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Why do most guys suck?

Colonel M

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Get with the times. Most guys our age (I'm 20, be te dub) are really only looking to get laid, and I'm no exception. That's why I make clear with any and every girl that if I hook up with them it isn't because I have feelings for them. I'm not trying to sound like a dick and I absolutely do not treat girls like shit, but it pays to be clear about some things.

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humans are dumb, despite what everyone wants to think. We're animals and sex is adaptive. If by the off chance there is a nice and intelligent guy/girl, you are more likely to get wiped out because you spend time thinking about things other than sex. Therefore douchebags are selected and horny people get to pass down their lovely genes.

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I'm serious. Maybe some of the guys here (lol) can answer this. Why does most of your gender suck?

From my experiences, and the experiences of many of my female friends, guys do not seem to appreciate loyalty and honesty above being hot or cute. A long time of true dedication to someone and being nice and actually caring can get instantly trumped by some "hot" bitch and guys seem to like vaginas. Nice girls just get used as emotional condoms.

Example: A girl can be friends with a guy for years, like him a lot, go over his house and spend like eight hours there to fix his computer, get a hug and get told "thanks" by the guy, and then some bitch on the cheer leading team will come over later, fuck his brains out, and then go use that computer the nice girl fixed.

That seems to be the story of "love" for people like me and my friends. I am seriously considering just giving up.

Also, lesbians are just as bad because most of the ones I met are incredibly shallow.

Says the guy who once pondered (in IP) whether or not to date a girl he doesn't really like for the sex.

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for you to regain your faith in humanity, I present:




Tuyen said his wife's disease has not affected his love for her or their relationship.

He said: 'I married Phuong when she was a beautiful woman. I have followed her through her disease and have never been shocked at all.

'It's not easy to talk about one's own marital affairs. Just simply understand that I still love her very much.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2048678/Nguyen-Thi-Phuong-Vietnamese-woman-ages-50-years-days.html#ixzz1brd8FZVc

Edited by Death'
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Colonel M, I think you're asking the wrong question. What you should be asking is if they swallow or spit.

mm you beat me to it. i saw the OP earlier but didn't have time to post a reply.

it was going to be along the lines of "if she says you suck then your comeback should be that she swallows." or something like that. you messed up my rhythm of lame joke ;/

edit: also, from what viewpoint is the OP coming from? a male's or a female's?

Edited by black.ops
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humans are dumb, despite what everyone wants to think. We're animals and sex is adaptive. If by the off chance there is a nice and intelligent guy/girl, you are more likely to get wiped out because you spend time thinking about things other than sex. Therefore douchebags are selected and horny people get to pass down their lovely genes.

Just going to point out (for pretty much no reason other than incidental education) that this isn't particularily evolutionarily accurate. In fact, intelligence is generally selected for as a trait, or at least was for the majority of our history (it's difficult to say know considering education and whatnot leads to lower birthrates...). It's a general trend that intelligent people are more likely to be able to survive, and be able to find a mate, and indeed they are even more likely to ensure their child's survival, so overall intelligence (and empathy, etc) are evolutionarily favourable traits. Being a douchebag who exclusively thinks about sex is a massive evolutionary set back, and people like that are more likely to be bred out of a population.

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Just going to point out (for pretty much no reason other than incidental education) that this isn't particularily evolutionarily accurate. In fact, intelligence is generally selected for as a trait, or at least was for the majority of our history (it's difficult to say know considering education and whatnot leads to lower birthrates...). It's a general trend that intelligent people are more likely to be able to survive, and be able to find a mate, and indeed they are even more likely to ensure their child's survival, so overall intelligence (and empathy, etc) are evolutionarily favourable traits. Being a douchebag who exclusively thinks about sex is a massive evolutionary set back, and people like that are more likely to be bred out of a population.

possibly. But for example, consider how people who focus on careers have less/no children. I wouldn't be 100% that intelligent people are more likely to pass down their genes. stick a bunch of dumb people who revolve their lives around sex, they will breed. I know some people my age who already have children.

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possibly. But for example, consider how people who focus on careers have less/no children. I wouldn't be 100% that intelligent people are more likely to pass down their genes. stick a bunch of dumb people who revolve their lives around sex, they will breed. I know some people my age who already have children.

But I think that's only really relevent if we look at modern society (and I don't think intelligence is in particular danger of being selected out of humanity in modern society anyway). Even as recently as 50-100 years ago that didn't hold particularily true. Even today, it only really holds true in first world countries, where almost everybody is guaranteed to survive to adulthood.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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Though it would probably behoove me to mention that I just got out of a 2 and a half year relationship that drained most emotion I had.

Come 28th December, I'll have been in my current relationship for 2 years. The long distance thing is mentally challenging and has given me many doubts about the future.

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I heard from Mercenary Raven that Inui was planning on running for public office. He was talking about fapping to lolis... and rather liberally (gee_wiz_emoticon.gif) throwing around the n-word... and teaching somebody how to use BitTorrent...

Sounds like a typical libertarian to me!


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Says the guy who once pondered (in IP) whether or not to date a girl he doesn't really like for the sex.


edit: also, from what viewpoint is the OP coming from? a male's or a female's?

Use some imagination.

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guys are not shallow. I use every chance i get to help others. =<

IMO being nice =/= being deep...I'm not trying to knock being nice, I'm just saying that being deep involves, to me, having layers, which often means having apparent contradictions. I'm not sure it's necessarily a bad thing to be shallow...though I do understand that being shallow is treated as being bad, I'm not sure why, if someone is simplistically kind to others, that would be looked on as bad despite it being simple.

Another short thought about being deep, perhaps:

The ancient masters were subtle, mysterious, profound, responsive.

The depth of their knowledge is unfathomable.

Because it is unfathomable,

All we can do is describe their appearance.

Watchful, like men crossing a winter stream.

Alert, like men aware of danger.

Courteous, like visiting guests.

Yielding like ice about to melt.

Simple, like uncarved blocks of wood.

Hollow, like caves.

Opaque, like muddy pools.

Who can wait quietly while the mud settles?

Who can remain still until the moment of action?

Observers of the Tao do not seek fulfillment.

Not seeking fulfillment, they are not swayed by desire for change.

Edited by BlueMartianKitty
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