is one of THE MOST retarded things you've EVER said, right? (That means a LOT) If there WAS a "modern Hitler" and he's on a fucking internet forum, he's really goddamn stupid.

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Because that would tip him off, and as I've said dozens of times, he'd get pissed and take it out on innocent people (probably Jews).

Still should troll him ' x'

maybe he'll feel so bad and kill himself about it.

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"Trolling him vs doing nothing" never came up as the choice.

That's a choice in real life, considering the real hitler had an army at his disposal, and all I have is some licorice at my disposal.

Besides, if you wanted to screw with him, give him some spyware or something that'll make him easy to find for the real life authorities, that'd work better than trolling.

Totalitarian dictator committing genocide and going to war with multiple countries. If the authorities only knew, I'm sure they'd stop him!

No, because making him mad would make him kill Jews or something, like I said, and it wouldn't functionally achieve anything good enough to offset that.

if I had a time machine, I wouldn't let him kill anybody, and I'd troll him. A lot.

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What the fuck am I reading?

You know what? I take back what I said about Crash being somewhat bright in the noggin. This is just... My god...

hahahahahahahahahaha he's the best troll.

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I'm not a troll.

And actually, sorry about this whole thing with Hitler and stuff, actually, I think it's dumb too, honestly.

Crash, I feel like you ARE a troll, it's the only thing that can make sense. I applaud you, because you have a lot of people going, what with your flame wars and pointless arguements. In fact, I nominated you for Troll of the year award, so expect a leaflet in the mail. You're the best of the best.

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What the fuck am I reading?

You know what? I take back what I said about Crash being somewhat bright in the noggin. This is just... My god...

And yet another one of Crash's defenders comes to the same conclusion his detractors came to.

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No, because making him mad would make him kill Jews or something, like I said, and it wouldn't functionally achieve anything good enough to offset that.

How do you know he would do that? You must have been a personal friend of his! NAZI!

I'm not a troll.

And actually, sorry about this whole thing with Hitler and stuff, actually, I think it's dumb too, honestly.


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