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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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Psych you know your in for lots of problems when you call a god insane.

Also note that you are worse than the dirt under my boot so you don't deserve a restricktion. And even if I were faking my PR that doesn't mean Im useless in any form. On the other hand your level of not understanding anything is only harmful for the Misfits. You even vote the best player they have to be killed for fucks sake!.

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Thank you for your very insightful contributions, Obviam. I can agree with most of the points you have made, and it is helpful to have a summary of most of the notable events up to this point.

Psych, do you not think it is a good thing that most of us have not openly revealed their habits of speech yet? A knowledgeable bystander might be able to discern their identity based upon this kind of information, which in turn might shed some light upon what to expect from their abilities. Obviously, we do not want the Adversaries to know our abilities, so it is quite understandable that everyone would do their best to hide their identity.

In the meantime, I would like everyone to answer a few questions. Obviam is free to ignore this, considering the excellent contribution he just made, but I expect everyone else to reply.

1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

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1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

1. Sho is fucking annoying and I'd like him to try and go one game without spamming and actually contribute to conversation rather than pull things out of his ass, but whatever.

2. I don't know. Partially Sho, partially Bal, partially Obviam. Bal and Sho for saying a lot and yet at the same time not. And Obviam for analyzing extensively to appear pro-town.

3 At the same time Obviam. I doubt unless you really wanted to lurk/cloak that a scum would do that.

4. Eclipse. Shinori.

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When the general question was asked, the girl gave an insightful tilt of her head, mulling her own thoughts over before giving a response.

"Well, Sir Shadow, I'll try to answer as best I can... for your first question, I have not yet placed a vote, this is due to not yet having anything more concrete than mere wisps of information to work off of. As for who I am most suspicious of, I would have to say that Sir Sho is giving me strange vibes, due to, as Sir Obviam already pointed out, his rather erratic sequence of actions so far." The girl answered, before taking a minute to think over the other two questions.

"If I had to choose someone to feel less suspicious of at the moment, it would be Sir Obviam, simply due to how well he has presented what we have witnessed so far, though that is more helpfulness than an actual sign of innocence. And though no one as yet seemed to have been deliberately avoiding being useful to our group of misfits, there are some who have indeed been more clearly helpful than others, such as Sir Obviam. Only time will tell if deliberation seems more apparent."

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1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

No Lynch = Certain fool felt like angering a god so I felt like evening the score untill there is something to catch my attention

Lorddomu and Psych These fools don't know how to use their head and this god doesn't like incompetence

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

Those who haven't posted

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

If I would have to pick one of these fools it would be either Obviam or Raykitty but its merely because they atleast try

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

not counting those who havent posted, Blitz

Also I suppose you fools need my almighty contribution

I might have one of my blessingly smart ideas for hampering down the mafia tonight btw. Because pointing it out mean little, say it out loud that my role, in all its simplyness is one time useable kill lightingrod. Apparently Im suppose to save you fools from certain damnation but such would be highly meaningless. tl; dr; for old hag clipsey, Doctor on me tonight because I will be kill target given no roleblocks happen.

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1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

1. I voted no lynch and the unvoted. Voted no lynch because i had yet to see a reason to vote for someone since we have no real evidence of anything as of the moment.

2. Most likely Shade. No offense but you still didn't unvote and you seem to want to push for a lynch like no other at the moment. Seems to me like you just want to lynch someone with no evidence at all. Wouldnt an enemy want just any of the townies to die? Doesn't matter who.

3. Most likely at the moment Obviam.

4. Clipse. People that haven't mostly.

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1. Sho is fucking annoying and I'd like him to try and go one game without spamming and actually contribute to conversation rather than pull things out of his ass, but whatever.

Schoolboy: Got SK and one Mafia killed with his dashing flavour sensor

Itemafia: Caught a scum Night fucking 0 with his flawless scumhunt powers

Ivalice Mafia: Saved the town from its corrupted leader while being the only one who could do it at that point.

SSBB Mafia: Created the foundation of town's organizing and thus ensuring (let face it, town wins) town's victory

This little moron has shown such high level incompetence that I don't even have to say anything and still not get myself godkilled :newyears:

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Aw man, those questions clash with my style! I'll give ya an answer, but I ain't copyin' the questions down.

1. Psych got my vote for the sheepiest sheep since 13thshadow in Pokemon TCG.

2. While I'm not too trustin' of Sho, there's a mite chance that he's a Fool or somethin' else that's stupid (like he is). Psych, not only for his sheepin', but for that little bit that most of us might be fakin' our restrictions, 'cause I'm pretty sure I ain't the only one that had a PR in their role. I'm not happy with Obviam's "look at me, I have to be town, because I'm actin' like it", but that might be a PR, for all I know. I'll be keepin' an eye on him.

3. Me, of course. And maybe Ether.

4. Blitz and his posts full of "hey look at me, I'm talkin'". I'm also wonderin' where Proto went, as I saw quite a bit o' him a day or two back.

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1 Haven't cast any vote, since I don't like making mistakes and taking a gamble when all we have are small hunches.

2 Not sure who to suspect :(: Chances are that all of us who're posting a lot are town, and those lurking are mafia just waiting for us to lynch each other off

3 Obviam

4 ...not too good at filtering facts from flavour...so can't comment.

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In the meantime, I would like everyone to answer a few questions. Obviam is free to ignore this, considering the excellent contribution he just made, but I expect everyone else to reply.

1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

Point the first: Kay has a habit, a really bad habit of doing her best to be as unobtrusive as possible when scum. The latest example of my memory was when in the Resistance 2, I watched from the sidelines as she nearly ruined my well executed attempt to portray myself as town after she subbed in for me. You cannot believe how good it felt seeing my hard work early game pissed down the drain like that. Few things compare. Further, as of current she still has zero posts and I want her to fucking talk if she's town-sided. I'm finally, for the first time in a long time, in the uninformed majority, and I want to make the most of this and make a difference.

Point the second: I am most suspicious of Proto and Kay, on the basis of their having said almost nothing, in a game where there isn't even the excuse of outside contact attempts to shore up their attempts at playing the game. I know it can be hard to keep a engaging and useful dialogue, but there's a difference between not having much to say, and between not even giving any effrt.

Point the third: So far, I probably trust Raymond most, followed by Psych, followed by Obviam. Raymond has shown a clear head, and serious attitude throughout, is a clever and thoughtful player, and I desperately want him to be townsided, so maybe that's clouding my judgement. Psych, as always, seems to be a well-meaning idiot, who can't help but run his mouth when he's not supposed to be. Obviam has along the same lines of Raymond has been giving off some good attempts at leadership, and some strong town-based vibes, but I get the feeling he's prabably faking his posting restriction. Yes, faking. I'm almost positive Ether is faking as well, just like he did with cherries and yo mama. And I mean, I'm most certainly not faking my post restriction either. No way, no how, no sir.

Point the fourth: Rothene definitely, though part of that may still be because IIRC he is a relatively new player, but off the top of my mind his were the first and most vapid posts I could remember.

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In the meantime, I would like everyone to answer a few questions. Obviam is free to ignore this, considering the excellent contribution he just made, but I expect everyone else to reply.

1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

1. N/A

2. Everyone. So far I've just seen a bunch of pointless arguing and and silly PRs that are super long and say ridiculous non helpful things. Not that I've contributed much I guess. Nothing to show that anyone is more or less town yet. But I also am still a little behind on reading this thread so maybe I'll spot something.

3. Everyone. Its best to assume everyone is town, that way you have a better chance of being right.

4. Deliberately trying to avoid? No, probably not.

Oh, also, I really really hate monsters.

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When her own name was brought up as suspect, the girl let out an uncharacteristic scowl.

"It is unfortunate that you believe me to not be forthcoming with myself, however I can assure you that you are incorrect in your assumption that I am faking anything." She said with a dejected tone.

"However, I suppose there is not much I can do to convince you of this point if your mind is set, is there? Though perhaps it would be best to evade suspicions based on prior, unrelated experiences."

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Also I suppose you fools need my almighty contribution

I might have one of my blessingly smart ideas for hampering down the mafia tonight btw. Because pointing it out mean little, say it out loud that my role, in all its simplyness is one time useable kill lightingrod. Apparently Im suppose to save you fools from certain damnation but such would be highly meaningless. tl; dr; for old hag clipsey, Doctor on me tonight because I will be kill target given no roleblocks happen.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this, and I'm not sure I like the feeling I get from this.

I mean, calling eclipse an old hag? That's just rude. I'd totally date her.

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1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

1. I have yet to vote, and I believe for good reason: lack of a reason.

2. I have yet to become suspicious of anyone in particular since most people are being rather loud and if I were to target someone for being quiet, I believe I may have to unironically vote against myself.

3. Balcerzak and Obviam.

4. Most people.

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With my great eternal youth and beaty, everyone is old hag (seriously no offence what so ever, just my PR).

Now if you maggot would get to the pointtm of the plan. Alternatively I can deal with no doctor but instead a watcher. I dare the mafia to try kill me~

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~~ I who stand in the full light of the heavens... ~~

Some of you misunderstood the point of my last large post. While I indeed posted it to share for the good of everyone, I created it in the first place to help myself.

You see, I was using you all as cardboard cut-outs. I organize my thoughts as though I am discussing fervently with someone even if I am in fact talking to a wall - I just as easily could have. By preparing what I've observed in a format suitable for someone else, I have thus made it more tangible to myself.

This particular technique is more pragmatic than you might think, extending for example to the "cardboard programmer", an imaginary or essentially imaginary co-worker with whom you discuss software engineering problems you are presently having difficulty with only to discover later that you see the solution yourself despite no input from the brick wall (or what have you) you were once speaking to.

It is probably especially useful in NOC games where the case is not, as it is often in OC games, such that the important discussions are held in discrete private message threads which are thus easier to organize and sort through.

In this way I was able to determine Balcerzak's posting restriction, which had previously appeared to me as suspicious post oddities I was ready to vote for him for.

Now however I am much less inclined to vote for Bal, and here is why:

I believe Balcerzak is prabably Yuri.

If you look here you can prabably see why:

Personality-wise, Yuri comes across as sarcastic and cynical, possibly due to the way the nobility treated the people of the Lower Quarter.

Next up I see that eclipse could potentially be Raven.

As Raven, he is a slightly odd individual, easily recognized by his lazy, slang-ridden speech and overly friendly, nonchalant demeanor. He's talkative, and is prone to teasing and melodramatic complaining, which easily grates on the nerves of others. This sometimes subjects him to brutal reprimanding. He's also kind, hardly ever showing anger to anyone but his enemies, and he serves to try and maintain a lighthearted atmosphere in the group when things get tense. He does, however, display occasional perverted behavior, cracking jokes with innuendo and lightly flirting with the females of the group, as well as with several women they may come across on their journey. The behavior is usually not taken well by his peers. Oddly enough he avoids seriously involving himself with women and will gently turn them down if ever any interest beyond a casual attraction seems to be directed at him.

Or maybe I should call you Schwann?

Strawman, our resident "Ducky" is prabably Nan.

She has a personal grudge against all monsters after she witnessed her parents' death by monsters when she was young.

I fear this may be the best I can do.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this, and I'm not sure I like the feeling I get from this.

I mean, calling eclipse an old hag? That's just rude. I'd totally date her.

Modkilled for not being sarcastic.

Also I suppose you fools need my almighty contribution

I might have one of my blessingly smart ideas for hampering down the mafia tonight btw. Because pointing it out mean little, say it out loud that my role, in all its simplyness is one time useable kill lightingrod. Apparently Im suppose to save you fools from certain damnation but such would be highly meaningless. tl; dr; for old hag clipsey, Doctor on me tonight because I will be kill target given no roleblocks happen.

I would like to point out that Sho pretty much has to be obliterated now. Something I do not feel at liberty to discuss suggests to me that his claim is that of a mafia member.

You can deal with no doctor because your team mates aren't going to kill you.

In a later post I will be discussing another scum hunting tactic that I picked up on even in my first mafia game however many years ago. It's pretty obvious but I don't see anyone utilizing it yet, or at least not making any commentary as a result. This post is long enough as it is however...

~~ ...call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell... ~~

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Way to go morons. I offer you all a kill free night on a silver platter and you deside to sheep the everliving crab out of me. very mature guys, very mature. Even someone of my level of amazingness lacks the words to descripe this sad excuse of playing you have shown here. Why on earth I should be killed wen leaving me alive has only good sides people? I let us all know who was the killer with watcher. If I somehow get roleblocked, watcher will see the hooker that visits me. If either of these scenarios happen Im mafia and deserve to be lynched for my horrid playing. TOWN ONLY GAINS FROM LETTING ME LIVE THIS ONE NIGHT! Roth you should totally stop listening that moron Obviam am THINK FOR AT LEAST HALF A SECOND

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Sorry for not ownin' an XBox 360, or I totally would've played this game (and did a better job with this bloomin' PR). I'd go quotin' precisely what I asked the two long-haired dudes runnin' things when I first posted, but I'm not sure if that'll get me killed for breakin' PR.

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