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“How much longer?”

The man adorned in his finest suit graciously ignored the question he’d been repeatedly hearing for the past two days. His jet-black hair was disheveled and dry from neglect, and his eyes were bloodshot—he furiously slaved away at his project as of late with miniscule amounts of sleep. He rubbed his eye absentmindedly and placed his right hand gently around the neck of his cello, which rested idly by his feet, and eventually stood, lifting his instrument up with him. His clouded eyes scanned the storage room hastily, hardly marveling at the rows and rows of highly organized music files; it was all monotony to him by now, all of it. Instantly he spun about, facing the impatient student behind him in an instant. The volatile expression upon his face caused his underclassman to step back, flabbergasted and startled, though after a few more awkward minutes of silence (save for the faulty radiator), he spoke up again, despite the potential danger to his well-being. “Maurice, when?

”Soon!” The man’s voice reverberated across the musty room, possibly causing the dust in some of the corners to rise and spread about the air. It was surprising how devastating his irate voice could be: he wasn’t a singer, and he never had been. Maurice Cohn bit his lip and sighed. Of course this wasn’t going to be easy. “… Soon,” he repeated, pianissimo this time, “all right? You gotta give me a bit more time here… just a bit. This little game is almost done. I had to make a few more contacts… some of them have been harder to cooperate with.”

The student behind him nodded, feigning a look of complacency; it was a considerable effort to hide his disappointment. “The choirs are unaware, then?”

“Completely unaware. They won’t know what’s coming until it comes.”

“Will you start with a corpse?”

This caused Maurice’s countenance—or perhaps his aura, it couldn’t be certain—to change abruptly and suddenly, almost as if lightning had struck the tower and set fire to half of the campus. The student, finally fearful enough for his life, did a full pivot and dash for the door, realizing now, to his dismay, what it had all meant when he discovered it locked. He heard the man’s voice again, footsteps approaching.

“Where’s the fun in that?” His voice adopted a terrifyingly dark tone, “I’d rather start… with a hostage.”



Choral Mafia I

Choral Mafia II

--Choral Mafia II Postgame Thread

Choral Mafia III


1. This is a NOC (No Outside Contact) game. CARA users, this is just like a classic CARA game, so pay this rule no heed. No discussion outside of the game forum is allowed, and posting of role PMs will result in a modkill.

2. Editing of posts, for very specific reasons in this game, will not be tolerated. If Reinfleche (if he’s still modding this game with me <._.^) or I notice any major edits in a post, you will be warned. If I notice an edit but it is minor, I'll let it slide a few times (maximum number of times: two).

3. THE LIST OF ROLES GUARUNTEED NOT TO BE IN THIS GAME: vanilla townie, vanilla mafia, any form/variant of the disguiser role, and death millers. Any other role or role variant is possible. Expect unorthodox roles.

4. If you are killed and do not understand why: if I do not specify it as a modkill, then it was not a modkill.

5. If you are dead or not playing, do not ask me for role/private game information.

6. All votes must be done in this format: ##Vote: Your mom

as well as unvotes: ##Unvote: Your mom

Any votes made in an incorrect format will not be counted.

7. ROLEPLAYING IS OPTIONAL, but I do encourage it~ Any and all post restrictions, however, must be followed.

8. Players will be advised to pay close attention to special events/flavor text, as they may or may not specify certain happenings in the game.

9. PLAY TO WIN! Do not purposely sabotage your side/your side’s win conditions—this will not be tolerated. Ruining the fun and the integrity of the game for others simply for your own amusement is unacceptable.

10. If there are players dedicating more of their time to participating in the game (typing up longer posts than most players, for example), I will look down upon players who patronize them (e.g.: whining about the longer posts and refusing to acknowledge them). You’re allowed to ignore longer posts, of course, but do it silently—I don’t want the game thread cluttered with unneeded complaining and whining, especially over players who happen to be putting their best effort into the game. Thank you!



Let me start this over again. First of all, I'm planning on this game to be started at least by the middle of November, when my creative streak is at its peak. Secondly: This is an anonymous game, and I'm allowing up to fifteen signups from here again. Due to the unfortunate lack of motivated/willing mafia players at CARA lately, I might need slightly more players from here, but we'll start with fifteen.

1. Shinori <3

2. Kirsche

3. Eclipse

4. Haze

5. Bal <3

6. Paperblade

7. Hika

8. Ether <3

9. Sho

10. (Nights)

11. Proto

12. Obviam

13. Kay

14. Strawman

15. Lorddomu



Edited by Levantamos
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I actually have a choir rehearsal in half an hour though (didn't realize what time it was, whoopsie)

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I'm in

Let's see if I can manage to not get banned by the end of this one

(wait is this one taking place off-site I read your op and uhh)

yeah it's taking place off-site

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