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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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I never said no kill night would clear me idiot. I said it is good for town.

Notice how I immediately changed my vote over to you, instead of simply offering my witty insights in an attempt to educate, to try to prevent the (highly likely) possibilty of misunderstandings arising among some of us lesser mortals.

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sho, aka Phaeroh, MISFIT 1-time Kill Lightningrod has been emergency modkilled.


Dear Sho,

You are Pharaoh, MISFIT 1-time Kill Lightningrod.


(protip: you're the large flying birdlike thing around 3:08)

You are an Entelexia, the ancient rulers of Terca Lumireis who regulate aer flow throughout the world, and a very strong one at that. You are here to defend the world against a great evil that threatens its existence.

Once, at night, you may reply to your role PM "Night X: Confront the humans". You will engage in battle that night for the greater good of Terca Lumireis, and will draw any attacks that night.


Post restriction: As a powerful Entelexia, you rightfully see most people as below you. You must act condescending to everyone.

You are allied with the Misfits. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

i am not happy i get to win twice =|

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I'm assuming day keeps going on now? And a lynch(or no lynch) is still supposed to occur?

And uh, I kind of think its a good idea to NL now. We don't want to risk losing 2 town in one day.

Monsters suck giant horse testicles.

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~~ I who stand in the full light of the heavens... ~~

Thank you for your very insightful contributions, Obviam. I can agree with most of the points you have made, and it is helpful to have a summary of most of the notable events up to this point.

Psych, do you not think it is a good thing that most of us have not openly revealed their habits of speech yet? A knowledgeable bystander might be able to discern their identity based upon this kind of information, which in turn might shed some light upon what to expect from their abilities. Obviously, we do not want the Adversaries to know our abilities, so it is quite understandable that everyone would do their best to hide their identity.

In the meantime, I would like everyone to answer a few questions. Obviam is free to ignore this, considering the excellent contribution he just made, but I expect everyone else to reply.

1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

It's like he's reading my mind

The answers provided by those who respond to these questions set the stage perfectly for the information I am gathering in the shitty image below.

Green arrows point from one player to another such that the player pointed at is seen as innocent by the other player.

Same with red, only this color indicates suspicion rather than belief in innocence.

An orange arrow indicates that the player pointed at is confusing the other player.

Double arrows are used for associations between players who have stated opinions of each other mutually, with a gradient of red and green as appropriate to indicate a difference of opinion of each other where present.

Obviously I need to study more graph theory or something because the image is all kinds of disorganized and thus hell to read.


The purpose of the graph is to highlight public affiliations. People announce, subtly or otherwise, sometimes even inadvertently, alliances and oppositions either supposed or invented by them for purposes of marking targets for lynching or, in the case of mafia, disossociating from and thereby protecting themselves from being identified with such lynch targets.

Recognizing the true and false affiliations leaked out in careless or tact posts is an excellent way of scumhunting, though unfortunately it is not particularly straightforward.

To demonstrate we can utilize the information we've obtained from Sho's death in an attempt to verify a piece of the graph. Looking at Sho's section someone like myself might look suspicious for having insisted his guilt despite his now apparent innocence.

As you would all see if it were as simple to show you it is the case that I am actually Sho's ally and happened to be stupefied by his antics to the point of misjudging his alliance, scrambling the already murky waters which form the above graph.

It is only through intuition and research that proper scumhunting can be executed based off of the sort of information above...

So without any glaring ideas coming to me from it, I present you with this instead.

When her own name was brought up as suspect, the girl let out an uncharacteristic scowl.

"It is unfortunate that you believe me to not be forthcoming with myself, however I can assure you that you are incorrect in your assumption that I am faking anything." She said with a dejected tone.

"However, I suppose there is not much I can do to convince you of this point if your mind is set, is there? Though perhaps it would be best to evade suspicions based on prior, unrelated experiences."

Someone suspected you? When? Crap, did I miss something?

You realize out of the only two people who have shown posting restrictions, Ether is likely fucking with us and Sho is insane?

I never put much faith posting restrictions if not everyone shows them.

Something seems off with this. Do you not have a post restriction yourself? What would make you so special?

My votes count more than you Sho. That didn't really do anything.

Strange soft claim that I glanced over. Marking it here in case I forget again.

Lol, Night 0.

Also, what is up with these post restrictions you guys have(unless you're faking)? They seem so ridiculous.

Anyways, I have to say I am super excited for this game. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

The fight club reference?

Your fear of monsters seems unusually absent.

Also, what's up with you being all by your lonesome in that graph ^ up there?

##Vote: Strawman

Thats it then, I'm voting NL.

##VOTE: No Lynch

And if you have a problem you can go suck it with those monsters I hate.

I do have a prablem with it it's called "fuck you"

You see, even though we already "lynched" someone by having the person with the most votes die (somewhat unexpectedly), lynching remains our primary weapon.

We can't count on power roles we might not even have, just like in any mafia game. We have to attack the mafia the only way we can: educated guesses.

You're all welcome to vote not to lynch if you want, but I think it's a waste of our most reliable weapon (in terms of ammunition supply, not accuracy...that said, even a vig would be as inaccurate as us, and maybe moreso, especially in NOC).

Commence the jigglin' voting; I encourage a real lynch.

~~ ...call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell... ~~

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Sorry for my abscence. Give me a moment to catch up on what happened. In the meantime, I should probably answer my own questions as well:

1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices.

My first vote was for Sho - not because I was particularly suspicious of him, but because I swore to myself to never again underestimate him, and thus I chose him as my first target for stirring up some discussion. Later, I began to suspect Shinori for ignoring my argument for making use of our only reliable weapon, and while he listened to reason and took back his vote, I am still not sure what to think of him.

2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why?

Shinori for the reasons given, as well as Strawman after the argument Obviam just presented.

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

That would be Obviam. I do not have a way to ensure he is indeed our ally, but I am inclined to trust him for the time being simply on account of him being very helpful thus far, even if he was mainly doing it for himself.

4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions?

Shinori, Blitz and Strawman seem to spout a lot of empty words.

2. Most likely Shade. No offense but you still didn't unvote and you seem to want to push for a lynch like no other at the moment. Seems to me like you just want to lynch someone with no evidence at all. Wouldnt an enemy want just any of the townies to die? Doesn't matter who.

No offense has been taken, as I explicitely asked you to share your thoughts.

Obviously, the Adversaries want us Misfits to die, and you might mistake making use of our lynch for an attempt to achieve just that. However, if you do not want to make use of our only weapon, how else are you going to identify the Adversaries, and more importantly, defeat them? Are you really naive enough to think that we can win this conflict by doing nothing?

For now, based on both the reasoning Obviam presented and the fact that Strawman, just like Shinori before, attempts to deprive us of our weapons, I can back up lynching Strawman.


##Vote: Strawman

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When asked by Sir Obviam about the apparent suspicion placed upon her, the girl flushed slightly.

"Ah... it was nothing quite so explicit as direct suspicion, Sir Obviam. It's just, Sir Balcerzak seems to believe that I am attempting to fake some sort of speech impediment. He seemed to think the same of you, as well." She replied rather shyly. This Sir Obviam, he was quite loud spoken, and had quickly risen to some sort of pseudo-leadership position, or so she could gather.

"I apologize if my choice of words lead you astray, Sir Obviam." She finished with a quick curtsy, before recalling something else rather significant.

"Ah, yes. It seems that with Sir Sho's innocence, we have all been lead rather astray... though I agree with Sirs Obviam and Raymond, though it pains me to put the noose on another... I will be placing my own vote for Sir Strawman." The girl said, with a light resolve, writing the words ##Vote: Strawman on a small ballot, her hand visibly shaking as she placed it in the designated area. As she let it drop into it's appropriate position, she took in a deep breath to attempt to calm her trembling figure.

"I hope this is over soon... all these thoughts of death... I don't know if I can take it... how could our adversaries... take pleasure in this?"

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1. Someone's been in here, and didn't say a blimey thing about everythin' that's been happenin', an' I don't like that one bit.


##Vote: Proto

2. We've got a lil' under seven hours to get a-lynchin', so votals (and my apologies if I go an' screw up):

NL (0): Shinori, Sho

Kay (1): Balcerzak

Lorddomu (0): Sho

Proto (1): Me

Psych (0): Me, Sho (be dead)

Shinori (0): Raymond

Sho (3): Obviam, Raymond, Lorddomu, Psych, Rothene

Snike (0): Me

Strawman (3): Ether, Obviam, Raymond

Now for all you people that voted Sho, he's dead, so go vote someone who's livin'.

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1. Someone's been in here, and didn't say a blimey thing about everythin' that's been happenin', an' I don't like that one bit.


##Vote: Proto

2. We've got a lil' under seven hours to get a-lynchin', so votals (and my apologies if I go an' screw up):

NL (0): Shinori, Sho

Kay (1): Balcerzak

Lorddomu (0): Sho

Proto (1): Me

Psych (0): Me, Sho (be dead)

Shinori (0): Raymond

Sho (3): Obviam, Raymond, Lorddomu, Psych, Rothene

Snike (0): Me

Strawman (3): Ether, Obviam, Raymond

Now for all you people that voted Sho, he's dead, so go vote someone who's livin'.

Fine, if you insist.

##Vote Eclipse

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